

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasía
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127 Chs

Chapter 64

She was cooking breakfast as the eggs and bacon filled the room woke me up. The omelet that she made was amazing; the coffee beans seemed fresh from the hills as the strength of the coffee was incredible to the taste buds. Looking at the time it was about eleven after we ate. Sitting on the couch Daria by my side talking about nothing of importance just to talk and r me personally to make her laugh. I loved the way her lips parted as she could not hold herself as the snort would come out every once in a while. Showing me her true self. All I could do was hold my laughter so as not to embarrass her with her snorts. This talk and time alone made us closer than I could have ever thought. Making her laugh made me happier than I had been in a long time.

Daria's head did a tilting thing to her right. She always did that when she was doing a PM. A group of people came rushing in as we were on the couch drinking coffee. A group of individuals that I did not recognize all wearing the same outfits walked into the room.

Asked for me to stand as they took a hold of me and started taking measurements, blood, giving shots until two ladies wearing simple light brown gowns walked in and asked, "Is he all set?" The one on the left asked.

The rest of the people made their nods after the poking and pricking one last time packed up their equipment walked out the door.

The two ladies stood by the door as the rest did all their packing and left the room. The one on the left a black hair Hispanic looking girl with a brown-gold tan who looked to be 5'2 walked up to me first stopped about arm's length away then bowed. "I am called Allie" as she stood upright" and we are here to take care of your needs until the Ceremony." The light-dark skin girl who looked to be of the same height walked up after Allie announced herself just as Allie did. She did a bow "my name is Victoria, and I am to assist with the duties of taking care of you before the Ceremony.

Having not a clue of what that meant all I could say was "Thank you, ladies."

"I guess I am in your hands."

"Please follow us," Allie asked.

I looked over to Daria, with a small bathrobe only covering the left side of her body. Standing with her body still gleaming in this blush color as she gets when sexually excited, she walked over to me kissed me on the forehead then the lips. Until we meet later Master, she looked at the two women and nodded.

They led me down to a different floor until we reached a golden door surrounded by flowers. They opened the doors of a pool sauna room. It was big enough for a football team, and yet only the three of us were inside the room. Looking like it was taken out of Rome times itself and brought to the future, statues of marble golden facets spilling out water in several places around the room. Pillars every ten feet as the sound of a waterfall in the distance Hearing the doors close with a thud with a very loud sound of a clank. For which I could only assume was a locking mechanism.