
Chapter 3


"What's the matter, girls?" Yongmin ask her two friends who were tailing Hyessa for days already. She didn't mind it at first thinking that they were just playing, but the as days passed, it made her more curious about it and thought that it isn't just a play game

"Hyessa was keeping something" Sera retorted. "I thought we shouldn't be keeping secrets to each other?" She added remembering their friendship vow bond they promised to each other when they were tasked as the angels' superiors to guide them and teach them

Yongmin was amused by her friend and took a glance at Hyessa who just shrug and smiled "You'll all know about it soon anyway" Yongmin tilts her head at Hyessa's statement. She was now in deep thought about the mysterious topic Hyessa was keeping

"Do you have any idea about what she was referring to, Yongmin?" Missya ask in hope also crimpling in full curiosity

Before she could answer Missya's question, someone knock to the door in their office which made all the four head turn in that direction. Missya stood up and twisted the knob to be surprise at the person who was behind at the door

"Oh? Zero" She spoke. Sera reacted at the mention of her brother as the man entered the room with the gardener. Yongmin look at the two men and crossed her arms elegantly "May I know your concern Zero?"

"I don't have a concern Yongmin noona (older sister)" Zero spoke and gestured his hand towards the aged man beside him "He ask me to accompany him here to you in knowing that no one is allowed to enter here without consent"

Yongmin nodded in understanding and sat down on her white pale swivel chair that was elegantly structured uniquely "What's the concern Mr. Hong?"

He bowed nervously at the four mistresses in respect before speaking "Good day Mistresses. I am here to inform you that there's something missing in the Garden of the Headquarters" He spoke in a gentle toned due to his age

Yongmin knitted her brows at the old man's statement. Missing? Missya and Sera look at each other in confusion and disconcertion. How would something be missing in the Garden when no one can even get out of the Garden if you took something in the Divine Greenhouse

"That's why I asked for Zero's help me to tell you this news Ms. Yongmin" Mr. Hong added

"Why would something be missing inside the Greenhouse? I thought no one can enter nor can get out with intentions?" Sera ask in astonishment hearing the breaking news "What object was missing Mr. Hong?" Zero ask

Mr. Hong felt like he was being poured by a bucket full of ice-cold water that made him shiver in pure nervousness with a hint of fear. He didn't know how to explain the whole situation to his superiors

"It wasn't a garden tool nor a plant Ms. Missya" he answered which made Yongmin took a glance at the surprisingly calm and relaxed Hyessa before turned her full attention to the gardener and gestured him to continue

"A soul was missing Ms. Yongmin"


"Pardon?" I saw how the flirty girl's smile vanished in an instant. "You said my sister was seducing a lot of men here. Why don't we report it to the faculty?" He replied with a shrug. The corners of my lips lift up a bit somewhat knowing what was Junghyun's intention

He was handling those girls professionally like a mature adult. If they were stating the truth about Seojen's behavior. They should report it to the faculty. That's the protocol. Plus, if it was real, it's mature-thinking of Junghyun to let Seojen pay the consequence of her own actions for her to learn

I glance at the caked face girl who was now stepping back, giving some space and distance between the two of them. "S-Sister?" She stuttered and on cue, Seojen went back from the comfort room now wearing her uniform

Junghyun nodded before wrapping his hand on Seojen's arm gently who still has no emotion written on her smooth face "I'm her brother. If you have any concern with my sister, we could talk this out with the adults who are more mature" he gave the girls a small smile and asks them to walk together to the faculty since that's where he was planning to go in the first place

"I-It's okay, sir. We don't want to fuel the issue more so we just wanted to warn you but we mistook- "

"The more you keep it the oil, the more you fuel the flame" he spoke "Shall we?"


When they were about to walk further, Seojen spoke after staying silent and shut after she went back "There's no need" Junghyun halt his footsteps and turn to her sister as well as the cake girls. "It's not really that serious oppa. Plus, we need to go to Jinho's house. He must've been waiting for us" She smiled making Junghyun eyeing her deeply as if he was digging into something into those orbs of his blood-related girl before glancing away in thought

Did Seojen just glared at the girls while Junghyun wasn't looking?

