-----------------/-------------------000000000--= WSA 2024 Contestant -----------------^--------------------000000000--= Please add to Collection/Library and support with Powerstones, Thank-You. =------------↑--------↓---------↑--------↓-----------= When a massive gamma-ray burst from Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to Solar system, irradiated the planet, humanity was changed forever. Millions died, but those who survived developed incredible superpowers, ranging from body strengthening to telepathy to pyrokinesis. Now meet Leo, a young man who discovered he could create perfect copies of himself at will. He thought he had hit the jackpot, until he realized that his clones had minds of their own, and some of them were not so friendly. Now, he must find a way to control his power, before his duplicates take over his life and the world.
Year 2009
Various observatories on earth blazed with red lights and alarms, the scientists overwhelmed by what they are witnesing were at loss for words. Global leaders in space engineering NASA, ISRO and ESA observed feedbacks from satellites and telescopes focussed towards proxima centauri, with terrified expressions they concluded the event as a potential gama-ray burst.
The major techno political powerhouses on earth joined togather to form the final alliance for humanity, to find a solution to the cosmic event that might determine the fate for humanity, in atmost secracy, they build bunkers and energy shielding technology to tackle the cosmic event, built satellite arrays to monitor the activity on proxima centauri, and devised a 4 year plan to ensure atleast 10% of the human population survives the event.
But the great unknown cosmos has once again surpassed the expectation of even the brightest minds on earth, an energy wave of unknown and unidentified energy arrived faster that expected, faster than the speed of light.
Year 2012
The night sky was ablaze with a brilliant blue light. Astronomers around the world were stunned by the sight of Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, erupting in a violent explosion. They quickly realized that they were witnessing a rare and catastrophic event: a gamma-ray burst, the most powerful explosion in the universe. They scrambled to alert their colleagues, the media, and the authorities, knowing that the blast of radiation was heading towards Earth at the speed of light.
Meanwhile, in orbit, the satellites that monitored the space weather were overwhelmed by the sudden surge of gamma rays and solar wind. Their sensors and circuits were fried, rendering them useless. The operators on the ground lost contact with them, and with each other. The global network of communication and navigation was collapsing.
On the surface, the people who saw the blue light were filled with awe and curiosity. They did not know what it was, or what it meant. They did not know that it was a harbinger of doom, that in a matter of minutes, the Energy rays would reach the atmosphere and unleash a chain of disasters that would threaten the survival of life on Earth. They did not know that they were living the last moments of peace and normalcy, before the world plunged into chaos and darkness.
The blue energy wave passed through earth, destroying all communication systems, electronics and causing earthquakes and tsnunamies, it was an apokalypse on earth, but surprizingly humans seemed unaffected, this baffled scientists, there were those that are relieved and there were those that sensed something terrible is coming.
The bunkers that were build to save humanity did serve some purpose, it preserved complex electronics and with that in the following years humanity re-established communication, rebuilt cities, rebuilt society and social norms, but.
Year 2018
Various medias reported a strange event, plants and trees across the world started withering, parts of forests formed into barren lands, global climates changed, became unpredictable., upon studies it is found that various plants are exibiting mutation, formation of unknown dna sequences, this is confirmed as various kinds of new plants and vegitation started growing, not only that some harmful bacterias and viruses became extinct, it didnt stop there, various pets and animals showed signs of mutation, became fierce and bloodthirsty, news of pets attacking owners caused chaos, global policies established to eliminate pets that shows violent behaviours. but the threat didnt stop there, wild animals started coming to roam into cities and human habitats, apart from therir increased ferocity and bloodthirst, they showed signs of extreme mutations, abnormal body parts, increased strength and agility, fearing the trend, various countries started isolating forests, creating strengthened walls to contain the strong mutated creatures.
Research on these mutated beasts provided insight onto what may await humanity as the possible mutation of humans from homo sapiens sapiens to something unknown loomed above humanity, only good news is that the materials including the meat of these mutated beasts contained special effects, thus humans started isolating various beast habitats and started hunting for beast materials, guns were effective albeit needed a bit more effort than the usual, the mutated plants showed signs of higher medicinal properties, humanity enjoyed a new era of prosperity.
Peace was once again broken as a global pandemic started as patients showed high fevers of extreme temperatures and agonizing cries, the doctors were unable to find a cure nor were able to identify the cause of this, only possible culprit to this points to the blue energy of the past, patients that exhibited these high fevers subsided within 48 hours but showed signs of mutation, the internet is flooded with zombie apocalypse and conspiracy theories.
The first of mutants showed physical changes such as unconditional growth of body hair to anatomical deformations to abnormally high body odors, the only good news was that none showed signs of aggression or bloodlust, more and more mutants appeared from then on, some humans showed superhuman abilities, extra sensory abilities, some had extra limbs, the internet coined these people as mutants.
The word mutant quickly became synonymous with superhumans as more and more mutants showed superhuman abilities such psychic abilities and elemental abilities resembling magic in fantasy stories.
Year 2024
The world health organization WHO concluded that almost 87% of human population above the age of 20 as well as 90% of animal population has been confirmed to have developed into mutants. Not only that but its confirmed that the mutant beasts are showing signs of becoming stronger.
WHO advises that consumption of beast meat showed permanent increase in physical abilities but it is observed that over consumption causes extreme side effects.
Year 2037
The world now has a complete grasp of the situation, the catestrophic event that happened on year 2012 is termed as the Omega event and this event caused mutation on human dna as well as animal and plant dna. It is identified that the humans above the age of 20 undergoes a process called awakening that lasts anywhere from a few hours to a maximum of two days, after this, irrespective of the time it took, a mutation may occur which grants a superhuman ability.
By using one's ability repeatedly, one can gain higher proficiency in utilizing their ability
this gave rise to a new occupation called hunters, who hunts wild beasts or collects rare plants using their ability, this helps increasing their ability and keeping the beast population in control, due to this, hunters are a highly reputed occupation and with various abilities, humanity is once again on a prosperous path.