
North Goa Escort Service 09205864720 Independent Escorts in North Goa

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What is North Goa Escort Service 09205864720 Independent Escorts in North Goa

Lee la novela North Goa Escort Service 09205864720 Independent Escorts in North Goa escrita por el autor DaoistMjpYnF publicada en WebNovel. North Goa Escort Service 09205864720 Independent Escorts in North Goa...


North Goa Escort Service 09205864720 Independent Escorts in North Goa

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The Last War: ARMAGEDON (Bahasa Indonesia)

Monster bermunculan dari tanah, air dan, langit. Monster monster yang hanya ada di buku legenda atau sejarah muncul di muka bumi. Naga berterbangan di langit, menghalangi sinar matahari, kehadirannya mengintimidasi setiap manusia yang melihatnya, dinosaurus purba mulai kembali terlihat di mata manusia, mengancam eksistensi manusia. Manusia yang dulunya adalah raja dari rantai makanan, sekarang menjadi mangsa para predator. Bumi sudah hancur, peradaban dunia sudah musnah, tidak ada lagi negara maju seperti Amerika, negara dengan alat tempur terbaik seperti Korea Utara dan Israel sudah tidak bisa memberi harapan, negara dengan teknologi tinggi di Asia Timur tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa. Uang sudah tidak memiliki nilai, manusia sudah tidak memiliki harga diri, menjual dirinya sebagai pemuas nafsu, menjadi seorang budak, hanya untuk sebuah makanan, berharap kepada pemerintah? Kau bercanda? Berharap kepada pemerintah sama saja kau seperti menelan racun arsenic sedikit demi sedikit. Sekarang sudah tidak ada lagi negara damai, manusia yang selalu tersenyum bahagia sudah musnah! Sekarang hanya ada penyiksaan dan kematian! Membunuh atau dibunuh, nyawa manusia sekarang adalah hal yang tidak memiliki harga, KIAMAT, hanya satu kata itu saja yang bisa menggambarkan posisi bumi saat ini. Para malaikat menatap sedih para manusia yang semakin hari semakin terpuruk, dengan persetujuan para Archangel dan Sang Mahakuasa. Mereka mebagikan sebagian kekuatan mereka kepada umat manusia agar mereka dapat bangkit dari keterpurukan dan mendapatkan kedamaian yang abadi. Dan dari sinilah perjalanan umat manusia terakhir dimulai.

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2 Chs

Charm Points Maxed: My Enemies Became My Underlings

Lei Yuan transmigrated to an alternate world. The moment he opened his eyes, he faced the chaotic situation of a dragon invading a city. Just when he was about to run for his life, the dragon, which was still slaughtering people a second ago, flew to his side and rubbed against him like a dog. While he was dodging the dragon, he tripped on something and fell. He lowered his head and saw that the thing that tripped him was a sword charged with lightning. [Congratulations on acquiring a god-tier weapon, the Thunder Holy Sword.] Lei Yuan was befuddled. Suddenly, he saw his own attribute panel. His Charm and Luck were maxed out. As such, a cross that he randomly picked up was a god-tier treasure, the Resurrection Cross. The stone he picked up from the side of a road was an ore necessary for forging god-tier weapons. Even the fish he caught from the river was a divine pet that could devour everything and was highly sought after by the public. Lei Yuan had a bunch of treasures that others would not even dare dream of coming across. When he fought, he had nowhere to demonstrate his skills. While the others were going all out to exchange blows with the enemies, he did nothing and the enemies willingly admitted defeat. They even followed him and said that they wanted to be his underlings. Lei Yuan lamented, “It is lonely to be invincible.” With his Charm and Luck maxed out, the leader of the demons surrendered to him without him doing anything. The former even wanted to be his underling. From the once high and mighty god clan, angels actually acknowledged him as their master. Lei Yuan, who suddenly became the ruler of all races, was confused.

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