
On your way back home

The road to redemption has got no GPS. Since every story got three sides: The victim, the bad guy and the fact. Nobody knows it all. Compilation of short stories of all kinds. Mirroring the society and individuals' lives. ~This book is not for close minded people. And if violence ain't your best suit, kindly look for another book that meets your preference. Ps: I'm doing this for the money and my peace of mind.

General_Majesty · LGBT+
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37 Chs


There's no way in life that no one had never heard about jail life nor being even a little bit curious about it.

Well, Devine heard plenty and they were all gruesome to him. He just felt worse facing off with his cellmate.

He was an unsure kid growing up but, at that moment when the legend turned to face him with a smirk?, He knew it then. Hundred percent sure that the morning will find him dismembered pitifully and turn into a sad, touching story to whoever was interested to know.

"You're loud" Uttered Vion gruffly. He wasn't much of a talker. No psychopath was anyway.

"Oh, I guess it's just the nerves"

"Perfect" Said Vion returning to his prior position with his back facing Devine casually. But, Devine's mind was going haywire.

Perfect what?.

Perfect for murder?.

Too weak to use force dislocating his bones?

Perfect for what?!.

But, should he pry?, That was a big No!.

He was genuinely nervous, afraid and very young to die that night. Should he tell him that at least?. Still a big No.

It was then that he understood why people don't sleep in their first few weeks in there. He was dreadfully tired and sleepy but, when the light went out, his senses became active instantly.

Which was stupid since if Vion wanted to do anything to him, he would without resistance. Devine was all bark with no bite on the streets, imagine meeting an alpha, comfortable in his skin and name.

Vion Cerelez was just very intimidating.

While, he was a fake. Always was but, why didn't his parents ever notice that?.

It was eternity later when he started to hear something shifting in the room and the only thing he knew was that it was time.

He wished he could have the chance to negotiate about his torture session because, he didn't want his face to look like_ Not like him at all.

But, then all he heard later on was whimpers, someone was whimpering inside their cell. Are there ghosts in jail?

For the life in him, He dared not to assume that the whimpers came from Vion. It's just impossible.

But, then they seemed to him more disturbing and that's when he decided to bite the bullet and went to Vion. Was it his best decision?.

He didn't stop to think about all that. He just didn't like it when a person is in distress, it unnerves him in turn.

Who would have thought that even maniacs have nightmares?. Whatever things Vion was seeing in there was so painful that even Devine could feel fro two inches apart distance but, Devine didn't know what to do for a person other than himself having nightmares.

Whenever he seems to dream about something bad he just slap himself in his dream and the next thing he'll know is that he's wide awake, covered in sweat, dirt and puke with whatever he used earlier that night in his hand.

Point is that, he had to slap the legend in the face and fast if he wanted to be in peace and that's what he did.

For a few seconds after Vion woke up, they were just facing each other, frozen in place. With one coming to the realization that he had just been slapped awake while, the other was just too weak in the knees to move. Vion's eyes pinned him there like that.

"Do you know what I do to boys like you?" Asked Vion taking out his blade under his pillow and Devine could only gulp in fear.