I even saw fear into the girls' faces once Seojen looked at them before Junghyun speak up "Okay. Excuse us, we need to get going" He told the girls politely before swinging his arms around his sister's shoulder and walk off

What was that? That's it?

But before I could think further, I felt something's going to happen. And that feeling is far from good

"So," Junghyun trailed off, must be expecting an explanation from Seojen who sighed and replied with no hesitation "My admirer's fangirls" Junghyun hummed. Did he just hum? Why does it look like it's just nothing? Those desperate hoes might be waiting for Seojen outside the campus- oh right, she could protect herself. But what if those girls will ask for help and outnumber her by chance? Just being cautious

"Did you beat them up already?" She shook her head, "You told me not to start a fight, so I did"

I smiled unknowingly at her response. I swear if I was a man right now, I would've fell heads over heels for this girl. She's so patient and a peacemaker who doesn't like to fight, "I was just waiting for them to start a fight so I could beat their asses" I take back what I said

Junghyun chuckled at her statement. These siblings are no good. "May I know this admirer?" He tilts his head looking at his younger sister "Dongwu, Dongwu Han"

"Another one? You told me a different name before, was his last name a 'Jeong'?" Oh, by the name of Miss Yongmin . Different one? It obviously means she has more than one admirer. I wonder what it feels to have lots of admirers, you know the feeling when a lot of secret admirers gives you chocolate and gifts especially on Valentine's Day

"My stalker was Yeonhan Jeong, he's the one who keeps on tailing me. Dongwu was my sunbae, (someone who is in the higher position in work or social) a silent admirer, he gives me letters and gifts in my locker but he never approached me" She spoke the differences between the two boys "Thank Dongwu for the chocolates you had yesterday, he bought it for me" She added before we arrived at the faculty room

She gave Junghyun the chocolates that was supposed to be hers? Wasn't that... kind of rude?

I shook my head and told myself to move on from the topic. I though high school life was hard but I didn't think that it was this hard and not to mention, complicated

Seojen was about to knock the faculty's door but stop by her brother "He has a crush on you and yet he didn't know that your allergic to nuts?" He asks in complete amusement. So, the chocolates that this Dongwu guy gave her has nuts and Seojen has allergies on nuts so in conclusion, she gave the chocolates to Junghyun

"I don't know, I don't have his brain and mind" She mocked his brother, clearly wanting to end the topic but it looks like she has nowhere to go on how stubborn her brother is "But you have his heart" he teases and Seojen crunched her face at Junghyuns joke before shoving him out of her way and knock at the door

The cop was laughing his ass while waiting for a teacher to pop out of the office door where his sister knocked at

He looked like there was a living worm that was swirling around his stomach as he clutches that part of his body while wiping his happy tears on the side of his charming eyes. Not long after, the knob was twisted and a female teacher went out

Ok. So, let's make this thing straight, 'professional teacher' was eyeing Junghyun like a dessert

Junghyun gave her a small smile, going back on being professional and handed his palm in front the dazed lady "Good morning ma'am. I'm Colonel Lee" He smiled waiting for response. I doubt that she'll be awake from her daydream anytime soon

Seojen must've noticed this and made an intentional cough which indeed woke the older woman in front of us "O-Oh, uhm, Ms. Han" She smiled and shook his hand. I doubt that she'll let go of his hand anytime soon

Junghyun noticed this too late and chuckled nervously before pulled his hand away which made Seojen's teacher jolt in surprise and humiliation

"So, I'm here for taking- "

"Yes! let's date!" She stammered in excitement. Okay, she needs a chill pill. Somebody needs to call the ambulance for the mental hospital. With a full annoyed expression, she easily pushed the teacher back to the office and asked for another teacher

Not gonna lie that what she did was out of the line, but then my ego told me that the teacher didn't deserved to be respected from her action a while ago. She's on working time, atleast be professional

Seojen went out with a teacher which is now a man. I guess that'll be better

"Sorry for my colleague's behavior Mr. Lee I'm Mr. Wang, Seojen's Homeroom teacher" He introduce himself and again, shook hands again in greeting. "So, may I know the concern?"

