
Chapter 37 - The Long Story of Warship Island! The Great and Old Millennial Dragon!

Author Note: Hello, guys!

I apologize for the delay in posting the chapters. Unfortunately, something happened to me that I couldn't update any chapter.

Two days ago I had a small accident while returning home and this ended up in a cut on my leg that had to be treated in the hospital. It was only five stitches to close, but it was still serious enough for me not to be able to return to work.

Because of this, I stayed away from job and consequently from the company computer that I use for my work as a writer. So for a few days the chapters will be posted every day to make up for this time.

Anyway, thank you very much to everyone for reading this fanfic and continuing here!



After the old man Bokuden finished putting all the meatballs on the fire, Noah and the girls went straight to the living room to chat.

Basically, what happened was that the old man offered to prepare a meal for them in thanks for bringing Apis back home. And since he was good at making meatballs, which took hours to make, they decided to chat to pass the time. After all, when it was finished it would already be dinner time.

In the living room, each of them took a place to sit. Nami and Nojiko sat at the table and had tea cups for them, while Noah was sitting on the floor and leaning against the wall, his sword resting on his chest. Apis was on top of a not too far box as well.

"Apis, why was the Navy after you?" After they sat on the living room floor, Nami asked her. But knowing that this was very intrusive, she waved her hands to calm the girl, "Of course, you don't have to tell if you don't want to."

"Well, I also wanted to know the answer to that." Apis shrugged as she blatantly lied, "I don't know why they took me."

"So they just kidnapped you?" Nojiko raised an eyebrow in doubt before looking at the old man, "Mr. Bokuden, is there something on this island that could make them take that kind of action?"

With her very exact question, Apis and Bokuden had different expressions. While the former was a little panicked, the latter revealed an expression of wisdom when he began to speak.

"There is nothing on this island... Apart from an ancient legend." Seeing that everyone was looking intently at him, except Apis with her expression of 'here comes that story again', he continued, "It is said that we are descendants of the Lost Island, which was very prosperous, but sank thousands of years ago. On the Lost Island, it is told, lived the Millennial Dragons. The bones of these dragons are called Dragonite and are believed to be an elixir for eternal life."

"And for a legend, would the Marines risk its reputation by kidnapping ordinary villagers? Especially a child." Nami was a little silent after asking, since her experience told her yes, but her heart tried to believe that it only happened to her. Because if the rest of the world was also like this, then she didn't want to believe in goodness.

"You're confusing things." But Noah interrupted these thoughts from surfacing in her heart. "Just as there are good people among pirates, there are also bad people in the Marines. Not everyone who is against you is your enemy, but not everyone who helps you are your friends. It depends on each individual's heart."

"So there must be someone with high power within the Marines able to move so many people like this." Nojiko immediately deduced what he meant and nodded. And recalling some information about the East Blue, she snapped her fingers, "If I'm not mistaken, it's the 8th Base Branch that is responsible for this area, right?"

"Exactly." Nami also remembered this, although that was the most information they had. They didn't know what their naval strength was, nor who commanded them.

And deciding to remain silent, Noah let the old man continue the story.

"The first king of the Lost Island was Iscardunk, who had three sons. The eldest was Bokehontas, the second was Bokenbonboko, and the third was Bokebokepon. One day, the King told them: "Listen, look for the tree that gives stars, which we believe to be in the dragon's valley.". And so, Bokehontas, Bokenbonboko, and Bokebokepon set off in search of the valley..."

A few minutes later...

'The story of this old man really makes you damn sleepy...' Noah woke up suddenly, realizing that Nami and Nojiko were looking at him as if they wanted to laugh.

And just by looking at them, he condemned them to listen to the old man's story until dusk!

"I'm going to the bathroom." Realizing that Apis must have run off somewhere, Noah yawned and left the small house. The afternoon sun was still strong in the sky, but soon twilight would arrive, 'It will take too long until the dumplings are ready and Apis shows the way to the Millennial Dragon...'

And just shrugging his shoulders, he began to walk towards the forest.

'So let's look for him.'


