
Nightmare's Awakening

Von, who has spent his life disinterested in everything, has been haunted by a recurring nightmare since childhood. In his dreams, the world undergoes a radical transformation as angels descend to Earth, offering humanity a chance following a significant sacrifice. Now, Von's life takes an unexpected turn when elements from his nightmares start manifesting in reality. His disinterest is about to be challenged as he must confront the mysterious events that blur the line between dreams and reality.

Asyrie · Fantasía
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36 Chs


Chapter 15: Conflict

Under the morning rain, Ren and Von woke up, determined to face the day's adventure. The soft drumming of droplets on their armor served as a prelude to the challenges that awaited them. As they prepared for the quest ahead, the cold raindrops did little to quench the fire of purpose burning within them.

Yesterday's encounters with the kobolds had revealed a surprising discovery—the existence of a small town within the dungeon. People resided here, and Ren and Von were astounded, questioning whether they were truly human, as venturing into this dungeon was considered perilous, with monsters believed to be the only inhabitants.

Exploring the town, they sensed fear among the residents. Cautious glances and hushed whispers accompanied their every step. Approaching a group of villagers, Ren urged them to share their story.

"It's been ages since adventurers visited our town," an elderly man spoke, relief and uncertainty in his voice.

Realizing the vulnerability of the town due to the lack of contact with the outside world, Ren asked the villagers to provide information about the kobolds plaguing their homes.

A middle-aged woman stepped forward, expressing the hardships they faced. "The kobolds started appearing not long ago. They've been disturbing our homes, stealing supplies, and causing havoc. We're just simple folk; we don't have the means to repel them."

Empathizing with their plight, Von offered assistance, and the townspeople, initially wary, became cautiously hopeful.

"We've had our share of encounters with kobolds. We might be able to help," Von assured.

Gathering crucial information, Ren addressed the villagers, pledging to deal with the kobold threat. In return, they sought assistance in unraveling the dungeon's mysteries. The villagers, grateful for the promise of aid, agreed to share their knowledge.

As Ren and Von left the town, they carried not only the weight of their destinies but also the collective hope of the forgotten people who called the dungeon home.

Approaching the entrance of the kobold territory, the rain intensified, casting a mysterious veil over the Whispering Woods. The kobold-infested area appeared more alive, the greens of the forest vibrant against the gray canvas of falling rain.

Unexpectedly, a lone kobold named Glimmer stepped forward, its scaled skin glistening. To Ren and Von's astonishment, Glimmer spoke with an unexpected level of articulation.

"Hold, adventurers. I am Glimmer, a shaman of these woods. We are not your typical kobolds, and we do not wish to harm. We seek your aid against the orcs," Glimmer implored, desperation and determination in its yellow eyes.

Surprised by the kobolds' plea for an alliance against the orcs, Ren cautiously questioned their motives.

"It's true; we've attacked, but it's out of desperation. The orcs have encroached upon our territory, and we are left with little choice. We can coexist peacefully if the orc threat is quelled," Glimmer explained.

Von questioned the kobold about assurances and incentives, and Glimmer earnestly pledged to cease hostilities and offer aid in return.

Ren and Von, contemplating the potential risks and rewards, decided to explore the orc situation first before committing to the kobold alliance.

"May the rain wash away the animosity between our kinds. We await your decision," Glimmer said with a glimmer of hope.

As Ren and Von delved deeper into the forest, the rain persisted, becoming a steady companion to their thoughts and the choices that awaited them in the heart of the Whispering Woods.

As Ren and Von ventured further into the forest, the persistent rain seemed to mirror the uncertainty that loomed over their path. The vibrant greens of the Whispering Woods, enhanced by the falling raindrops, created an otherworldly atmosphere. The air was charged with a mix of apprehension and determination.

Ren's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, contemplating the potential consequences of aligning with the kobolds against the orc threat. Von, too, walked alongside with a furrowed brow, the weight of the impending decision evident in their expression.

Ren broke the silence, their voice cutting through the rhythmic drumming of the rain. "Von, what are your thoughts on this? Aligning with the kobolds might be a strategic move, but we need to ensure their intentions are genuine."

Von nodded, their gaze focused on the path ahead. "I agree. The kobolds seem desperate, and genuine or not, we can't ignore the orc problem. But we should tread carefully and gather more information about both sides."

Ren's eyes scanned the surroundings, the towering trees offering a semblance of shelter from the persistent rain. "Exactly. Let's explore the orc territory discreetly. We need to understand their motives and potential threat to the region."

As they delved deeper into the forest, the rain-drenched foliage creating a natural camouflage, they stumbled upon signs of orc activity. Broken branches, trampled vegetation, and distant echoes of low grunts hinted at the presence of the orcish menace.

Von whispered to Ren, "Looks like we're getting closer. Stay alert."

The duo advanced cautiously, their every step a dance between concealment and discovery. The rain, now a constant companion, masked their movements as they observed a clearing ahead—a makeshift orc camp.

Ren and Von hid behind the cover of trees, silently observing the orcs engaged in heated discussions. The atmosphere in the orc camp was tense, and glimpses of crude maps suggested strategic planning. Ren leaned in and whispered, "We need to learn more. Let's find a way to eavesdrop without being detected."

Von nodded in agreement, their eyes scanning for a vantage point. As they positioned themselves for a stealthy approach, a sudden hush fell over the orc camp. The leader, a massive orc with a distinct scar across their face, turned sharply, locking eyes with Ren and Von.

A moment of tense silence passed, the rain creating a drumroll of anticipation. Then, the orc leader bellowed, "Intruders! Get them!"

Ren and Von, now exposed, sprinted through the rain-soaked forest, orcish roars echoing behind them. The decision to explore the orc territory had turned into an unexpected confrontation, and as they ran, the fate of their alliance with the kobolds hung in the balance.

The rain intensified, mirroring the escalating conflict and uncertainty that engulfed Ren and Von in the heart of the Whispering Woods.

The forest echoed with the cacophony of raindrops and orcish roars as Ren and Von sprinted through the labyrinth of trees. The ground beneath them became a slippery challenge, but the urgency of the situation fueled their agility.

Orcs, wielding crude weapons, emerged from the shadows, their eyes glinting with hostility. Ren and Von maneuvered through the dense foliage, dodging branches and leaping over obstacles to evade their pursuers.

Von shouted, "Head for the rock outcrop! We can use it for cover!"

The duo altered their course, making a beeline for a massive rock formation protruding from the forest floor. Rain-soaked mud splattered with each rapid step, making the terrain treacherous. The orcs, relentless in their pursuit, closed in with thunderous footsteps.

Ren reached the rock outcrop first, taking cover behind its moss-covered surface. Von followed suit, and together, they readied their weapons for a potential confrontation. The orcish horde surrounded them, forming a menacing circle.

The rain intensified, casting a shimmering veil over the impending clash. Ren locked eyes with Von, exchanging a silent understanding. They braced themselves for the inevitable clash, their every sense heightened by the drumming rain and the imminent battle cries of the orcs.

With a primal roar, the orc leader signaled the attack, and the forest erupted into a chaotic symphony of clashing blades and elemental fury. Ren and Von fought side by side, their movements synchronized in a dance of survival.

The rain-soaked battleground became a canvas of swirling emotions, determination etched on the faces of Ren and Von as they confronted the orcish threat. The Whispering Woods bore witness to a clash of species, each driven by their own motives and survival instincts.

Amidst the chaos, the fate of the alliance with the kobolds hung in the balance. The rain, indifferent to the unfolding conflict, continued its relentless descent, washing away the blood and footprints, leaving only the echoes of a battle in the heart of the Whispering Woods.

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