"I'm asking if Seojen could go out at this time. Urgent matters" He smiled and Mr. Wang nodded in understanding before he goes back inside the office and went back with some papers. Junghyun nodded in every word and signed some papers before Seojen could go out the campus. I guess they really have a high security here

"Thank you, Mr. Wang" They both bowed in gratitude as well as the Mr. Wang before they both play tag in going out the building. No joke, they're really playing like 5-year-olds

"Last one will a big fat pig!" Seojen screech as she sprinted her way back to where Junghyun parked his luxury Ferrari as he curses witnessing his sister was on the lead of their race and move his long-fined legs to a speed. I sigh, I need to go for the run too

I too sprinted my way to the Jeon siblings sticking to my assignment and Zero's instruction to not leave a sight on the police officer. With my frail legs on work, I breathe hurriedly as I use all of my strength to follow them.

Are they really human beings? Or they're just gifted with such strengths. I didn't bother any attention to anyone who were gawking at the sight of a police officer running after a high school girl laughing. Though it was really an amusing sight, it wasn't at the fact that I need to work my ass off just to reach them

I can literally feel my legs giving up and wanted to chop itself off from my upper body who is still working it's best to follow them

"I won!" I hear two voices demanding their win simultaneously. I huff out a lot of breath and collapses on the hard and hot pavement that is not too far from Junghyun's Ferrari. Finally, it's over

"I'm the one who came first"

"No, I was the one who touch the car first" Seojen let out her tongue in victory. I hope Junghyun won't be a stubborn immature to not slide a high schooler's tease. I have no mood to listen to their rants at the moment. I really need a drink now; I haven't drunk anything since I went to the police station

"That wasn't part of the race!" He exclaimed not wanting to back down. I groan

I look up the skies and slightly drop my lids from the light from the brightest star in the solar system. Water, I need water

Panting and demanding for air, I felt my chest tightened restricting me to breath properly as I felt bead of sweat trailing all over my body. I clutch to my top sweater on my chest trying to catch any oxygen for my pumping heart to circulate with blood

I felt heavy. I felt my eyelids giving me up and closing my sight to any sign of the fallen world and only field with darkness

"Is she dead?"

"I thought you're a cop? She's still breathing and still has pulse, idiot" conversations between two people with some background mumbles and gasps are the sounds that passes through my eardrums

"I'm not the one who was checking her breathing and pulse, piglet. That's why I asked in the first place" I slowly fluttered my eyes adjusting to the rays of light and phosphenes glistened against my sight. "Are you okay, miss?"

Lifting my heavy lids open, I saw the man who I was chasing a while ago with worry evident in his dark chocolate orbs. Glancing to my other side, I notice Seojen had her hand along my upper nape, supporting my head. "Can you hear me, unnie (Older sister)?" She stated while eyeing me thoroughly

With a blank mind and speechless mouth, I just nodded in reply

"Did you bring some drinking water with you oppa?"

"I haven't"

"It looks like she passed out from exhaustion and dehydration" She announces "I already told you, no need to call for the ambulance, you're just disturbing them for a simple case. We have a school clinic for a reason" She glared at the girls who were showing off to her brother a while ago

"I think your being rude sis" Junghyun lowly told his sister. "Tch, it's obvious. They're just showing off in front of you"

I breathe slowly now feeling my breathing regaining a bit and starting to be stable. "Carry her oppa, to the school's clinic"

After that statement, I felt some muscular arms wrapped around my being. His arms carrying my bridal way, his left was cautiously under my knees making sure I'm not uncomfortable and his right on my upper back and lower shoulders securely

What happened? I passed out? How long? How...

"Oh my my my! What happened here?" I heard an alert tone, must be the school's nurse

"We found her passed out by the school's road entrance. Good thing I notice her immediately and secured her head" Seojen said. She has a good eye I must say, she's fast and alert like a smart cheetah

Wait... she saw me?

