
Nightmare In Love

"You are designed to be my bride, how silly fate play among us?!" Nightmare never happened to be forced to anything especially as a demon king. "We create our future , nothing called fate in my dictionary" His bride had a slight hope that she won't be what fate would want her to be, not a bride for such cold-hearted king. "Then what should we do ,fake our relation to sound real?" He was absolutely annoyed to this sudden forced marriage to a human girl. "Are you really asking for my opinion? A mighty king asking for a human opinion! You are really somebody I won't ever meet again! " she was smirking among her words, knowing exactly he had no choice .But who would ever let a chance like this blew away from her hands ,Mika absolutely would like to humiliate him. Nightmare is powerful. Mikaela is the power source. Nightmare is cold person. Mikaela is emotionally heated. Nightmare is the king. Mikaela is the queen. Would they ever make this marriage work? Even that a marriage is designed for the demon king and the angel queen. Would they marry each other without falling in love just to do their duties list? Can they overpass their duties as a king and a queen? or would they lead their worlds into chaos?

Aya24_365 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
3 Chs



5:00 a.m. Wednesday June 2000

"HURRY UP! WE SHOULD DELIVER THE CHILD!" The doctor yelled out at his assistance.The hospital was wrecking down.

Everyone was running to save his life, no matter how!

It was just death which feared the most.

Thunders, storms were overthrowing Tokyo.

Every human was running out of his own leftover house,out of the city to nowhere .

But somewhere else in the hospital,there was one doctor with his assistance trying to deliver a new hybrid child as the mother was in huge pain.

"Take the baby out,focus!"The doctor was trying to encourage his assistance with the help of few lights through some phones and a candle.

Yet,it was hard.

"PULL HER HEAD OUT FIRST!"The doctor's voice was so high enough to be heard.

"I'm trying" his assistance replied with shaky voice, she was too afraid from the situation especially when you can hear the messed up voices and screaming from outside.

Here comes the baby voice out, a beautiful girl.

The doctor cleaned the baby's body from the blood "we succeeded ".

Her mother was awake after a massive pain from giving birth; but her first child was her second big happiness in her life after her husband.

The doctor placed the baby girl beside her mother when the latter called her before falling unconscious by "Mikaela".

Mikaela was born.

"Doctor! Look out!" The woman assistance pushed away the doctor ,the walls fall out from above them to be thrown over the poor woman , mikaela and her mother.

"NO!" The doctor yelled out running to save them, hardly removing the stones and the woods from over their bodies.

After massive effort from his left energy, he made it.

He looked at his assistance,she was dead.

Her head was bleeding nonstop with no more breathe left.

He gulped hardly, looking with all his courage at the mother.

She was dead also,his tears fall down without any hope left.

But the scene made him cry more, he saw the mother covering her baby by her body.

He unwrapped the mother arms from the baby to find our she was alive with little injuries.

The doctor didn't lose any time left,he took the baby to his embrace. Running away fastly before they both die.

The only person he can run to was his friend, mikaela's father.


Minato's pov.

My wife was left with my doctor ; a friend ; in the hospital to give birth of our first baby.

But I couldn't be with her, because literally I'm fighting such creature right now.

"Drake, count your last minutes" I gave him a clear threatening.

He just mock me with his usual smirk.

"You're under my mercy" I cant beat Drake, he knows well as much as I do.

But I should buy time for mikeala's birth and for support heading toward me.

"I wish you have something you can rely on other than these words" he transported to my back through time travel.

Damn it! I'm dead indeed.

"Move asshole!" I heard a voice before Drake could shoot me with his shadow fire.

Someone rolled over me to be saved in time.

I looked up to see Sebastian over me, he finally came!

"Oh, support achieved you?" Drake was clearly playing with us while I was totally with no energy left to fight him.

"Where's Nightmare?!" I asked sebastian,the demon butler for the demon king.

"He isn't coming" sebastian replied with forks between his fingers to be ready to defend his self.

"WHAT?!" I yelled in frustration,how could we win?!

-"He is so stubborn to come, you know him!"

-" That's not even a reason!"

