
One Piece: From Flevance to the King of the World!

You have a new wish order: [Gourmet hunter Alu wants to taste delicious ingredients that he has never eaten before, and the reward is a gourmet cell.] [Illya wants to summon the strongest servant to win this Holy Grail War, and the reward is the Little Holy Grail.] [Valkyrie Brunhilde is looking for the strongest human being. What is the reward in order to defeat the gods ? ? ?] Gustavus Abel has responded to prayers from countless worlds countless times. Although he is a mortal, he is like a god. One day, when he suddenly looked back, he realized that he had already stood on top of the world. And everything in the story has to be told from the perspective of the boy who escaped from the white town that day. This is a translated novel. But you will find that the quality is somewhat higher because I have the luxury of using GPT-4 (and some human editing here and there) Original novel: https://m.bqg124.com/read/136168/

FFAddict · Cómic
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376 Chs

Chapter 117

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"So, it's located here, I see."

After accidentally killing the titan underfoot, Abel had gained a very clear understanding of these ordinary titans.

And he also discovered the specific location of their weakness.

To be precise, it was not enough to just cut open the nape of a titan.

The only way to kill a titan was to strike a 1-meter long, 10-centimeter wide area on the back of their neck.

Moreover, he seemed to recall that this area was fixed, regardless of the titan's height.

That made things much easier.

Watching the quickly evaporating titan corpse on the ground, Abel still found it quite fascinating.

However, he didn't come to this world to uncover the secrets of the titans.

His wish order was to eliminate all the invading titans, and if possible, take out the colossal titan as well.

The height of the walls was a full 50 meters!

However, this height only reached the colossal titan's shoulders. Its entire head was exposed, causing unimaginable pressure and fear for the people inside.

Abel only glanced in that direction, and it reminded him of a classic GIF from his previous life.

"Alright, now that I have grasped the titan's regeneration speed and the exact location of their weakness, it's time to make up for the wasted time. The only issue is that the weapons here are a bit garbage, they really don't feel right to use."

Abel casually discarded the broken standard longsword and surveyed his surroundings. His gaze finally landed on Eren and Mikasa, who were still nearby and had yet to leave. He gestured them over.

Eren, startled back to his senses, hesitated for a moment before deciding to approach.

"Eren," Mikasa tugged at him.

"It's alright, I'll go first to see what's happening. If anything goes wrong, you can come to rescue me."

He could feel that the stranger didn't seem to harbor any ill will towards him. Besides, if the stranger wanted to harm him, he could've done it already. There was no need to wait until now.

"I apologize, I was a bit rash earlier."

"Give me your weapon."


"Your weapon, give it to me. I am going to kill the titans."

"No way! If I give it to you, what will I use?"

Without a second thought, Eren shook his head vehemently, refusing Abel's request.

"You both are too weak. You'd better stay here and cheer me on."

With an unyielding tone, Abel declared and, before Eren could react, he snatched away the two standard longswords Eren had been carrying.

"Give it back! You're not even part of the regiment. You don't even have a vertical maneuvering device. How are you going to kill titans?"

Eren was immediately upset. However, he couldn't win in a fight and could only attempt to reason with Abel.

"Kid, watch closely. I'll give you a valuable lesson today. Not everyone needs to carry around a gas canister to kill titans."

"By the way, if you don't want more innocent people to die here, go gather more weapons and bring them to me."

"The quality of these things is just too poor. I estimate I won't be able to slay many titans before they break. Remember to be quick; the speed at which I kill titans might depend on how fast you bring weapons."

Eren was fifteen years old, Abel was eleven.

Although Abel was younger in terms of actual age, most people in this world were malnourished and frail.

So, surprisingly, Abel, with his muscular physique and larger stature, seemed more 'mature.' It was hard to believe he was just an eleven-year-old boy.

Of course, this might also have something to do with the fact that his body housed a mature soul.

Given the terrifying strength he demonstrated, Eren couldn't help but feel a sliver of hope despite his disdain for Abel's words.

"Eren, where are you going?"

"I'm going to follow and see, and by the way, pick up a couple of weapons."


"Don't... Don't eat me!"



Just when an unlucky middle-aged man was about to be devoured by a titan, Abel stomped on the ground and leaped up with a bang.

Abel casually dispatched a titan by slicing open its nape, then immediately set his sights on his next target without sparing a second glance at the shocked middle-aged man he had just saved. It surprised Abel to realize that the greatest limitation to his speed in killing titans was not the low-quality weapon in his hand, but the time wasted traversing the sprawling expanse of the outer city, which the titans had been infiltrating for some time.

Moreover, these seemingly dim-witted giants were not stationary targets; they didn't just stand still waiting for him. In fact, some aberrant titans even ran at a surprisingly swift pace, causing him no small amount of trouble.

"Damn it," Abel muttered, "I need to acquire a skill or talent that can speed me up at the earliest opportunity."

"Even if that doesn't work, I need to learn the Rokushiki techniques from the Marines!"

"Captain Doflamingo wouldn't mind, would he?"

"Wait, when have I ever cared about what Doflamingo thinks? Never mind then! Who cares!"

While his mind was preoccupied, Abel's efficiency in slaughtering the titans didn't falter. Any titan that found itself in his sights was as good as dead. Up to this point, none of them had even grazed his clothing, because each time he appeared, he struck with a lethal blow that gave his opponents no chance to retaliate.

But eventually, the inevitable occurred.

After the second blade broke in his hand, Abel, standing on a titan's shoulder, was left in an awkward position. If only he could have brought the "Yoshimitsu" blade with him, he wouldn't have faced this predicament. Abel sighed, realizing that his training was still inadequate. Had he been capable of imbuing his weapons with Armament Haki, those two blades might have lasted a bit longer.

Unfortunately, there were no "ifs".

With a thud, the titan swung its hand at its own shoulder, attempting to swat the annoying pest away. This, however, provoked Abel's fury.

"You think I'm helpless without a weapon, do you?!"

Abel, who had jumped onto the titan's head, spat down contemptuously. Then, in an instant, he summoned a sharp ice blade in his hand.


With a thrust, the titan fell, its life extinguished.

Although Abel couldn't bring any weapons into this world, his physical body was identical to his real-world one, and all his skills and talents functioned normally. Therefore, he had just utilized the "Legacy of the Ice Dragon" talent to create an ice blade out of thin air. Initially, he didn't use it because it felt unnecessary – if a kitchen knife can cut the meat, why would anyone pay extra to use a laser cutter? That is, unless the kitchen knife breaks and no other blades are available.

"Where the hell did that kid go?" Abel muttered.

At that moment, two figures rapidly approached.

"Master! I've brought you the weapons!"

Finally, Eren, who had been muttering under his breath, delivered the weapons, with Mikasa, his ever-present companion, by his side.

While Abel was busy slaying giants, his actions had already caught many people's attention.