
Odyssey Of The Duality Master

In Nine Serenities there is a popular saying that "Nothing Is Impossible". In a small county in the Soaring Cloud Dynasty, Meng Hao is considered a trash who can not cultivate, but is he really a trash? Join Meng Hao in his Journey of Conquest to the top of the Dao. everything in the story is purely fiction. This is my first story and English is not my first Language, suggest will also be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Mrpetex · Oriental
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21 Chs

Successful Refinement And Opening The Secret Boxes

After going through the refining process for a while Meng Hao discovered that there was a problem during the Pill Formation, there was a conflict between the Blood Ginseng and the Dragon Grass.

After some thought he decided to use his superior Soul Power and Force the two to merge, after that he started the second refinement.

Like the he did during the first time, he first refined the supporting materials before adding the three main materials.

When the Pill Formation started he increased his Soul Power, although there was still a conflict between the two his Soul Power forced then to merge.

After about 30 minutes later with a thought from him Five Golden color Pills flew out of the Rune Cauldron and after examining it he put four in a bottle he prepared before and he controlled the remaining one to float towards Li Chan and said

"This is for you, after you absorb it you will breakthrough into the Spirit Origin Realm and with the residual energy you might even be able to condense three Origin Pearls".

Receiving it with an excited face Li Chan bowed down and thanked him.

"You can go into Seclusion now and strive to break through within this seven days".

Li Chan nodded and Left, seeing him leave Meng Hao put the remaining materials back into his Storage Ring, the remaining four is enough, because a person can only take one Divine Transformation Pill in their life.


When a Cultivator break through the Spirit Soul Realm there start refining their Soul, The Spirit Soul Realm is divide into: Yellow Soul Form, Orange Soul Form, Red Soul Form and Gold Soul Form.

After reaching the Gold Soul Form one can attempt to break through to the Spirit Origin Realm.

In the Cultivation world there are some level of great bottleneck that Cultivators face.

The first one is the Spirit Sea Realm because the grade of ones Spirit Sea determine how far one can go on the Path of Cultivation.

The Second Bottleneck is when reaching the Spirit Origin Realm.

To break through in to the Spirit Origin Realm a Cultivator need to use the Spirit Essences in their Spirit Sea to condense or refine what is known as Origin Pearl some call it Heavenly Pearl.

But to condense an Origin Pearl the purity of one Spirit Sea must reach the 1st grade, this means that if one want to condense an Origin Pearl the Cultivator Spirit Sea must be at least the 1st grade, because of this for Cultivators whose grade of Spirit Sea is below the 1st grade they can only stop at the Spirit Soul Realm.

They are usually 10 Origin Pearls, but in the Spirit Origin Realm there are two division.

1. To improve one Cultivation level in the Spirit Origin Realm one need to condense more Origin Pearls.

Apart from the Spirit Essences in one Spirit Sea the Cultivator also need the support of some Treasures like the Pill Meng Hao just refined, so refining each Origin Pearl will cost the Cultivator alot except those that have powerful backers.

If a Cultivator condense up to Five Origin Pearls he/she can try to breakthrough into the Dragon Ascension Realm.

But after reaching the Dragon Ascension Realm the Cultivator will be considered average among those in the Dragon Ascension Realm.

2. A Cultivator can Try refining more Origin Pearls after condensing Five Origin Pearls and with additional Origin Pearl condensed the Cultivator will become more power, and if such figure breakthrough the Dragon Ascension Realm he/she will considered as Elite amongst those in the same level.

But because of the resources required to condense each Origin Pearl most people breakthrough into the Dragon Ascension Realm after condensing Five Origin Pearls.

Li Chan was as at One Origin Pearl stage before he was injured, and the Divine Transformation Pill and other resources Meng Hao provided for him can help him condense up to Three Origin Pearls in a short time.


After keeping the materials Meng Hao brought out the five secret boxes he bought earlier.

Among the secret boxes, three are ordinary secret boxes that any Cultivator can open while two are Spirit Secret Boxes that need a Spirit Rune Master to open.

To open and ordinary secret box a Cultivator need to condense Spirit Essences at the tip of his finger and send it a Spirit Rune at the top of the secret box while for Spirit Secret Box a Spirit Rune Master will have to creat a small unsealing array to open the box.

Meng Hao first opened the ordinary ones, One contain a Saber, one an Amor and the last one contains an Ore.

After checking it he kept them in his Storage Ring, the Saber and Amor is of good quality he bought them because he want to give it to Li Chan.

After that he shifted his attention to the remaining two, setting up an unsealing array he opened the two boxes.

Checking the first one he saw Two Books and a Ring, checking the the first book he discovered it was a diary, The dairy belong to a Cultivator named Master Locke and this Master Locke is a Cultivator not from Nine Serenities.

In the universe there are many realms and each Realm is referred to as a World Realm so Nine Serenities is called The Nine Serenities World Realm.

Low level Cultivators don't really know this but those at the Dragon Ascension Realm will notice there are other Worlds apart from Nine Serenities and going through the diary Meng Hao put it aside and look at the other book, the book has black coloured back with the word,

"Spiritual Alter Path", at the back.

After seeing what was written on the cover Meng Hao remembered what his Father once told him, that apart the traditional Cultivation Path there are some exceptional figures that create a Cultivation Path for themselves and seeing the book and based in what he saw in the Diary the Spiritual Alter Path is such a Cultivator Path created by a great figure.

Opening the book he saw some boldly written words:


The Next Page was in introduction to the Cultivation Path.

One can only start The Spiritual Alter Path after reaching the Dragon Ascension Realm.

If a Cultivator reach the Dragon Ascension Realm instead breakthrough the next level the Cultivator will have to Create what is known as A Spiritual Alter in their Sea Of Consciousness, and the number of Spiritual Alter created will determine their power level.

The Cultivation levels above the Dragon Ascension Realm are:

Imperial Lord Realm, Lesser Saint Realm, Greater Saint Realm, Supreme Saint Realm and the Dao Lord Realm.

In the Spiritual Alter Path every three Spiritual Alter Created equals a great Realm on the Traditional Cultivation Path, for example,

1-3 Spiritual Alter correspond to the Imperial Lord Realm,

4-6 Spiritual Alter correspond to Lesser Saint Realm,

7-9 correspond to Greater Saint Realm,

10-12 Spiritual Alter correspond to Supreme Saint Realm, and if one can creat a 13th Spiritual Alter they can be comparable to the Dao Lord Realm.

From the book Meng Hao get to know that the creator of this Path stopped at the 12th Alter Stage and couldn't take the final step.

After that he checked the Ring and saw some Cultivation resources, from the Diary Meng Hao know that the resources are what Master Locke left for the person who will open the Secret Box to use in cultivating Spiritual Alter Path and the available resources can help the person create up to 4 Spiritual Alter.

But from the diary Master Locke stated that anybody that use the resources will be bonded by Karma to help Master Locke descendants if he meet them.

After some thought Meng Hao put the books and ring in his Storage Ring deciding to look into it more later.

Turning to the last box Meng Hao showed a slight smile with expectations on his face, among the Secret Boxes he bought this last one is the one he has great expectation for....