

Kaito passed out. When he woke up, he was in a random house. The man who had saved him had red hair,a cool voice,and he had a picture of him and Luffy on his wall. Nothing was too off about him,except the fact that he only had one arm. Kaito looked at the spot the man's arm used to be. Kaito burst into tears. "Shanks...",Kaito muttered."THANK YOU!!!",Kaito yelled. Shanks was the one who took care of Luffy and did everything he could to make sure Luffy survived. Kaito and Shanks talked for hours and hours. "Well I've get to get going.",Kaito said. "I'm gonna be the pirate king!"

"Alright kid.",Shanks replied. "Bye!


Kaito walked out. There was a boat near by,parked at the dock. He took the boat and started paddling away. "Hey!",a stranger yelled. "That's min-",Shanks held him back. "Don't worry.",he said.

Kaito waved back to the village and paddles away.

"He's going to be the king of the pirates."