-" I tried with all my effort, I even begged him, but he was refusing".

-" My human race is depending on him to stay alive and kill this devil, What will I do now?!"

-" I have no idea".

Drake got angry as he knew that Nightmare isn't coming "Enough of this chat, if Nightmare won't come, you'll both die".

His purple eyes glow as a bad sign.

"Do you have a plan?" I asked sebastian when he just answered simply "No".

"Excellent, I should thank Nightmare for this situation" I grabbed my sword recharging my powers to do what I'm capable of.

"MINATO! MINATO!" I heard it, the doctor's voice calling out for me.

I had a glance at him when my eyes were set on the baby he's holding while running toward me.

That's my baby!

But where is Haruka? Where is my wife?

"She died in the hospital, your wife died but Mikaela-" I saw Darke cut off the doctors head from his back as he transport secretly to there.

Before my baby fall with the doctor's dead body ,Drake hold her.

"NO!" I screamed out when I saw my only child in his embrace.

"You know what I like about you, you are always full of surprises, such as giving me your daughter" Drake caressed Mikaela's cheek.

She wasn't crying or even scared.

"Take your hands off her!" I yelled at him with all of my energy.

"I have an offer" Drake gave me his devilish smile.

"What is it?" Sebastian replied as I was in the shockement situation from Haruka's death and my child current position .

"I'll posses your daughter's body and I'll give this world another 20 years chance to stay existing, what do you say?" Drake know very well that was a win-win offer.

If I didn't agree, he'll kill us and erase my race at whole.

Then he can still have Mikaela with his side.

Plus, he cant posses her body without my help.

Possession was one of my abilities that is rare and no one can do it except me and Nightmare.

That's why he is offering this.

"What do you say?" Drake was waiting for me when I looked at sebastian with hesitation.

He gave me a nod for agreement.

He knew well as me that's the best choice for our situation.

"I agree!"

That's how I let Drake posses my daughter's body and our war was over.

My mind was off his conscious after everything happened, I fainted with my daughter in my arms as she was crying from the possession pain.

That was the last thing I heard.

Hope I didnt made a false choice for my daughter's future.


Sebastian's pov

It was a chaos, everything happened is still on fire , mess and more.

My mind went back to Nightmare's last words "I'm not gonna sell my precious time for a father's friend call".

He refused to lend a help hand for Minato, the only one who payed for Nightmare's absence was a new born baby.

I sighed in heavy way, Nightmare always make things harder for me.

But he should take responsibility for what happened.

The baby was still crying in pain, I took her from Minato's embrace.Once she felt me, her blue sapphire eyes opened with tear drops falling off. I start to wipe them, she had her tiny hand up to catch mine, she was so cute yet in pain.

Hopeless she looked,asking me for help hand from this damn illness without a word.

And I know exactly the only one who can help her.

My clock triggers pathways between dimensions , with a click tik-tak.

The path was opening to my demonic world .

Minato was heavy, well-built muscles.Damn, he worked out a lot. I hold him on my back while his daughter was between my arms.

I left this human world going back to my world passing through the path .


Nightmare is gonna kick me out of the castle.

Meanwhile, I reached the garden of the castle.

I don't wanna get attention from the guards or the maids.That's why I'm not going directly through the main doors.

Good thing I know a secret path way to my room at least, all I want is to place Minato down at rest place.

While Mikaela's situation will be special.

There was a tree with a hidden gate, it was a wicked tree that doesnt open except by a real demon blood.

I snatch my thumb as blood drops came out, my black blood drops were enough to open the gate by pressing it on the wood, the path was tight but enough for one person. At least that was good for my situation.

The gate will shut down when my blood dry of the wood. It won't take long time.

This way will lead me to under ground, good thing my room was at the ground floor.

I pressed my finger blood again on the final gate, it opened exactly inside my room.

Minato now was layed doen on my bed while Mikaela was still awake in my arms.

She was silent all the time, she stopped crying after I reached my world. Did she surpass the pain of Drake's power inside her?

She's really out of the world.

I know she's not normal,her father is half demon after all but she's more like powerful.

Anyway, I should meet my king.

