
End of the world

I can barely open my eyes I can see many trees and a lot of blood on my hands I heard screaming around me but I am unable to move or make a sound and I heard someone talking before I collapsed....

Man A '' Hey ,look over there its an injured woman ?''

Man B ''What?! a woman what happened to her and brings her here in the middle of the forest ?''

Man A '' I don't know..... everyone knows that we are in a middle of a war . come one let's carry her and take her to our village.''

Man B ''alright .... I will carry her things but beware I don't know what the chief will do if he saw us with a strange woman .''

They started to walk with me on his back although I was passed out I can hear the shots of the guns and the bombs around me all over the place , the people that I am with sometime they ran fast and sometime they walk like a turtle and finally now I can't feel anything maybe I will die soon.

The two men arrived the village and as soon as they got in all the men and women started to gather around the 2 youth men with the women on his back ,the people start to whispering to each other

Woman A '' look at this woman she is covered in blood!!''

Man B '' why did they bring her here ? why didn't they just let her die in the forest we are in war after all''

Woman C ''why did they bring this disaster to us we had enough of injured people ...wait until jack comes and see this''

an old woman came through the crowd with a 18 aged child with her called Joey and she began to shout while walking with her stick waving '' move away you people!!! ''

'' Edward , Mark who is this young lady? where did you find her ?''

Edward who was carrying the woman answered ''we found her in the forest injured and we can't let her in there so we take her with us..."

Mark interrupted ''and these things was with her ,we don't know what are they.''

the old woman look at they confused about what should she do and she kept silent for 5 minutes in deep thought.

joey who was with the old woman shout and say in a strange happy face '' Is she dead yet? come on old women if you didn't take the decision quickly she will die from bleeding.''

the old woman said with sigh '' very well get her inside and the 3 of you are responsible for her care while the chief come back from his mission''

Joey shouted '' WHAT ??!!! me too????''

the old woman answered while walking away '' yes it's have been settled no more talking."

The next day I can feel my heave body and I feel like a car has walked on me I opened my eyes I saw a window next to me I look to the sunshine and then looked through the window and all I can see is destruction and wreckage WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE ?!

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