
One Piece Exploration

Qin Feng accidentally crossed over, and brought an exploration system with him?What? Be able to explore and get rewarded in any environment?'Congratulations to the host for exploring the desert and getting: Pluto, Rusha Fruit! ''Congratulations to the host for exploring the forest, obtaining the voice of all things, and controlling the wood element! ''Congratulations to the host for exploring the ocean, gaining the favor of Neptune, and being recognized by the sea! 'Fuck it, you're awesome!

Shashwat_Dubey_8647 · Cómic
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50 Chs



The red dog drank directly, and suddenly the hot red magma on his right hand came out, sprayed out, and bombarded directly in the direction of Qin Feng.

Seeing this, Qin Feng was not afraid.

With a 'boom', the attack of the red dog directly slammed on Susano, and a burst of white smoke was emitted, and then the red dog was stunned, and his dog slammed on the skeleton giant, and actually did not cause the slightest damage.

"How is that possible?" Akainu was shocked.

"How is it impossible." Qin Feng sneered, controlling Susano, and launched an attack against the red dog, swinging the huge katana, slashing towards the red dog one after another.

'Boom! '

'Boom! '

'Boom! '

The sound of the port sounded one after another, and every time the huge katana fell, the port would be smashed out of a large pit, and cause dust to rise, spreading into the area and making it difficult to see the situation inside.

'Yikes! '

Susanoo slashed down again, and in an instant, he directly struck the red dog, splitting it in half.

However, Qin Feng's face did not show any joy, because the red dog was not dead yet.

The red dog that was split in half turned into magma to recover, and then looked at Qin Feng even more angrily. "Damn boy, I'm going to wipe you out here today."

"Big Spitfire!"

Akainu shouted.

On his right hand, violent hot magma emerged, condensing into a huge fist, emitting a roaring high temperature, as well as a terrifying aura, and slammed into Susanoo with a punch. It was a terrifying punch that could almost smash an iceberg bigger than a giant.

Qin Feng's face became solemn.

The kaleidoscope in the pupils turned wildly.

'Add a native life! '

With a low sigh in his heart, in the scarlet pupils, the ability of the Sharingan was activated, and the black Amaterasu flame suddenly spread out, forming a black flame shield on Susano's left hand.

Without the slightest pause, Qin Feng directly controlled Susanoo and raised his black flame shield to block the front.


The big Spitfire of the red dog bombarded the flame shield abruptly, and the powerful power erupted at this moment, forming a wave of qi that swept in all directions, and Susano's huge body couldn't help but take a few steps back.


Still blocked.

Blocked this blow from the red dog.

The flame shield dissipated, and the attack of the red dog also dissipated in the air.

"How is that possible? How is this possible? The red dog was unbelievable, you must know that it was his most powerful single move, and now this move was actually blocked by a character he had never heard of.

Akainu's heart was full of consternation.

"Nothing is impossible."

Qin Feng sneered. "Next, it's my turn."

When the voice fell, Qin Feng directly manipulated Susano, his mind moved, and the earth life was immediately used, and the black Amaterasu flame directly covered the huge katana on Susano's right hand.

Waving his right hand.

Susanoo raised the katana wrapped in Amaterasu's flames and slashed at the red dog.

'Boom! '

'Boom! '

The ground shook again.

The figure of the red dog kept flashing, and Qin Feng used Susanoo for the first time, but his movements were still too slow. Akainu almost constantly uses his shaving to dodge Susanoo's attacks, making it difficult to hit.

"In that case, let's try this trick."

A cold gleam flashed in Qin Feng's eyes, and he stopped Susano's attack, but instead stared at the red dog with a cold gaze.

Just when the red dog was wondering.

Qin Feng immediately drank low. "Amaterasu!"

The black flame suddenly spread, and suddenly swept over the red dog's body and burned, and the blazing temperature made the red dog suddenly pale.

"Damn, what kind of flame is this?"

The red dog cursed secretly, and immediately wanted to elementalize and avoid the attack of this flame. But then he was stunned, this flame was still burning when he was elementalized, as if it would not stop if he did not extinguish the ashes he burned.

"Let's taste the power of Amaterasu." Qin Feng sneered.

Amaterasu is not so easy to dodge, especially if you don't know this trick, it is difficult to dodge at all.

But at this time.


A tingling pain suddenly came from his eyes, and Qin Feng's vision suddenly felt a little blurry, and there was even some liquid flowing at the corner of his eyes.

It was scarlet blood.

"Did it start so soon?!"

Qin Feng touched his eyes and muttered, the worst thing about the kaleidoscope is excessive use, which will lead to excessive consumption of pupil power, and eventually even become blind.

Wiping away the blood flowing from his eyes, Qin Feng gritted his teeth and directly manipulated Susano.

"Die. Red Dog!! "

With a roar, Susanoo raised his huge katana and slashed directly at the area next to the port.

'Boom! '

Because the previous attack had caused the port to be damaged everywhere, and the ground was full of large and small potholes, and with Qin Feng's move, the entire port began to shake, and finally began to sink slowly, about to fall to the bottom of the sea.

Looking at the red dog who was still in the port, Qin Feng did not have the slightest hesitation, lifted Susano, and then immediately jumped onto the ship not far from the sea surface of thr land