Thanks to his memory enhanced by the Purple Orbs, Noah could remember exactly each scene and every detail of the vague episodes he remembers watching. He was not a die-hard fan, but he tried to watch until they arrived in Sabaody. Blame the short videos showing him punching the Celestial Dragon (Tenryubito).

So, remembering the scenes and trying to make a 3D conversion, he guided himself through the forest, climbing the steep paths and hills. And after a while, he arrived at a divided passage. While Apis used a vine to cross, Luffy had made a bridge for him to cross with Nami. But since he was alone, he just jumped and easily reached the other side.

Walking a little further, Noah suddenly stopped where he was.

'I must be close now...' Closing his eyes, he tried to listen to the sounds around. He also used his Wind Manipulation to spread his Spiritual Energy around and carefully feel things.

And after a while spreading his energy around, he finally felt a large cave full of stalactites and with his goal at the bottom of the cave.

"I found you."

With a smile, Noah began to follow the path to the cave, his steps steady. But, inevitably, his steps became faster until he found himself in front of the cave. After all, he was about to see a DRAGON!

Taking a deep breath, he entered the cave and tried to make as little noise as possible. Even his sword was held firmly so that it would not hit anything.

And shortly after…

There was the creature. Resting with its eyes closed.

The Millennial Dragons were not exactly like western scaled dragons. Seeming to have evolved from an avian creature, they were full of green feathers on their surface, while the belly region carried white feathers. The most interesting thing was that under their wings and long tail were all black feathers.

But, like an old dragon, the one in front of him had weaker feather colors and it even had a bald spot and a long white beard on its chin.

"How beautiful..." Observing its size, which was about four to five times his height and much larger in length, Noah couldn't help but praise. After all, this was his first time observing such a creature, and he was just an ordinary earthling a short time ago.

And just as he was observing the beautiful millennium dragon in front of him.

A Voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

'Who are you, human?'



"Yaawn… Where is Noah? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Nami asked while yawning and realized that it had been a while since he had returned.

"It seems like he drank a lot of water…" Nojiko had long been lying on the soft floor and laughed a little. She also noticed his absence, as well as that of Apis, but she wasn't too worried about it. She could still feel the girl around with her Wind Manipulation.

"And so, the 317th King Ingrimogri III…" Old Bokuden continued telling the story, even though he could hardly keep his eyes open any longer. It was already night and old people like him should already be in bed.

"Let's look for him." Nami realized that the old man was about to fall asleep and poked Nojiko. And she had only taken one step when she felt a movement in the kitchen, from Apis, "Why is she..."

"It seems someone is going to reveal why the Marines is after her..." Nojiko yawned and led the way, going straight to where the dumplings were being cooked.

And easily concealing their movements, the two soon arrived at the location and caught Apis pouring the various meat dumplings into a large cloth bag.

And then…

"Apis, what are you doing?"


"Kyaa! It's not what you're thinking!!" Apis suddenly dropped the dumpling bowl in her hand when she was caught red-handed.

"Don't worry, we're not angry." Nami laughed at how she was now and walked up to her, stroking her head and then helping her put the dumplings in the bag, "Who are you taking the dumplings to? A friend of yours?"

"You…" Apis was a bit shocked by her kindness, expecting some kind of scolding. And after a while, she looked at the two women and nodded, "I am."

"Does this have to do with your secret?" Nojiko also helped and took the other bowl off the fire and put it in the bag, "And you don't need to tell if you don't want to."

"And how did you know I'm keeping a secret?" Feeling as if she was being read like an open book, Apis felt strange.

"We are girls, we know when we are keeping a secret." Nami winked at her and closed the bag, soon after getting up, "Everything is ready, so you can take it."

And after some time of silence on Apis' part, she finally looked at them with a bit of confidence. After all, they had only helped her so far, and they could also be of some help to her now.

"All right, you can come along..." And looking closely at them, she nodded with a serious look, "But you have to swear not to tell anyone anything."

"I won't even know what you're talking about..." Nojiko put her hand over her mouth as if she were shutting it and smiled at her.

Apis, laughing at what she did, began to walk to meet her friend.

"So let's go."

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