
The novel is starting

From that moment, when I meet Chu Renyi and her daughter for the first time has passed 16 years. A long time, don't u think so?

So, I will tell you guys what happened in this time in a few more sentence.

I can say that nothing changed from the novel that u guys read.

After Ch Renyi took me and Chu Yue to sleep. Everything can say that was normal. We eat, drink, pee and shit our self like the newborn baby we were.

And like that 1-year pass by, and Chu Feng come in the clan.

I could feel that my power Core was doing his thing. I think that after few years my body will be in perfect harmony. I didn't try any of my power because I think is too early and I should let my body mature a little.

So, what u guys think that I did in this time?

Of course, I make the Chu clan life a hell. I did so many pranks that I lost count.

Chu Renyi told everyone that his wife give birth to two children. And the nurse that had been there, like magic said that where two child born. Everybody is thinking that I am part of their blood. Haha. Even so, I become friends with nobody, except Chu Feng and my sister Chu Yue.

As for the rest of the clan? Fuck them all.

I haven't remembered a single name, because I don't like them and their names are too difficult to remember and I have a problem with names.

I will forget every new name almost right away so I stop bothering with their useless names.

The only think that I do besides making a lot of pranks is doing exercises like push-ups, running, squats and so on. I do them because even if my body is not completely in harmony, but I can feel my body is becoming stronger with every day doing those exercises. Even if don't do them I think my body will get stronger, but with those exercises I can adapt those change and get used with my power.

Now I am 10-year-old. What do u guys think? I am old or not? Well, it doesn't matter.

After my tenth birthplace I should start cultivating but I stopped. Because even before I come in this world, I didn't like the idea of Dantian. Why?

Because it sounds weird and why should I put all my energy in that place?

So, I did something different, instead using all the energy in that damn dantian I choose my heart as the core. Did u guys understand? No?

Few months before I make 10 y, my body has stabilized and I can use all my power. The first think I did was to go in my own World, let's call it my "Garden" from now on.

After I entered there, I was surprised by the size of it. It was huge. I think that there is an entire universe. I was teleported above a huge planet that was surrounded by 10 suns and 10 moons. I have no idea if that number can mean something or not. But I know one thing. I can control everything around me.

After some research, I got used with this place. I use the power of time to slow the time.

I make myself a little house with a garden and I blocked the space around it. In this blocked space I make the time be 1000:1 so if outside will pass 1 y, inside the space will pass 1000 y. Op right?

I sat in lotus position and with the help of my Core and Creation I linked my dantian with my heart. So, my dantian is like a trick, because, if someone will try to see my cultivation, they will look in the dantian, but my true cultivation will be in my heart. In the end, no matter how hard someone will want to see my true cultivation, they could see only what I want them to see, no more details.

It took me few years to do this thing because it's something that is against heaven.

Cultivation is already against heaven so I thought what I did is against heaven x2 or x3?

But whatever is the answer, the Heaven tribulation come to me. Even if that was my world, that stupid tribulation could come. Eh

After I pass it my body started to absorb every energy around me.

I was like a black hole, every energy was coming at me, very fucking fast.

I thought that I will breakthrough very fast but that didn't happen, because of my body that has so many powerful things I need so much energy that it make me sick.

So, my body keep absorbing everything.

I almost forgot to tell u guys. Even if my hear is full of spiritual energy I will not breakthrough, because I need to absorb energy till my entire body is full.

So, the energy needed to breakthrough in the Rank 1 Spirit Realm is few hundred million more than Chu Feng needed.

After I realize how much energy I need I started absorbing faster and faster. Using my Devour body with Void body at the same time. To absorb energy from my world and from others worlds.

Like this in the real world 1 y passed. Now Chu Feng had his bloodline awaking.

In this year I come few times so that Chu Renyi and Chu Yue could see me, because they know that I like to play and I will disappear for few days till I come back again so they didn't mind it.

Let's take a look in my body. The bloodline I got from my parents is the last one that is eating. Why? Because first I need to feed my Devour/Void/Overlord bodies. The more energy they eat, my body is strengthening itself faster. After that my bloodlines come to. More energy they eat I can use more of my bloodlines power and moves. And the second place from the bottom are my eyes. ... they need energy too. So, in the end the lightning bloodline is the last one that eating.

5 years pass outside, I am 16 years old now and the main story should start. Inside my Garden I am getting stronger and stronger and I found more things about my choices, new abelites and new ways of using them.

In those years I help Chu Feng few times so he should not be as week as he was in the beginning, I think he should reach few ranks higher then in the story. Same for Chu Yue, after all she was a nice girl in the story and a good sister right now.

It took me so long to breakthrough. I will tell you guys how long it took.

I stayed 6000 in years in my Garden.

It took me 1 year to get in the Rank 1 Spirit Realm, after that I started to keep my breakthrough at the limit. I will try to hold as much as energy I can so I will make a perfect breakthrough.

From Rank 1 Spirit Realm to Rank 1 Origin Realm it took me 100 y. A lot, if I didn't know what I need to feed myself I will think I am a waste...

From Rank 1 Origin Realm to Rank 1 Profound Realm – 300 y

From Rank 1 Profound Realm to Rank 1 Heaven Realm - 600 y

From Rank 1 Heaven Realm to Rank 1 Martial Lord –1200 y

From Rank 1 Martial Lord to Rank Martial King –1600 y

After that, the rest of 2200 y I practice till Rank 9 Martial King and stopped. I focused my attention on the technique and skills that I get in those years. And started to cultivate my world spirit power.

And now, we are at the present.

If we look carefully, in of the Chu Family yards, we can see a young man sleeping in a tree.

He is a tall young man, around 1.90 m with a well- build body, with red short hair and bright black eyes. He has a small nose and a squad jaw with thin lips that are forming a mischievous smile.

The young man is wearing only a pair of blue shorts and a pair of flip flops.

He is Gabriel, our MC.

Without a care in the world he is thinking about what will be his next action.

Sorry for the mistakes.

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