"Lay her here, sir" I glance at the one who was carrying me for minutes to reach the destination where we are right now. He carefully laid me to the clinic's bed rest like I was a fragile ornament he should take caution of

The nurse as her co-worker to get some drinking water for me to have and three heads turn to my direction. I slightly hid myself under the blanket feeling the awkward and heavy tension around the room. I'm not really use to have all eyes on me especially when I'm not really use when an unfamiliar person or people who were watching or looking at me. It gives me the chills

"Are you okay, unnie? What's your name?" Seojen ask me carefully in a gentle manner probably seeing how shy I was behaving

What to do?

They shouldn't notice my presence! How did this all happen? I just break my task's restriction again! I'm such a failure

"Miss? What's your name?" This time, it was Jungkook who ask me getting a little suspicious. Of course, what do you expect from a police officer?

Oh heavens, what will I say? Obviously, the answer is easy but I don't want to cross the line more. I'm literally panicking inside. I saw how the nurse and Seojen look at me with confusion that were visible on their faces

"I-I'm- "

"Oh my! Jeongmi!"

All of us turn to the door by the sudden voice that erupted. Oh my... "Mi- "before I could let my voice out, she immediately rushes to my side which made Junghyun step backed a little. She gave me the glass of water that the nurse. I drank the substance which I was craving to have for almost a century and sigh in contentment when I felt a gush of relief along my system

"Excuse me, who are you?" Junghyun Miss Yongsun. She was wearing a casual style attire with an apron, her har was tied in bun underneath the thin black hairnet she wore above her head

"I'm Minyong, I'm her friend" she spoke and caress my shoulder as if telling me in that gesture that she'll do the rest of the talking which made me calm down. I just noticed that she just spelled her name backwards from Yongmin to Minyong. I didn't know what to do earlier, good thing she came and save me

"What happened to her? I'm sorry for the inconvenience but she's mute. She tries her best to voice out but can't" I'm mute? I felt Miss Yongmin tightened her hold on me for a fraction of a second before releasing it. I obediently let her speak as I listen

I saw the two females gape their mouth for a bit at Miss Yongmin's remark about me being mute. I guess that'll make things better for me to finish this assignment I have

"She's mute?" Junghyun ask without looking at the eyes of the person who is talking to but instead on me

I uncomfortably shifted on the soft clinic bed and look at his eyes waiting for something that I have no idea what was it. Maybe for another statement or action? Is he not believing at anything Miss Yongmin- I mean, Minyong said? Then, he's a good cop to notice a lie but that's not the point at the moment

Solar nodded "She's born mute"

"That explains why she didn't answer to any of or questions" The nurse said as she gestures me to give her my empty glass which I obliged

"Well, it seems that she can hear us and understand what we are saying" Junghyun dimmed. I try to get a hold of myself to behave and act as if nothing happened. Be naïve Jeongmi, be naïve

"She's mute, not deaf sir" Minyong replied, "Please don't underestimate her just because she has a disability. She still has her own dignity and feelings"

I didn't react at their heated conversation and just hung my head low, fiddling my fingers with the bed blanket playing with it as if it was the most amusing thing to do aside from reading your favorite Wattpad book

Seojen break an awkward laugh probably notice the tension between the two. I took a peek at the school's nurse who seemed to be uncomfortable. I don't blame her; I mean Solar is reprimanding a police officer who is armed and loaded

"Look at the time, I thought Jin oppa was waiting for us" She cooed. Are they leaving? But I need to follow them

I saw Jungkook eyed me before letting a silent breath before turning his attention to Seojen and nodded

My task... I need to follow him wherever he goes (Obviously when he needs to do his privacy, it's an exception) I look at the two figures started to walk away from my sight as Seojen closed the door of the clinic. My first task...

Did I fail?

It's still Day 1 and I failed in a blink

Is Miss Solar regretting giving me my task?

