The husk of an old shell, this was the previous place of Final Boss of the Multiverse, but it was sadly move, left here to collect digital dust. So I decide to just write random stuff here, you can still see the Final Boss of the Multiverse chapters here but stop somewhere around 10+
Somewhere in the forest a bright light of indescribable color suddenly appeared, it was so bright it outshined the sun for a moment.
And suddenly a person standing appeared, 5'8 with black hair and brown eyes, not fat but not thin. An average person but on the healthier side. Wearing what appears to be.... nothing
Hes name was Braun, Freidrich Braun. A person that was quite peciular. But a special thing regarding him is his dream of being annoying, to be the final boss with an infinite amount of phases bringing hell to those who oppose him.
While standing there butt naked, he gasped in shock on his current situation. "Nani!?!?!? Where am i, wait, what the fuck is that. Holy fuck, is that a big fat black c-"
while talking in shock, the chicken suddenly look at him with crimson red eyes. Coupled with its black and gigantic body, its height nearing his neck, its intimidating presence increased by 5 fold.
You would expect Braun to be scared, but nay, he was excited. Suddenly the chicken rush to him while screaming "Caw, Back, shalsjbwkehwh ehek ejwib wkqksh aoevw word hejeh count beach".
"Ikuso!" shouted Braun while ripping a branch of a tree near him. He suddenly rushed to the chicken while holding the branch like a sword. Then he suddenly wack it to the head of the chicken, making it knock out dead on the ground. Then he suddenly starts beating the head of the chicken again and again until its only a paste of brain matter and goo.
Then he suddenly starts laughing like a maniac while pointing at the chicken. "You didn't expect that did you, you monster cock, bwahahaha, suck my cock you piece of shit, haHaAhhah, oh the irony" said Braun in a crazed state
Then while standing near the pool of blood from the headless body of the chicken, contemplating on what he will do now, now that he can assess the situation more clearly.
"Holy fuck, where am I" said Braun to nobody. Then he suddenly statrts hyperventilating and starts panicking. "Common man. I'm not fucking special, i dont even have skills to save my life. I dont even know how to cook rice and I'm fucking asian, you know how much of a failure I am" said Braun while kneeling on the ground.
Then suddenly, a flash of light appeared in front of him. A thing appeared, it seems to be a screen, a circular screen. Then suddenly a row of text appeared in it.
/Save and Load/
"Naaaaannnnniiiii!?!?! Guwhat iz dis, Saveu and Lodu. Is this, is this the power of a God. Full control over time and reality itself, was I the chosen son of Destiny" said Braun in a very shock and prideful tone
He then look at it and decided to press Save. Then a new tab appeared.
:Save 1
Then with hands shaking he rush to open the Load tab. He press it and a new screen appeared in front of him.
/Load which save state?/
:Save 1
Then with fear and anticipation covering Braun, he decides to press Save 1. And then nothing happened.
"Huh, what?!? why did nothing happened" said Braun, then suddenly he said "Oh, how stupid am I, of course nothing will happen, i didn't do something to indicate if I did go back in time, welp, time to do this"
He suddenly threw his branch to the ground and with shaking hands he press load. If this fails, it will destroy many of his plans. This failing means much more to him than you may think.
Then he press load, and.... Nothing happened. Then his eyes went bloodshot, anger rising through his body, with uncontrollable rage he decided to punch the tree beside him.
Feeling tired after his temper tantrum and with his hands aching, he decided to find shelter first. Then he decided to do it one last time. Then... then.... he suddenly felt better. His aching hands gone, his tired body, not tired anymore. Then suddenly his eyes widen in shock.
"Bwahahaha, my power, being able to change the state of my existence itself, this... this is the power of a God, no, this is the power of a Final Boss!!" shouted Braun in excitement.
He then decided to bite his finger off. It came off like biting a carrot. He then cried out in pain but still holding a maniacal smile, he press load.
Then his hand became normal again, like his finger was never bitten off. His smile widened.
But then he noticed, he noticed his finger was still on the ground. Then suddenly a dangerous idea came to his mind. With his whole body shaking in fear and anticipation he decided... to load back the finger.
Then suddenly, in front of him appeared a man, an all to familiar man. Then they both went into a maniacal laughter. And they both notice that the man also has a floating screen in front of him. Then Braun 2 was punch in the face by Braun. Knocking him out in an instant. "Sorry me, but i will make this painless for you" Then he suddenly cut of a sharp branch and impaled it onto Braun 2's head. Killing him in an instant. He suddenly notice how it pierce Braun 2 like butter but decided to ignore it.
He then cut of all Braun 2's finger by biting them off. And made Braun 3 to Braun 5. And loaded back Braun 2.
Then Braun 2 woke up in an instant, you may expect anger, but no, it was instead glee. Then they all look at each other with a floating screen in front of them. Then they all went into a burst of maniacal laughter.
With the sun setting, this marks the end of the first day of Freidrich Braun, the eventual Final Boss of the multiverse, that was transported into an another world.