

The moon crawled higher, leaving behind the sunset that welcomed it just moments ago. On the earth, nocturnal creatures began to emerge, leaving the comfort of their nests and busy themselves in search of something to fill their stomachs.

Meanwhile, in a house in the Azure village, right next to the Greyrat family's residence, a woman could be seen stirring a pot of boiling concoction with a pensive expression.


My name is Nara. Today marks exactly a month since I moved to this world, a world filled with all sorts of things that I used to consider mere fiction in fantasy stories.

Magic, potions, spells, elves, swordsmen, and all sorts of other strange things are now commonplace in this world.

I've transitioned into the body of a chubby woman who was previously married. In other words, I'm a widow in this world. The original owner's husband disappeared somewhere after a few months of their marriage. I learned all this from the villagers, because well... I didn't receive any memories from the original body's owner.

One thing for sure, I'm now a woman living in a run-down house in Azure village.

I'd like to emphasize: A WOMAN!

You see, before I came to this world, I was a man. However, throughout my life, I always felt like I should have been born as a woman, or the people in my previous world used to call me "gay."

I had an attraction to men; every time I saw a strong body filled with muscles, something inside me stirred, and butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

This was also the reason I was forced to leave my previous world.

I worked as a doctor, touching patients' bodies every day. It was real torture for me, especially when I encountered male patients with bodies I found attractive.

One day, the hospital I worked at organized an outing that required all of us doctors to stay overnight at a resort.

During the night, unable to control my desires, I made a move on one of my friends, and she caught me red-handed. She beat me up mercilessly, and after that, I don't remember anything else before waking up in this world.



Nara's reverie was interrupted as the hot liquid she was absentmindedly stirring splashed onto her hand.

The liquid in front of her was a concoction of boiled mint, very useful for treating heatstroke.

Most of the villagers in Azure village were wheat farmers, and as the harvest season approached in the hot months, the scorching sun caused many people to suffer from heatstroke. Nearly 5% of the population lost their lives due to this last year.

Of course, this phenomenon was a moneymaker for Nara. Over the past month, she had learned Healing magic. And after learning it, she found out that Healing magic could only heal wounds and enhance stamina, not cure diseases. Moreover, about 50% of the magical herbal remedies used were ineffective.

Using her knowledge from her previous world, Nara optimized the healing magic, and in this month, she had become known in the village as an alchemist and Healing magician.

However, during this month, she also realized that she had a magical space and could perform plant-based magic.

All this was due to her understanding of the logic behind magic. Magic was essentially a person's soul ability to harness what was called MANA.

MANA itself was a natural energy spread all around us in vast quantities. Every day, nature would replenish this energy in an unimaginable amount.

As for the magical space she had, it seemed to be a gift from the gods possessed by some other transmigrators like her.


After pouring the liquid into the bottles for her concoctions, the moon had risen high in the sky.

Nara walked towards her room, ignoring the gnawing hunger. Slowly, she climbed onto her bed, which had a straw mattress covered by a few layers of thin cloth.

She let out a sigh and reassured herself that her life here would gradually improve. Her shabby house would become grand, and her chubby body would eventually become ideal.

She was on a diet now, following the diet tips she had learned in her previous world. But now she had to put them into practice, and it was quite torturous. Every day, she would only eat vegetables and fruits without any carbs.

Her weight had already decreased significantly compared to when she first arrived. However, she felt it wasn't enough and needed to persevere more to achieve her ideal body.

Her body was now a woman's body. A miraculous thing that she had only dreamed of in her previous world. She wanted to take care of it meticulously, as in the future, she would do many things with this body.

The night grew later, and Nara became lost in her thoughts until she unknowingly slipped into the realm of dreams.



The sound of a loud collision echoed.

Nara, who woke up with a start, sighed lightly and sat up, trying to gather her consciousness with her eyes closed.

Just five more minutes, please.

Crash... Creak... Thud...

After letting out a long yawn, Nara walked towards the kitchen, picked up some pieces of firewood, and attempted to ignite the stove using a fire-starting stone.

Crash... Thud...

The flames ignited. Nara fetched a pot from the shelf and filled it with water, then placed it on the stove.

As she waited for the water to boil, Nara walked out through the back door, heading towards the small garden in her backyard.