"I'll leave you two for a while, the principal held a meeting and I need to attend there" The school nurse spoke as Miss Yongsun nodded and told her that she could leave us alone with no worries

Once she disappeared behind the door, Solar grab a chair stall on the side and sat down near my bed. I bit my lip in pure anxiousness. I know she's going to scold me; I know what she'll say, I failed my first task that I've been wanting and waiting to have. I'm a failure


"I know Miss Yongsun. I'm sorry I failed you and my other Superiors" I didn't have the courage to look at her as I let my feelings slid out of my tongue "I now understand why you didn't give me any assignment ever since I debut- "

"Jeongmi" I stop my sentence as I notice her expression as if saying it wasn't the reason. "It's not the reason" She spoke softly realizing how down I am

"About you having zero assignments since debut. We are also confuse at first, we can't see any task that was named for you" She confesses "When we got a letter from the above that we will be the one who will give you your first task, we were also confuse but we all know we can't question the doing and plan of the above"

I nodded and continue to listen still with sorrow mixed in my emotion "For now, we have no idea what the heavens plan for you. Even I don't know why you can be seen by people now so I immediately rushed here to help you"

What the heavens plan for me?

I felt her held my both of my shoulders tightly "For now, just be careful. You know not only angels are here on earth" I nodded feeling a tight rope all over my abdomen, I could feel the intense pressure given to me

"What will I do now Miss? How can I finish my assignment?" I ask in hope that they already have an update about my task

But the look that was displayed on Miss Yongsun's face tells me the answer. I nodded and feel a little teary "Just be patient Jeongmi" She said

I always wait. I'm always being patient

"You need to be brave" She added before glancing at the door and back at me "Your human will be back here soon. Just act as if you are mute so that it'll be easier, ok?" I nodded in response obediently. Whole honesty, I don't know what to do anymore with all this pressure and questions unanswered. Why do I always have to wait?

I heard a click on the knob as Miss Yongsun disappeared into thin air. I let out a low exhale, atleast I'm thankful that my superiors were true to their words to check on me time to time. A thin swing sound was heard indicating the door was moved as Jungkook's figure appeared behind the door just like what Miss Yongsun said

I stayed silent as I am mute in this fallen world

"Jeongmi" I heard his sweet melodic voice called my name, I felt something at the bottom of my stomach churned as he pronounces my name. I turn my head to his direction in response to his call

He walks his way towards my bed that me feel small bids of sweat starting to form on the side of my forehead expressing how I fell at this moment

Sitting on the chair stall where Miss Yongsun sat a while ago, He let out a breath before speaking "I'm sorry about earlier" I perked up at his statement. Is he apologizing about underestimating me or for not believing that I'm not mute?

"I made Seojen ride a taxi and walked back here. Just saying, in case you were thinking about her. I already told her that you are obviously thanking her for securing your head a while ago" Without having any idea about what will I react since I can't say anything as I am mute, I just nodded and smiled

He looked blank and serious unlike how he smiled and laugh with his sister a while ago and not gonna lie, he looks more handsome with it. Why am I expecting him to smile though?

"Uh..." He scratches his nape before continuing "How do you communicate with people? Hand signals? Do you have a personal notebook where you write your words there? Or do you have a phone?" Gosh, too many questions

Think fast! He'll be suspicious

Undoubtedly, I really don't have a phone. Hand signals? I didn't learn any. What to do? How can I answer him? I moved my hands in uncertainty. He must've observed my behavior and open his mouth in realization

"Oh, right. You can't answer properly" I just nodded as he shifts on his seat and showed three of his fingers. He first holds his index finger "Hand signals?" Then he holds his middle "Personal notebook, or" and lastly his ring finger "phone?"

Nibbling my lower lip silently making sure that he didn't notice it and just chose his middle finger (Please don't misunderstand, I'm harmless)

He nodded and smiled. I felt something rushing to my cheeks and felt it starting to burn a bit. His smile really does suits him "I see. Where is your notebook?" he asks in curiosity

Oh shoot

I don't have any notebook

What will say? Oh right. I'm forbidden to speak, but what will I answer?

He waited for any answer as I gestured him the answer that first popped in my head. I just crossed my arms in difficulty. How can I express or show him the word 'Missing'?

