
One Piece: I wield thunder and lightning

A youth from Earth found himself accidentally transported to the realm of pirates, where he faced battles and embraced risks amidst the tumultuous seas. In this world, there existed no legendary system, no peerless magic-only a thundering fruit, a power bestowed upon him. During this era, the Four Emperors still sailed the same ship, and the elusive One Piece had yet to assert its dominance over the seas. Within the Marine, two supremely powerful admirals commanded. Now, I, Albert Nicholas, vow to etch my name into the annals of history, spreading it far and wide across the vast expanse of this world! Author's note [Give me your power stones and i will give you chapters. Btw i will keep this LN free so no need to worry] I'm translating this great LN The original name of this series is : 海贼之掌控雷电 please support the original author

DaoistAutumn_rain · Cómic
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623 Chs

Clash of Conqurers

"Wang Zhi, are you trying to fight me?"

Captain John looked angrily at the two men beside him. It was apparent that Gorbachov, whom he had originally favored, and who could even enhance the strength of his subordinates, had been lost just like that, which made him quite unhappy.


Wang Zhi, indifferent, took a sip from the wine bottle and then slammed it on the table. He then adjusted his neck and looked down at Captain John, saying, "Captain John, my body hasn't had any exercise for a long time. I wonder how many small fries you intend to send for my sword to have a feast."

After releasing the killing intent without reservation, the others in the room seemed not to feel Wang Zhi's killing intent, continuing to eat and drink as if nothing had happened.

"Hehehe, it's quite lively here. Wang Zhi, I just saw the Golden Lion and Whitebeard fighting fiercely outside. Are you going to fight Captain John too? It's really interesting. How about considering having a child with me, Wang Zhi?"

A giantess, eight meters tall, walked in, looking like the Amazon woman among pirates.

"Hehehe, I'd rather not. I don't want to end up like those unlucky souls fed to your toy."

Wang Zhi laughed heartily, but there was a hint of fear in his tone as he looked at the big beauty in front of him.

"Linlin is back. Did you get that thing?"

Sitting in the main seat, Rocks looked at his subordinate captains fighting, completely unconcerned, and asked directly for the information he wanted to know.

Upon hearing Rocks's words, Charlotte Linlin also appeared more serious. She said, "We attacked the fleet guarding the Celestial Dragons, but unfortunately, there were several CP0 agents accompanying the guard, and in the end, that guy managed to escape."

As the target person escaped, a terrifying aura suddenly emanated from Rocks's body. Even his hair and clothes moved without wind.



The serving girls beside him all rolled their eyes and fainted, seemingly causing a chain reaction as many people in the castle also fainted. Those who didn't faint were either lying on the ground or leaning against the wall, as if an invisible force was compelling them to submit.

Facing the oncoming aura, Charlotte Linlin also released her own Haoshoku Haki. Black lightning crackled between the clash of the two auras. Meanwhile, Wang Zhi and the person wrapped in silver armor seemed not to have noticed this scene at all and continued to drink calmly, while Captain John gripped the table so hard that cracks appeared due to his excessive strength.

Nicholas looked at the cloaked figure floating beside him and held her hand, allowing her to sit beside him. At the same time, a force field quietly enveloped him and Vista.

"Whitebeard, you're really strong. Lion's Roar - Land Roll!"

The Golden Lion took a puff of his cigar, floated in the air, and stepped forward suddenly. A domineering aura spread everywhere, and the ground around Whitebeard began to stir as if an enraged beast was about to emerge. Massive waves of earth transformed into multiple lion heads and rolled towards Whitebeard.

Facing the hundreds of meters high waves of earth and the roaring lion heads, it was like the end of the world.

Whitebeard grinned.

"Gurarararara... Now, this is what I call a real fight."

Then, with a sudden burst of muscular force, his naginata was surrounded by a white sphere at the tip. Accompanied by a piercing roar, he slashed at the roaring lions before him.


For a moment, there was only a deafening roar!

When the roar subsided, the Golden Lion floated in the air, wielding the Yoru, while Whitebeard held the naginata with one hand. The two locked eyes.

Suddenly, both looked towards the center of the island, where two familiar auras were spreading rapidly.

Almost simultaneously, the two emitted powerful auras.

The collision of the four invisible auras created a storm of destruction. The clash between heaven and earth made the atmosphere unbearable, constantly roaring under the pressure.



The entire sky seemed to be affected, and what was once a clear sky was now covered by dark clouds. Terrifying black and red thunder continuously roared, and the supreme wills clashed as if they were tangible, causing the clouds to churn endlessly.

The entire sky split open at some point, revealing a massive vortex surrounded by dark clouds and black-red thunder, slowly rotating.

The surrounding sea also churned violently due to the atmospheric phenomena, with endless monstrous waves crashing. Ships in the port could only drift with the waves, and the entire island of Hachinosu seemed to be trembling under the unbearable pressure.

Many pirates, even those with considerable strength, looked pale with cold sweat on their foreheads as they observed the sources of the emanating auras.

Even those with weaker strength were directly blown away by the pressure from the clash of these kings. In the area of tens of thousands of meters centered around the castle resembling a skull, only a few dozen people could stand.

"It's... it's terrifying!"

"Is this the clash of Haoshoku Haki?"

Many pirates who had recently joined the crew looked at this terrifying scene, their teeth chattering. Looking at the apocalyptic scene in the sky, they felt as if their minds were blank.

The disparity between these powerhouses was beyond description; it was difficult to imagine whether they still had the qualification to stand if these figures unleashed their full power.

"Hahaha, wonderful, wonderful, is this the gathering place of the strongest in the sea? It's truly exhilarating!"

Unlike the pirates around who were struggling under the pressure of the aura, a young man with two long horns on his head, long hair, and carrying a wolf's fang club appeared extremely excited under this pressure—in other words, his mental state seemed somewhat abnormal.

"Kid, that's why I warned you about your arrogance earlier. There are many people here who can easily kill you. Even if your monstrous body and vitality haven't fully grown yet, in the eyes of the top powerhouses of the sea, you can still be easily erased.

So if you want to grow, then show your potential in the upcoming Bloody Feast!" 

A petite figure, wearing a chef's uniform and a chef's hat, teased a baby in her arms while speaking to the somewhat crazy young man beside her.

"Bloody Feast? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"Cough, cough."

Just as the clash of auras in the castle became more intense, a sudden cough interrupted.

Upon hearing this voice, Rocks's aura suddenly disappeared, and he smiled at the entrance, "It's Shakky."

Unlike the fighters under his command, Rocks respected Shakky, who was responsible for intelligence gathering. After all, those brainless guys could be dealt with by his fists alone, but he didn't want to easily offend the intelligence, financial, and logistical support in the crew.

"I say, Captain, although I know there are many wielders of Haoshoku Haki on board, it doesn't have to be like this. Do you know how much we lost in just a while ago? I bet we'll have to recruit another bunch of idiots soon."

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, won't happen again next time."

Rocks scratched his head apologetically, showing no trace of the overwhelming aura he had just emitted.

"Linlin, since you didn't bring back the target, what about the intelligence?"

"We did get some intelligence. It seems that the Celestial Dragons are planning something. They have been collecting rare metals from around the world lately."

Sitting in her seat, Charlotte Linlin picked up a piece of cake and stuffed it into her mouth, seemingly unaffected by what had just happened.