
One Piece: Anything is Possible!

Ja who died of an airplane cash wakes up in a endless void as he's giving 4 wishes. Read as he enters into a more dangerous world of One Piece and finds out that Anything is Possible! - mc has appearance of Kenpachi Zaraki by the way

SteaIth · Cómic
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10 Chs





My name is Ja and I just got hit by a plane leading to my death... right now I'm in front of this figure which has the body of a male, the only downside is that he doesn't have any clothes so I have to look up.

Right now this figure has been staring at me for 7 minutes straight and I'm wondering what he's trying to do to me, maybe I'm about to be judged and sent to Heaven or Hell.

[I see so you're one of them, I was going to send you to heaven since you're in my book of life, but now I've decided against it...as you know...I need entertainment.] said ??? snapping his fingers.

[How do I know that you're not the devil and I'm not in a coma and you're not trying to send me to hell??] I said as I didn't want to fail any type of test God has set for me to go to Heaven or be reincarnated into a different world.

[Is this enough to prove that I'm not the devil, but I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am God!] said 'God' as he snapped his fingers making there be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of planets....some in the same shape, some in different sizes....surrounding me...and I could see no end to them.

[So you are him...you're the alpha and the omega..the one above all...you're God!!] I yelled in astonishment as I had never seen anything like this with my own eyes.

[Yes you are correct, now I will reincarnate you into a world of your choice, and I will also give you a system with 4 wishes....but there are some limits to the wishes.] God said as he waited for me to grasp everything before he proceeded to talk.

[Rule No.1 you may not make a wish that involves you opposing me in any way, no.2 you may not wish you could wish to wish to make you do that, and rule no.3 you may not wish for unlimited wishes or wish you could wish for them. Is that understood?]

[Bruh, ok.]

[You may proceed with your wishes.] said God as he lifted his index finger and 4 orbs surrounded my head.

[For my first wish I wish for my system to not be non-sentient, for my second wish I wish for a mythical zoan fruit that gives me the will of a God, for my third wish I wish for the one piece world to be more interesting for me as in more powerful with more people inside it and more marines with more sub ranks and more dangerous pirates with high-level bounties, and for my final wish I wish for a zenkai boost that gives me a 5% boost in my power when I lose a battle.] I said as I crossed my fingers hoping for all my wishes to be confirmed.

[Your first wish can be done, your second wish will be different, as there's only one God which is me of course, so I'll change everything in one piece that refers to anyone as a 'God' as a 'Pillar' or a 'Supreme King--

[That suits me well I guess it's not bad.] I said at loud cutting God of.

[Cut me off again and I'll reincarnate you without your memories!] He exclaimed as I instantly just shut my mouth right there and there.

[Right, as I was saying your second wish can be done but they'll be referred to as a "Pillar or a Supreme King, your third wish will be done 100%, and your final wish is also granted but it will be a 7% boost instead.] said God as he raised his index finger.

Suddenly a huge portal as huge as Mt.Everest appeared right before my eyes and sucked me right into it, knocking me unconscious.

I then woke up feeling my body partially but it felt so small for some reason and I felt like I was under a pool.

[Maybe it was all a joke.... my head was probably playing with me...I must've not died...I'm probably in a coma too....] I said as I was about to give up on life, suddenly I heard a sound that would change my life forever.













Anything is Possible!!! - KG

SteaIthcreators' thoughts