"You don't have a notebook...?" He asks as he knitted his eyebrows which I automatically shook my head saying that his answer was incorrect and continued to act trying my best to let him know what my answer is

Why does this have to look like charades?

"You don't have your notebook...?" I nodded and gestured him to continue thinking about that sentence that is near to the correct answer. He raises his eyebrows as a small light bulb pops beside his head "You lost your notebook" He pointed out as I smiled and gave him a thumbs up

What an unbelievable small game we have back there

He chuckled as I try my best not to make any sound and smiled at his small achievement "Where did you lost it?" he ask more in a friendly manner unlike our first (not really first) meeting

I shook my head as a gesture which made him guess "You don't remember?"

I nod my head in reply. He's good at guessing now I see

I was about to ask him why he came back here knowing that he passed his work to his co-worker and picked up Seojen from school to go to the Jin's house which he was mentioning earlier and I also guess that guy was the one who ranted awhile ago at the station

"I see"

I innocently slap my hand to grab his attention which I successfully did and gesture him for his phone. I know I might be wanting a death wish but he gave me the idea of using a phone to communicate.

He was hesitant, obviously. But I gave him an assuring nod to trust me. He arched his thick fined eyebrows and handed me his phone and of course, it is already unlocked

The first thing that I witness was undoubtedly his wallpaper which is a selca (selfie) with his sister. Even though I don't have a phone, I'm not that dumb to not read what was labeled on the icons

I went to notes which is surprisingly empty as I press the screen where it was labeled add note with my finger. I type the letters that consist all information about the sentence that I can't spoke and gave him back his phone which he read what's on the screen

Why did you come back? Aren't you in a hurry?

I notice his lips part at my message without saying any word. By any chance, did I made him speechless?

"Your friend Minyong told me you were kicked out and having financial problems because of your disability" Junghyun said in a gloomy like tone. When did Miss Yongmin talked to him? I guess she used her powers...

"I'm sorry for your experience" he glances at my direction and focus back on the road to prevent any accidents. I just gave him a small smile and nod and went back to look at the view on the other side of the car's window pane

Confuse. Questions that were all unanswered. How did this happen? How did Junghyun saw me? Am I still an angel? Can I still use my powers? Can I still walk through borders? Can I still spread my wings?

One sentence from Miss Yongmin made my wish came true and also one sentence from her changed my life and path in just a couple of hours. What is happening?

As much as possible, I don't want to question the above as He knows what's best for His children but it also made me wonder the plans He prepared for a soul like me. I'm not prepared, I just woke up at my dorm not expecting anything like the usual routine I had and went to the Greenhouse like I do and just a blink, Miss Yongmin gave me my first task in seven years of debuting

No one's prepared at His plan as it just surprises you

I just hope that whatever His plan is, I will succeed in any of it

"You seemed to be in a deep thought" I turn my head on the driver of the vehicle and purse my lips. I forgot he can see me now "Thinking about where you will stay for shelter?" He asks

I was about to shook my head when I remembered that he doesn't have a single idea about the reason why I'm here so I just nod my head. I realized that he has a point. I don't have any shelter to stay-

My bags

I left them at Junghyun's apartment!

If he can see me now, he can also see my bags at the corner of his house, right?

"Jeongmi?" I glance at his direction almost stammering in actions. I nodded at his question that I left unanswered a while ago. I should really refrain myself from thinking too much from the fact that Junghyun can already see me and probably observe my behavior. I don't want to mess up again or even another surprising event will wave at me like me now being seen by people which they shouldn't

"I gave Minyong my address. You can stay with me for the meantime" Did I hear it right? Or I seriously need to get my ear check a soon as possible? "You heard me. I'll let you stay with me"


"I told her to send your things there. Plus, Seojen lives at her school dorm, you can use her bedroom. I heard you have been struggling lately for food and Minyong's pay can't provide for the both you" He continued "You can live with me. Don't worry, you can pay me back once you already got something to work on"

Shouldn't I be happy? I get to stay with him easily without having any issues and troubles in my task. But, isn't it, kind of... uncomfortable? I'll be living with a guy but this time, he can already see me. Which makes it more awkward and a little restless

"I know what you're thinking. Living with a guy. But don't worry, I had a sister remember. I'm already used to have a female with me" He chuckled as he might have noticed how uneasy I was about the idea. But I have no choice anyway, do I?

