
Chapter 14.5

"Run, why should I. I don't care if they die or live, all I need is getting someone to kill. Brat, I will kill you and then I will kill your friends slowly, ripping apart their limbs so..."

"Bitch you talk too much, now sleep", Izuku fires his gun, "Wow, my favorite headshot, I should try Olympics, maybe I will be able to snatch a medal or two"

He turns back, "Don't worry he is just unconscious, that bullet ain't lethal, Momo tie him up and then go back Kirishima and Sero are near"

"Izuku what about you?"

"Isn't it obvious, I am going to play"

"Come along us", Jiro retaliated, Izuku looked her, his eyes were stone cold, "When I said go, I meant it", he smiled, "I know you worry a lot about me but seriously this place is dangerous, go back, shoo, shoo, don't turn back. Don't try to stop me, Momo I trust you for their lives, please take good care of my precious dumb friends", he gave a wicked smile, "Bye"


"Didn't I tell you not to stop me sparky? It's for your good. Now I request you to head back, the next time won't be a request", Izuku leaves the place, he reaches a big water-filled lake, with a ship stuck in between, on it was Mineta and Tsuyu surrounded by villains, "Are you guys all right", he shouted, "Villains listen your leader is dead, retreat your else die"

He waited for some time, "Looks you guys either take me too lightly or don't care about your life. Well it's God's will, now be prepared to die", He takes out another baton from his suit and inserted a small chip, "Master mode", he jumped into the water with his baton, and quickly swam towards the ship, thankfully he was a better swimmer than the rest, "Tsuyu, can you hold the baton for five seconds in the water with your tongue"

Tsuyu took the baton and extended her tongue, as soon as at baton touched, the villains fainted after being electrocuted, "I know it's hard but Tsuyu can you take Mineta with you, I will be going to help others"

"You don't need to, others are capable of defending themselves, you should take your care first"

"Well, thank you, but just like I told it's hard but I request you to go back and join others", he jumps into the water, "Well take care of that baton, I will be taking it, if Mineta does something don't use it else he will die"

Izuku got out of the water, "Fuck my suit is drenched, I hate it", he shook himself, "Well I should be going"

Izuku ran, he came across Eijiro and Tokoyami, they were caught up in the fire, Izuku helped them, unlike others they didn't stop him and went back quickly, "Now all that is left is Kachhan and others, well I can't remember their names but that gravity girl is with them too"

He went further, he found Bakugo defending others against two villains while protecting others, "Kacchan", he shouted, "You should leave now, I will take care of the rest, sensei is over there, go back with others"

"Zuzu don't you dare go alone, I am not leaving these guys to you"

"You did it again. Sorry villains, I can't kill you anymore, I didn't bring spare bullets", he jumped in took his knife, and quickly swing his knife, Bakugo couldn't do anything, the villains couldn't do anything, they were unable to move, "Don't try it you can't move, I just had sliced your tendons, they may take months to recover, no hard feelings", Izuku kicked their faces rendering them unconscious, "Now Kacchan goes, only one guy is left, Todoroki, I request you to live him to me, sensei is injured, go find him. Just leave"

"Zuzu, why are you saving that half-half?"

"Well there isn't any reason, I just want to play. Now go, take care of others"

Bakugo didn't say anything, he left the scene, "Tch, always trying to do everything by himself"

Izuku left the place, he was in a chilly area, "Fuck, how do they make such areas, well I have something in my sleeves, he pressed the button in his suit, "It feels cozy, I want to sleep", the suit becomes hotter, soon the suit was dry and Izuku wasn't cold anymore.

He continued, he saw Todoroki fighting with a villain, he seemed to be in trouble, Todoroki want any help, I can help you"

"Shut up, I don't need your help, I will beat this bastard with just my left"

"Hey kid over there, don't run, once I kill him, I will kill you"

"Alright uncle, I will just sit here. Todoroki is an idiot, he thinks he can beat your Strength enhancing quirk by just using his ice, ice is weak to your punches"

"How did you know my quirk?"

"Just a guess... To tell you the truth I am a big fan of yours Macho"

"I didn't know I was that popular"

"You are a true villain, you pulp your opponents. It thinks you can beat even All Might"

"Stop talking with him and come at me, I will beat you with just my left"

"I will beat you with just my left, is that your signature line"

"No uncle, he has daddy issues. He is Endeavor's kid, the one who got you arrested"

"Thank you kid, I will end you quickly for telling me, I will kill Endeavor's kid"

"No problem uncle"

"Todoroki, use your fire else uncle is going to kill you"

"Shut up, I said shut up", Todoroki sent out a wave of ice, the villain smashed it into bits, for a while the same thing repeated, Todoroki used ice while Macho smashed it.

Soon Todoroki was at his limits, "Here I come", Todoroki used all his powers to create multiple layers of ice, all rushing towards Macho, who easily broke them with his punches, Todoroki was now affected by his quirk, he was having frostbite.

"Todoroki use your fire"

"Shut up, I said shut up"

Macho marched towards him, "This is bad", Izuku jumped in between, "Sorry uncle you have played enough with him. I am bored, please play with me", he took off his hands, rotated it and smacked him down, "I can't match your strength. Can I?"

Macho got up, Izuku went away from him, "Kid not bad, you are better with that half-ass"

"I will take that as a compliment"

Macho jumped towards him, Izuku took out knives from his shoes, and threw, Macho couldn't avoid them in mid-air, despite being cut he continued heading towards Izuku, "Kid, you seriously are a good prey, I am excited"

"It's my honor, but I don't think I will play with you any longer. Sorry uncle but you need to die", Izuku took out knives from his sleeves and headed towards the villains, He grabbed his hand and rotated Macho, grabbed his neck, Izuku dropped his knife, "Not again kid", Izuku smiled, "Uncle is an idiot, falling for a simple trick", Izuku kicked the knife slashing his leg, Izuku then took out another knife from his back, he sliced his hands, blood was flowing nonstop, you are great, killing you will be fun"

"Same as here but I can't kill you", Izuku kicked, provided himself with some distance, "Now playtime is over. Sorry but Die"

Izuku took the knives and rushed towards the villain, unable to keep up with his moments, Izuku swings his knives, cutting himself all over, Macho fell, "You will recover in a couple of months I hope you get well soon", Izuku picks unconscious Todoroki and leaves the villain.

On reaching the entrance he was shocked, Nomu was lying on the floor but Kurogiri and the other man were standing, Izuku dusted his clothes, "Where are the mist and blue hair going? If you are going home then take a gift", Izuku threw two knives at them, the moment All Might arrived, "Young Midoriya to...", it was already late, the knife plunged their bodies, soon both vanished.

Izuku dropped Todoroki down, "He has frostbite, take care of him. He may have multiple fractures in his ribs"

He went towards Aizawa, "Sensei, I kept your promise, I didn't kill anybody. But I can't say about the ones who were in the water, they may have drowned, some guys should check them"

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