Minato will be safe in my bed room as I made sure to lock the doorknob also.

I know Nightmare will be in the same place I left him in. Indeed, the library.

Good thing that's his private room no one guard it.

Knocking the door twice, he answered by low voice "Come in".

He knew it was me only.

Just by turning the doorknob, I found my king placing his eyes on the book settled on the table with focus mind.

I walked to his side slowly with only my footsteps echoing in the huge library.

"Welcome back" He greeted me while closing his book.

The moment came when Nightmare look at me as I closed my eyes for the next movement .

I raised Mikaela a little to his face level with apology " Forgive me your highness, I played on my own and came back with this girl without your permission but -"..I stopped in shockement to look at him with widen eyes.

Nightmare was just gazing into the girl's sapphire blue-ocean eyes as his golden sunny eyes were glowing.

"Hmm..your highness, are you hearing me out?" He just shake his head a little to ask me " who's she? Where did you get her from? What's her name?"

Wow, I never saw him interested in somebody,not a baby at least.

"Umm,I'll explain" I was relaxed since he didn't complain at all for me acting on my own without his permission.

"Better to begin" His tone returned back to it's usual, unmerciful one.

He sat back at his chair with crossed legs and resting his chin on his right hand .

"Back in the human dimension.." I told him every detailed thing crossed my mind.

He had his index finger underneath his chin as usual when he take any situation seriously. 

"In other words, she could be the tale of Drake powers, this can be a problem later" he starts to analyze the information alike his normal attitude.

I gulped to his analysis, would he kill the baby, Minato will absolutely hold a war to our realm .

"We have one option to do" Nightmare looked at the baby as he took her from my hands .

She looked in fear until he started to caress her cheeks with a little smile "she won't die, unless I want another war with the human realm."

He even considered killing her and the symptoms! A monster alike his father.

"I'll have her too as Drake did " those words went out from his mouth when I got scared.

That's crazy! "She may be able to hold drake inside her as possession but you too my king! I'm sure she won't be able-" he looked at me replying in his calm mood " There must be a reason Drake asked to this , I won't let him ride on his plan without me knowing what he want" .

"But your highness! She might die!" He smirked at me talking back "she'll die by 16 year".

"Do you mean the deal?!" I asked him in concern.

"Think of it in this way,  Drake would prefer to wait 16 years in her body for what? He isn't playing around this girl, rather more she would die after Drake taking over the posession period".

"Then , are you planning to make her also your tale ?" I asked my king as he nodded.

"If this child could bear me too, we'll  know that she's more than special and one of Drake's targets " he stopped caressing her cheek , as he looked at her seriously "but if she couldn't have me, she'll die".

"Are you risking her life to know Drake plan?" I rather not believe this, his plan is completely heartless under the name of calculations  and results.

"Better for you to be ready" he said those words with his gaze at Mikaela.

"But.." I rather stand against this plan but I'm in no position. 

"What's  her full name?" He asked me  with furious look considering my reflex was against his will.

I gulped, if this what he want, I won't be able to do anything "Mikaela Hiragi".

He smirked at me with a full known that I obviously obey him .

"Now Mikaela" his  calm voice was always like this before his storm . "Let's place you under my eye for the eternity!" .

He placed a kiss on her right backhand smoothly right before he insert his teeth into it snatching her skin with a mark.

The child scream was loud to echo in the whole room , he immediately hide her mouth under his left hand when he was holding tightly her body with his right one.

She must be unlucky to have at her birth day met both of Drake and Nightmare. 

Nightmare licked her coming blood from her  backhand as he whispered "it was a while since my last drink".

The door was slammed against the wall when Minato was hardly breathing. He looked unwell, trying hardly to walk even.

"Too late" Nightmare laughed out at Minato when his body start to transform into particles in the air and move to the cold body.

Minato ran out to his daughter taking her into his embrace when Nightmare faded into her body.

"no..no.." Minato's body was trembling with a dazed look at his daughter as she fell unconscious "MIKAELA!!"

His tone was too hurted and painful. 

His tears didnt stop from dropping down at his daughter body.

would she be able to make it through ?