I might as well be grateful that I didn't have to work my ass off to find some shelter

Minutes of silence, I noticed that he passed his apartment which made me question and wonder. Where are we going?

Then I remembered that they had some agenda to his Jinho hyung's house. But, doesn't he want me to be with them? I mean, it might be too personal for me to join in

I made the decision to just stay quiet (as I am again, mute) and just follow to what he'll say for now. Maybe as a token of gratitude for giving me shelter. Now, why do I feel like a penniless girl from the squatters?

Another train of minutes passed by as both us neither said a word- right, I'm forbidden to use my voice. We were clouded by a backout stillness as he continued to fixate on the road and as for me, I'm the new statue that was delivered on a museum. Like, literally I barely moved on my seat and the only muscle in my body that moves are my breathing muscles. I don't even remember when was the last time I blinked

"Are you hungry?"

Finally, I blinked after a century. I turn my head to his direction and shook my head in representation of my answer. Then out of nowhere, we both heard indescribable growl. What on angel's feathers was that?

My floating island of thought were ambushed as Junghyun chuckled then went to a humorous laugh. Was that me? The one who produce that sound?

"Don't worry, we can eat at Jinho's house. He's a good cook"

Eat? But I'm not oblige to eat. My eyes bawled at realization. I can be seen by people, feel the need of hunger and thirst. Those were one of the characteristics of a human being

I bit my lip in nervousness. Probably I just overreact, it might be the power of the fallen world for me to feel those since I am now far distant back at the headquarters my powers can be use freely without any struggles

Just then I felt the vehicle slowed down its pace which made me turn to the person behind the wheel then the view outside the Ferrari. A simple yet modern two-story house came at sight, placed far from the city with no neighbors and filled with only nature's beauty at its surroundings

I look at the house in awe. The right side of the architecture were made with glass that displays what's on each other side. I saw a similar figure I saw back at the school and clinic waving at our direction at the other side of the glass pane

Junghyun honked his car as a gesture of greeting to his sister and park the car beside the house

My eyes wandered at my surroundings and felt something crawling all over my body giving me goosebumps. The familiarity of this place makes me feeling chills, I felt déjà vu

"We're here" Junghyun announced as he unbuckles his seatbelt and I undo mine. Luckily, I am not that naïve to not know how to open a car's door as I learn this back at Angel's school so that I am prepared about things that people do and I won't be suspicious and left out

As soon as I went out Junghyun's Ferrari, nature's breeze immediately engulfed my skin. I part my lips slightly and release a satisfying breath. It feels peaceful here and somewhat mysterious. Far from the city, far from man-made pollution and negativities "Jeongmi" I turned at the source of the call

Junghyun gestured me to come with him "Let's go, they're waiting" I nod and gave him a small smile as I march my way to his direction

Side by side, we made our way to the simple and modern but breathtakingly architecture and greeted with a man wearing a pink cooking apron that was wrapped and placed around his waist

He looked jaw droppingly handsome and attractive; his eyebrows look sharp giving him a manly yet cute vibe. He was wearing a white dress shirt with sleeves rolled up to his elbows and formal pants underneath the pink apron that protects his clothes for any stain from cooking. Instead wearing formal and expensive black shoes, he was wearing some black slider slippers with his white socks worn by his feet

"Oh?" He pointed right directly at me with his think eyebrows raised and turn his head questioningly at the police officer beside me. "She's a friend"

A friend? We barely know each other so how does that became 'friends'? Shouldn't he supposed to say 'acquaintance' or maybe 'a homeless person whom I'm helping'?

