

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Fantasía
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127 Chs


"I have done as told elder, and my report is complete," replied the Gatherer.

"Proceed" spoke the Elder.

After countless hours, the Gatherer explained the collection of information explained over in detail of the personality, habits, and likes of the man that she followed. She had come to her conclusion that he would be an above average candidate.

The Elder thanked the Gatherer for her commitment to detail saying "I know this one was hard for you my child and for that I thank you" then waved her hand to dismiss the Gatherer.

The Gatherer disappeared as if a switch was turned off. The Hologram of the women was gone as if never there. The lights brightened with the two women standing approached the women on the throne.

"Well" said by one of the women in a red rose and black dress with dark red hair that was standing to the left of the Gatherer.

"Does this confirm that my choice be given the chance to join the family?" She asked.

As she waited for the answer, she looked over to the other woman who was standing to the right of the Gatherer, who had black straight hair down to her shoulder.

The women with the black hair nodded in agreement with both looking at the women on the throne.

She looked deep in thought, still going over the information in her head. Looked up at the two "I give my permission for his consideration. "She said

If he passes the trials that are set we will proceed from there is this understood Vixen?

Yes Elder" Vixen replied as she moved her head up making her red hair flow back and forth.

Vixen I do have to ask why this one, in all the years you have been a family member this one would be your first choice to become a family member?

It was by accident that I found him, Elder. On the Utherverse system I have grown to love meeting others whom I find interesting in this fantasy world. I found him, showing himself different from the people that are on the system. He has a uniqueness that surrounds him and in this era that is hard to find. There is something that he has shown from our time together that intrigues me every time we speak. This man has brought something out of me that I haven't had in a long time. A feeling of a brother who I had a long time ago who knows you and sense's pain in your voice makes fun of you at one point then gives a hug to make you feel better.