
One Down,Up to go

Fantasy Romance
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What is One Down,Up to go

Lee la novela One Down,Up to go escrita por el autor Gothlover233 publicada en WebNovel. ...


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The lake of tears

The twin mountains were named that for a reason. Two tall peaks, standing in stark opposition to one another, their faces blown by the relentless winds and pummeled by the storms that roll in. Despite their harshness, the peaks still have a beauty to them, standing as sentinels against nature's fury. The storms and wind are relentless, and even those who would dare brave them must be wary of falling and never returning to the valley below. Centuries ago the Water goddess lived in the twin mountains. In this era, everything was calm and beautiful. She loved the rare flowers that just grow in the twin mountains and the villagers that lived near. For a long time she didn't knew that she had a half-brother, the wind god. They just met when they were 130 years old, what in human years is 19. Even when they met, they still didn't knowing that they were half-siblings. They get along very well, and in no much time they fell for each other. They even got married! They loved each other so much! Even the wind god was kinda rude and selfish, he showed his love for her so well. Their love was so strong that they couldn't control their own powers, and that made a chaos to the humans. The rain don't stoped falling and the wind was so aggressive! The water goddess, to save the humans, sacrificed herself in the top of the twin mountains. Obviously the wind god tried to stop her, but he couldn't. He got so angry about the humans that in the nowadays the twin mountains have the most aggressive wind. Well, when the water goddess died her body turned into water, and then, became the lake of the tears.

maryhelois · Fantasía
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3 Chs


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