
ONE PIECE I Am a Merchant

I don't want to become a Marine I don't want to become a Pirate I don't want to become a Pirate Hunter I just want to be a Merchant. Don't you heard me? I AM A MERCHANT! This is the story of Dante who was on his journey to travel the world as a Merchant.

Cute_Melon · Cómic
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26 Chs

03 Trial

Dante looked at the door, an extra knob appeared besides the original knob.

As he pulled the new knob, Dante entered a room.

He saw an empty counter. Dante walked towards the counter and saw a few words on the counter.

[Download Completed] with a full bar on it.

"Completed? Did it start when I was born or after I received those memories?" Didn't want to think much, Dante clicked on the [ACTIVATE] box.




{10 drops of Heavenly Yeast (1 Coin)}

{ 1 drop of Blood Heavenly Beast (1Coin)}

{ 1 piece of Heavenly Leaf (1 Coin)}

*Current Wealth : 2 Coin

Seeing the item, Dante looked at the descriptions.

[Heavenly Yeast]

- One drop can fertilize 100 acres of barren land.

- Second drop will produce a unique taste for the flora on the land.

- edible

*The size of the land can be limited.

[Blood of Heavenly Beast ]

- A drop will purify a body

- Purify body will produce 3 times result of training

- Berserker Mode triple the strength.

*Passive berserk

[Heavenly Leaf]

- A cup of tea can cure any poison.

- A cup of tea can double a lifespan

- Only the first cup will create the heavenly effect

*Dilute version can cure some sickness.

"Mutiverses? I am in the anime world but these items don't look like anime. More likely from those novels I read. This store crossed all the verses?" Dante mumbled.

"If it was before, when my parents are on their death beds, I surely will pick the third choice without a doubt. But now, I don't have any need of it."

After he threw out the leaf from his choice, Dante was left with another two.

Basically, the Blood of Heavenly Beast will be an easy choice for him to get stronger. But the terms 'Passive Berserker Mode' made him hesitate. Dante disliked the idea of losing control.

While he knew there would be a way to control it, he still would be at a risk that he will die before having it under control or die when trying to have it under control. Not to say, if he would harm people on his side during the mode. If it was in active mode, without a doubt Dante would choose it.

While, he yearned to have strength, Dante felt a strength which under his control is the best.

On the other side, the Heavenly Yeast wasn't the best choice either. It clearly told him to go on the path of a farmer. Being in one piece to be a farmer? Dante didn't know if it was a good choice.

He sat down on the floor and thought.

After an hour, Dante closed the door and the store disappeared.

"The complete version huh." Dante scratched his head as he left his room.

As it was already night, he went to sleep.

Waking up the next day, Dante opened his saving chest, and saw his personal savings was gone. The two million berry in the chest had gone and only a few coins left.

"So, the ratio is 1:1,000,000. If I was a poor person, I can only look at it until I have my first million. I wonder if the ratio will stay the same in the complete version." Dante closed the chest and walked to another chest.

"They had left this much for me? If I had looked at them before, my coins would have increased. The store didn't count them as I had never cared to look into them." Dante looked into the chest.

He closed the chest and walked away.


"Sword? I'd rather use a gun or dagger. The sword is too troublesome to carry. Carrying guns and daggers are more convenient. Gun for distance and dagger for close." When Bunta asked whether he wanted to learn swordsmanship, Dante rejected.

Dante believed that any weapon can be strong in this world as long as he trained it to the peak. For example, Ben Beckman. How can a gun stop an admiral on his track if it didn't have certain strength.

For Dante, if he ever wants to use weapons, his choice would be pistols and daggers.

"Gun and dagger? I don't know about guns, but I've once fought a dagger user. Between sword and dagger, not just the size are different, but the principle wasn't the same. They had a different range, different maneuvers and different kinds of strikes. If you want to learn swordsmanship, I'll gladly teach you. But those two weapons, sorry. You better find your own teacher or learn them with your own experiences." Bunta said it again.

"Swordsmanship? I've thought grandpa was a fighter." Dante was shocked when he heard Bunta spoke about swordsmanship.

"Hahaha. Of course I am a swordsman, but I also know how to fight barehanded. Whatever the weapon a person uses, it is good for him to know a basic fight." Bunta laughed.

"So grandpa's hand to hand combat is..."

"Enough to beat you down." Bunta grinned.

"Tch..." Dante pouted.

As time passed, Bunta decided to allow Dante to enter the skirt of the mountain to train at night. He told Dante to fight some small beasts to gather his experiences. As for accompanying him? Bunta said, he had enough strength to survive the skirt. Unless Dante went deeper into the mountain, he would be okay.