
Chapter 31. Rescue Raku Ichijo (Sorya! Sorya sorya hah!)

"Ichijo, Raku. Hang in there bro we are coming." Naruto and Sasuke looked at the blind man whose leg was healed by his eyes and hand were not while he blindly fighting a shadow-like creature whose body itself was a sword, while Raku had become the animal on its instinct as it felt no pain and no emotion completely devoid of everything.

/* Millennium of the era has passed and finally defeating Raku got the body of all apart attached leaving a hole in the first eyes, while his skin was barely was able to keep up the weight of the sword and looked of the dead one while all his skin was curved by bloody scratched as he defeated a volley of the sword without leaving the place. */

Soon he saw grade 1 warrior but Raku had no emotion in his eyes while he looked at the men as another opponent while his driving force was unknown even to him as he was not even able to speak the normal language, then how would he know what is drive and his mind only repeated the word kill him to win, kill them and win, Kill through and always win.

While finally Sasuke, Naruto were able to move in this world and looked at Rito who looked at them with no emotion, while carrying the strange smile while the men behind them speak "Ha-ha, he truly becomes the animal with no senses huh."

"Bastard." Sasuke and naruto shot toward him with intent to kill but the man easily dodged like a fluke and arrived at them and said, don't bother

I didn't make this trial, I am the same as him since I once passed this trial and was in the same condition as him with what so ever no emotion.

Then do you know how to help him, both of them asked at the same time?

He needs to see his driving force once again to regain his sanity while Rito, Sasuke, and Naruto though of the three ladies.

Soon Rito disappears while Raku dashed toward them and slashed while Raku twisted his sword in a stab from the slash which was blocked by the unknown swordsman while Naruto grapples one of the Raku arms and bound while he used the nine tail chakra to boost himself up.

Sasuke used Chidori to numb him but Raku dislocated his arm and freed himself and slashed in an arc way which was an extremely cold attack that shocked Sasuke and Naruto to the core.

Suddenly three girls appeared and looked around in bewildering while they say Sasuke using the Chidori and remember the heroes from the high school while the figure they were fighting seemed to be some kind of monster or human unknown as blood was Oozing from his wound making Sasuke and Naruto eyes tear up looking at his best buddy since they came to this world, how he called them Sasuke- San and Naruto- San, with a silly smiled to this thing which is not even a human.

While Rito bent on his knees as he falls on them as he begged: "Please save him, Raku Ichijo, save him for god sake, as he finally tore after that once and cried."

Lala eyes suddenly teared as she saw Raku while a figure of a boy matched the thing in her imagination while the wind shook his hair and they all saw the favorite band Raku used to wear always.

Mikan rushed first while Lala flew and Onodera stood in between and cried as she saw Raku, the handsome cheerful guy had turned into a monster who only slashed and wailed when suddenly his body stopped as he saw a pink-haired girl with a tear in her eyes hugging him, which was something new he had felt for a millennium of the sanctuary, his instinct told him that he was safe in her embrace while he can rest finally as his body stopped moving and laid limp in her embrace while he felt a hand touching his face he was new, yet familiar while the girl with brown hair took the ribbon and tied a ponytail in a new fashion while her dress changed into a green skirt with silver lining and green orange top with a flower pattern to make her look like a fairy among the commoner mortal.

While Onodera came in a nurse dress as she carried bandages as he looked at the girl while she took a bandage and came closer to history apart face while she cried yet she still smiled and put the bandage on his nose and said: "Here let me bandage it or it will infect..." as her tear started running while Raku deep conscious opened his eyes while he was sen to the area where he first fought the swordsman statue while this time he realized the thing he was missing as he looked the broad shoulder of the swordsman and felt the burden he was carrying.

While Raku stood in front of him and smiled he felt the burden of three girls behind him, which felt like a mountain to him but he felt extremely relaxed and powerful while he slashed and the sword which was only an inch away from his face disappeared.

Soon he fought all the opponent he had fought as a senseless animal while knowing not a single one was able to take a single strike of his which seemed like he was taking a stroll to the garden and he finally appeared before the three girls while he was still injured but his single eyes reflected many emotions as he looked at the three girls and smiled: "Thankyou Lala, Onodera well thanks for the bandage and Mikan thanks for letting me see that dress on you again, I made a mess right today."

Raku had no word while he recalls how ugly and pathetic he had looked in front of these girls when he felt a kiss on his cheek while Mikan blushed and said: "Baka Onii-chan." you to make me dress this again and you had to take responsibility of it."

While Raku only nodded when Lala also kissed him on the cheeks while blushing "Peke taught me this, he said boys love this when his loved one this."

While Onodera also tip on his cheeks while blushing "Take responsibility and date me, as you had promised me while we will ask Lala and Mikan to join us too."

Welcome back, Naruto and Sasuke patted his shoulder and kicked his but which make him fall and he cried: "What was that for bastards!" while they both glared and asked: "How dare you try something so dangerous without us, next time choose to enter the trial but you will take all of together there."

"You hear me khorya! want something Khorya!" Naruto asked pissed.

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