

( Now , I can leave the life i wanted to)

A boy standing at door say to his mother in happy voice , mom i got 24th rank in exam but the reply he got from his mom was , so what if you got 24th in your exam when your cousin was your age he got 1st in his exam and you are not even embarrassed that you got 24th rank in exam. it would be better if you have not born ,on it would be more better if i have die before seeing yours reselt . After getting humiliate from his mom , he say to his mom with down voice ' but I did better than before ' can't you compliment me for that like my cousin's mom. After listening the words from him , his mom got angry and say ' so , now your are going to teach me what right or not hmm .get away from my side or i will call your father.

the boy ran to his room with sad face and thinking

It really would have better if i was not born in this World . i am not good in anything even my family not likes me . if their is a god please i don't want to wake up in this world . after he sleep in his room but some scocend later a mistoreis patern appears on his head .

( Morning 6:00 A.M )

A voice can be heard from his mother on door saying in happy ' voice wake up Alex '. Don't you have a appointment with mamber of awaking Association you will late if you don't wake up .

In shock Alex ask ' what do you mean by awaking Association ! ! ' then memories of his present life come to his mind like water

10 years ago towers and dungeons appears

on India then monster and beast appears out of Dungeons imilitary weapons can do nothing to strong monster and beast even nuclear weapons are nothing to them .

then some people with power to control element know as mage and some people with superhuman strength know as Warrior come and save humanity from monster , people also called them ' Hunter ' .

Later awaking / Hunter ASSOCIATION Association and Guild was ruled by hunter and govertamanet.

Awakened people with power can work their earn money by killing monster and clearing tower floors. everyone gets 3 chanes for awakening test , one awak 1 ability ork in their body . Their are some people who awok 2 or mutated ork in their body is known as ' genius '.

I , who is not abled to awaking my ork 2 times.

now , only had one chance to awak my ability ark if i not awake my ark then , i will be not able to become a hunter. unless I spend money on awking Association for awakening test.

seeing that Alex is not answering his question Alex mom come in his room in worry and asked ' Are you sad Alex because you failed 2 Times . Don't worry son you will definitely awak ork in your body .when you awake a ability ork you can work with your father as an machanical engineer .

seeing his mom happy , Alex answer his mom in joyful voice ' don't worry mom i will definitely awak ability ork this time and i want to work as hunter .

Hearing word ' Hunter ' his mom said

no it's too dengerous lots and people lost their lives in dungeons . you also said you are afraid of monsters.

Alex siad to his mom in calim voices

mom , i know you are worried about me losing

my life in dungeon if so then I can promise you that , if i ever feel like I can't work as a hunter . I will quit and work my cousin's company . ok mom

His mom think that ' even if i say no to him he would not going to stop' and said ' Alright - alright. now. go or you will be late.'

Alex eat his morning meal and say to his mom in hurry ' i am going mom see you later'

his mom said ' Best of luck and be careful '

After Alex left for awakening his mom think' Alex have changed tomorrow he was shouting on me for not making Morning meal and waking him up early morning now hi not only speak respectly ,hi even change his mind to work has a hunter.

15:00 minutes later

Alex standing at front of a big building

and read it name


A group come to him and a boy with brown hair say ' yoo~ is that Alex who failed 2 Times in awakening his abil....