
One more riddle

oluwatobi_Johnson · Ciudad
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2 Chs

Chapter Two

1. All the months of the year.

Each Month of the year has 28 days, and none has less.

2. A sponge.

A sponge literally has countless number of holes, and still yet holds water for a minimum of two (2) or more minutes.

3. Are you asleep yet?

The above question can never be answered or say 'yes' to. It is abnormal to answer 'yes' to the question.

4. The future.

There's a saying that says " no one knows what the future says". Yet the future is right in front of us, but we can't see what exactly it holds.

5.A promise.

Absolutely, it is only a promise that one could break without picking or holding, even without a touch.

Just by a mere negligence or a negative action.

6. He was bald.

Other parts of his body will only get wet, but the surface of his head will indicates an "heavy sunshine".

7. Your age.

Age is the only disrespecter of Isaac Newton quote: "What goes up must come down."

Age in this case will never goes down.

8. A candle.

Before been lighted, it can be consider to be young. But after been lighted (when it has actually finished burning), then it can considered to be old.

9. There aren't any—it's a one-story house.

10. An egg.

It is useless with been broken. But immediately it was broken then it becomes useful.


Do you that "your word" is What you keep after giving it out to someone.??