
Oh' Defiant Heart

"don't stress yourself"lu bachang advised su mei

"who are you, how did I end up here and what happened before" su mei questioned

"one at a time"lu bachang said staring at her grey eyes filled with confusion,it almost seem that the eyes were enchanting him then he starred down at her lips,cherry color lips,pouting forming an 'o' shape and her skin were white but pale white and there were bandages on them but none the less she still had the fairy tale character's skin snow white,there was a bandage on her head he felt so sorry for putting his fairy in this situation,'no,no I shouldn't think of her like that,she is just a mere peasant'lu bachang thought

"hello,hello,sir,why were you staring at me,you haven't still answered me"su mei lovely voice brought lu bachang from his thoughts

"you were hit by my car"lu bachang replied

"it wasn't your fault either,I didn't know what happened, but I know I wasn't paying attention maybe that was how I got by your car" su mei confessed "am sorry sir" su mei struggled to sit up

"remember what I told you?"

"what?" su mei stopped what she was doing

"don't stress yourself,thank goodness no bones in your body were broken the doctor said you are going to be just fine in 2 weeks"lu bachang explained

lu bachang turned to leave when su mei stopped him "I didn't get to know your name?"su mei asked curious to know lu bachang's name

"for now rest,it is not important" then he left with his usual quick strides

su mei said to herself out loud"what kind of man is that,it is just like in the movie that the ML doesn't want the FL to to know his name or the FL doesn't want the ML to know her name weird"

su mei couldn't rest,she wondered what kind of man would have such an eyes,' the eyes somehow changes it shade due to his emotion, like when he was serious the shade of green was forest green,and when was emotionless he had a shade of sea green, she saw it when he spoke to her.she wanted to get to know him more better... wait a minute she he had an unfinished business with the xia family.


"dad,dad" *sobs* "I bumped into su mei today and she hurt me" *sobs*

"that bastard hurt my child,how dare she!" xia tang fumed with rage,xia lei yelled "oh my beautiful daughter where did she hurt you?"

"right here on my cheeks,see?" xia xi replied"father can you forgive xia mei and let her come back home,maybe she can love me again as her sister"

"don't you address her by that name and I can never forgive that bastard for what she did to you before and now,never, she'll pay"xia tang promised xia xi

After xia tang left, xia xi burst into laughter,xia lei was shocked to see her daughter sudden behaviour

"what happened my dear,are alright?"xia lei asked confused

"yes am alright mom,the truth is that I never bumped into su mei but I approached her,she didn't hurt me,but insulted me so I just want to teach her a lesson"she said smirking

"that's good,but you shouldn't have made up this story to your father,because he hate mei as it is"

"mom,yes he hates her but he is not going to do something about it but now that I claimed she physically hurt me he would be quick to do something about it"xia xi explained to her mother"now watch and see su mei I'll make sure you regretted coming to this world" xia xi said with a scoff "this is just the beginning"

so sorry readers for the slow updates

moneyhoneycreators' thoughts