Nara's gaze shifted towards the source of the sound. The sight in front of her was captivating. Just as she suspected, it was Paul Greyrat practicing his sword skills in the backyard of his house.

While crouching and picking vegetables, Nara couldn't take her eyes off the man who was engrossed in practicing his swordplay.

The muscles on his body moved in rhythm with the sword's movements. What was even more intriguing was his broad chest and sturdy shoulders. Coupled with his handsome face, he became even more attractive.

Nara always felt that Paul was the most attractive man she had encountered since coming to this world. There was also a blacksmith who lived next to the Hall. He had a body like a bodybuilder due to his occupation. However, in Nara's opinion, Paul was more appealing due to his handsome looks.

Crash... Tak... Tak...

Paul was a fighter tasked with protecting the village. Nara wasn't entirely sure about the details, but according to the stories she heard from the villagers, Paul and his wife, Zenith Greyrat, a healer, used to be teammates in an adventuring party.

Tak... Tak...

Now they had become a family with a son named Rudeus Greyrat and a maid named Lilia. This family served the village.

Paul, as a fighter, guarded the village from monster attacks and occasionally accepted missions to fight monsters or provide escort services.

Zenith, being a healer, worked at the village healing center, where Nara usually sold her potions.

Nara snapped out of her reverie as she saw Paul entering her house, carrying Rudeus in one of his arms.


The water was boiling, and Nara added mint leaves into the hot water, letting them steep until the temperature became bearable.

While waiting for the temperature to drop, Nara removed her clothes one by one.

Briefly, she felt that her body had become more proportional. However, to clarify things further, Nara walked towards the mirror in her room.

Nara was quite proud of her achievement. This body used to weigh more than 130 kg. But thanks to her somewhat grueling diet, her weight had likely dropped to just around 60 kg, which was quite proportional to her height of 165 cm.

After applying the infused water for a week, her skin appeared whiter, smoother, and more supple. Her face also looked cleaner, thanks to the aloe vera plant she used.

And of course, none of this would have been possible without her magical abilities. Not many people knew that Healing magic could actually enhance the properties of various herbs. Nara got the idea from observing the process of making potions, which also required Healing magic. In her previous life, herbal remedies with the same plants didn't require magical energy to have an effect. Thus, she concluded that Healing magic could enhance the properties of herbs.

Additionally, her plant-based magic made it easy for her to grow the plants she needed. Everything went much smoother than she had anticipated.

Nara gazed at her body inch by inch with a satisfied smile. Her body was truly beautiful, not too thin or too heavy. Her breasts looked full, which was a result of her previous overweight body, making her appear quite stunning.

Not too long ago, she had been puzzled because this body had no hair growing anywhere other than her head, eyelashes, and delicate hair in her private area.

Was this how a woman's body was supposed to be?

It seemed a bit unfair. In her previous life, her body had been covered in hair in many places, and when it got too thick, she had to undergo painful waxing.


Once she felt the infused water had reached the right temperature, Nara began to wipe her body. She remembered that the first time she did this, the water turned black because it was so dirty, likely due to the previous owner's laziness and lack of hygiene.

However, after staying in this village for a while, Nara learned that some women here only changed their clothes and wiped their bodies once a week or when they sweated a lot. They believed that their work wasn't strenuous, and they only sweated a little.

This was different from the men, who wiped their bodies every day because they were always sweating. Nara found it repulsive behavior. How could men be cleaner than women? It went against nature.

Nara resolved firmly not to follow this habit. She would wash her body every day. And even when she had enough money, she would ask a craftsman to make her a bathtub so she could bathe properly, like she used to in her previous world.


Azure Village was a quiet village, inhabited by people of various races such as wizards, elves, and half-elves. Despite that, the village was often a destination for nobles seeking a break from their busy lives. Every few months, noble families would come and stay temporarily. This significantly impacted the village's popularity.

So, despite its relative underdevelopment, the village's facilities were quite sufficient. There was an apothecary, a village hall, a church, and farmers' organizations that were all well-organized. However, one thing was missing: a school.

In this world, education was something that only nobles could afford. This was likely the main reason why people in this world were still underdeveloped.

Nara walked along a narrow path towards the village center, heading to the apothecary there. She planned to sell the potions she had made the previous night.

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