I noticed him gave some look at Junghyun as he did the same, having an eye conversation. You could tell they were talking by looking at each other as the expressions on their faces said so. Not gonna lie, I find their faces quite funny. They're doing telepathy

"Will you let your guests enter, Jin hyung?" Junghyun cut their eye conversation and speak up. Oh! Now I confirmed it now, he was indeed the man back at the police station. The Jinho hyung that Junghyun called chuckled in disbelief before laughing "Oh, right! Please enter Officer Lee and Junghyun's friend"

Is he somehow mocking Junghyun?

Junghyun and I took off our shoes in respect as he handed me some of the indoor slippers that were neatly arranged on a rack beside the house's entrance. I thank him as I wore the footwear he gave and both entered the residence

My innocent pupils wandered around Jinho's household in pure awe. Everything looks pleasing to the eyes, though the space is like an average but I guess this is better than a large mansion to clean up which is a huge work unless you'll hire a maid "Welcome to my house Junghyun's friend" Jinho's voice erupted

I glance to his direction as he pulled out his hand in front of me "I'm Jinho, Jinho Kim. You can call me Jin" He smiled as I clutch my palms to his for a handshake and smiled back "She's mute, hyung" Junghyun spoke

Jin had his mouth into an 'O' shape and apologize. "Her name is Jeongmi" Junghyun replied to him on my behalf

"Just Jeongmi? Or is Jeong your surname?" he asks as we both ended our handshake in respect of greeting. "I don't know either" my human replied as he was shuffling in his pocket in search for his phone for me to type down my answer

I started feeling anxious on the spot with Junghyun's phone in my hold. What should I say? Miss Yongmin is not here to help me this time! What to do? I saw Junghyun behind Jin waited for my answer and curious about my surname too as he also didn't know about it

But what they didn't know, even I, didn't know my own surname

"JIN OPPA! YOUR FISH IS GOING TO BE BURNT!" A sudden voice echoed around the walls of the house getting everyone's attention including Junghyun's, I sigh in relief mentally to be saved from a critical question. It belongs Seojen

"OH!" Jin immediately dash towards to, I presume the kitchen and followed by burnt smell clouding the insides of the residence making me and Junghyun crunch our faces due to the odor as I gave Junghyun his phone back

He first look at me in an expression that I don't have any idea what was about and spoke "Stay and sit down, I'll be back" His voice was far from friendly that he behaved to me earlier, instead it was similar to the cold and commanding showing his aura as an officer with a high rank before following to where Jin rushed to leaving me to the lounge area

I walk to the grey couch that was facing the large television attached on the wall. What will I do? It's obvious that my human was suspicious again and from the fact that he is an officer, he can easily sense something and gets suspicious in a blink

Not to mention, his rank already tells me he is good at his job by a young age of his

I wait patiently and didn't bother to explore even I have the urge to do so, but I might break something and mess up again. Remember, I'm literally poor in their eyes. I'm a homeless girl here that Junghyun helped to have a shelter to have

And if I made something wrong, Junghyun will be burdened. So, in conclusion to prevent those, I'll just behave and wait for further instructions coming from my human who has more experiences in this world than I am. I seriously looked like his pet dog right now

Steps coming from the stairs took my attention which made me turn at the back where the stairs were located. I guess Jin doesn't live alone. The steps halted meaning that the person stopped walking and heard it again but the noises were indicating that the person was going back at the top floor

"Unnie" I turn my head to Seojen who was now wearing an oversized grey hoodie sweater but still has her uniform skirt. "Let's eat, oppa told me you're really hungry" She smiled beautifully. I wonder who she'll end up with

I nodded in reply now have my mute disability marked on my mind

Following the steps of the younger, I use this chance to have a small minute tour around Jin's house while on the way to where Seojen would take me so that I could seriously eat now, I could already feel the verge of chomping down some food. I guess this is why teenagers have this motto 'Food comes first'

"You're here" Jin piped as he served his delicacies on the table "Freshly served" he winks. I was stunned for a moment and felt something weird on my stomach. That's out of the blue

"Don't mind him. It's a habit he has, he even winks at an old shag" Seojen chuckled

I see

"Bon appetite!"