
Marinford Part 1

"I will eat..." Rid was thinking about what fruit he will eat. 'Nomu Nomu, need time and i don't have it. Arashi Arashi, pretty useless for me. Dangan Dangan, same as Arashi. So i think i will wait and kill Kuma before he turns into Pacifista, wait and find his fruit then eat it. Or i can knock out Kuma then wait until Blackbeard appears ask him to i join his crew, then ask him to extract Kuma's fruit and give it to me. I choose his devil fruit because it is OP as fuck. I think i will pick second because it's cooler and faster.' Rid turned to Stone and said "I think i will not eat any of this fruits so you can keep them and let's go to training.","Oka~ay co~ome to tra~aining." Then they came back to cells and started training.

Some time later.

They almost was at Marinford. War was about to start, there was couple minutes before Whitebeard appeard and Rid with Red was almost there they need 4 minutes to appear. Rid was waiting with Red, they bored but still waited until Rid can't wait to see start of the fight. So he grabed Red in Princess carry, (No homo guys.) broked through the water and flew to Marinford. Now they need 3 minutes to appear at Marinford.

2 minutes 30 seconds later.

From underwater can be heard sounds of fight. Red almost passed out because he had weaknesses of all devil fruit users, the sea and (if logia) Haki. Also about Haki Rid learned Armament Haki from Red on 100% also learned Observation Haki on 100% due to ×100 learning speed. Rid learned Conqueror's Haki on 40% it was hard. Due to Unlimited Potential he got everything like this Conqueror's Haki. Rid's strength grew from same as Whitebeard's without fruit to a bit stronger then Whitebeard without fruit. Or if this will be easier from S to S+.

Rid was closer and closer to Marinford. Then he dlew out of the water and everyone who watched or was fighting the/in stopped watching/fighting and looked at them. Rid just waited to Red was in state where he could fight. He was in that state after 10 seconds.

"HEY!!! WHO IS WHITEBEARD?!!" Rid screamed that can be heard across the battlefield. Everybody noticed that this guy who entered war is minimum can fight a Rear Admiral and somebody know who is he.

"I'm the Whitebeard!" Said tall and muscular man in white coat with white mustache.

Rid grabed Red and runned to Whitebeard with speed that only Rear Admirals and above noticed.

"Hmm, I would like to fight you but we on war so later" Rid.

"Gurararara, Don't be too confident brat! I'm still a STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD!" Whitebeard.

"Okay, goodbye i will go fight. I hope you don't die too late." Said Rid with mocking tone then flew towards battlefield.

Seeing this Vice Admiral, Hero of the Marines, Monkey.D.Garp flew towards Rid and hitted him in the face. He got step back.

"Monkey. D.Garp, Hero of the Marines, Also Grandfather of Monkey.D.Luffy. Hehe, you not so strong for your status." Mocked Rid.

Garp got angry and attacked again but this time in gut. Rid simply grabed his fist and punched in the ribs broking couple. Of course Rid used only half of his power. He just knew that Garp won't die or get seriously injured.

"Garp, i will spare your life for this time. You need get stronger and more calm." Rid.

Then Rid flew to Marinford's wall and started climbing it...

Yee first part.

and this is the rankings if interesting.

F: Average One Piece Man.

D: Normal marine or Pirate.

E: Marine Commander or 50 Million Pirate

C: Rear Admiral or 150 Million Pirate or less

B: Vice Admiral or 200-350 Million Pirate or less

A: Admiral Level or 400-500 Million Pirate or Less

S: Yonko Level

SS: Strongest Creature.

SSS+: Power that can destroy world.

ZAWANIMEcreators' thoughts