
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs

[3.28] EXTRA STORY - Steven's Training Part 1

A few days before the school holiday event, Steven enjoyed his normal day.

Fauzan woke up from his sleep and saw Steven in front of the computer screen.

"You're up early in the morning, Bang." Fauzan said.

"Just woke up late, nothing special." Steven said, looking at his computer screen.

Fauzan didn't reply, so he opened the curtains and the morning light entered the room.

Then Fauzan went straight into the shower. Steven himself was still focused on his computer screen while listening to music through his headphones from a newly released virtual idol group that had only been around for a few months.

Steven kept surfing the search engines for the latest news, especially recent events and phenomena and discussions of the deadly tragedy. In articles and forums, some people mentioned a tragedy called Asteria, which was named after an ancient civilization.

As she continued to surf, she accidentally saw an interesting news item about a virtual idol group that she had been listening to. It was about "Their Offline Debut Concert Without Virtual Avatars."

Steven saw that the news made him very interested.

"Offline debut? I think it's exciting. Hm... the concert is still a long time away... But the concert is in the next city." Said Steven who spoke to himself in a slightly disappointed tone.

"Well... it seems impossible. Ah... because of this tragedy, all the games, festivals, idols, and other events are canceled and now that the concert is there, I can't even go there." Steven said in a slightly raised tone out of annoyance.

Fauzan, who had finished bathing and was just coming out of the bathroom, immediately replied to Steven's words.

"Impossible?" Fauzan said while drying his hair with a towel.

"Have you finished bathing? Then I'm going to take a shower too." Said Steven who immediately turned off his music, then put his headphones on and moved away from his computer screen.

"Bang, what's impossible?" Said Fauzan who was curious.

Without saying much, Steven went straight to the bathroom, passing Fauzan and saying, "Just check it on the computer."

Steven closed the bathroom door. Fauzan heard him staring at the computer screen that was still on.

Fauzan then looked at the computer screen, which was open to an article discussing the offline debut concert.

Fauzan read the article carefully, and then he understood what Steven meant by 'Impossible'.

"Yeah... if the concert is in the next town, there's no way I can get there. You have to risk your life just to watch a concert." Fauzan said in a low tone because he was a little disappointed. That's because Fauzan was also a little interested in the concert, because their songs were good.

After cleaning up, Steven and Fauzan went to the dining room, along with the others. Steven doesn't talk much in the dining room, as he's not very talkative by nature if it's not about his hobbies.

After finishing eating, one by one the others left and some returned to their rooms, except for Raka and Fauzan who were going to some crowded places. Steven also came out, but he didn't join Raka and Fauzan, he just wanted to walk around aimlessly.

Before walking away from the dining room, Laras asked Steven where he was going next.

"Steven, where are you going now?" Laras said curiously while walking towards the elevator.

Steven didn't answer immediately, giving a few seconds of pause. Steven didn't answer because Steven was a little surprised by Laras suddenly asking him.

"I'm going out, what's wrong, do you need me?" Steven said as he pushed the elevator down and Hana pushed the elevator next to him up.

"Nothing really. Just curious. So, where are you going?" Laras said.

"Hm... no special purpose, just traveling." Steven said.

There was silence as the three ran out of topics. Then the elevator to the bottom opened first, and Steven entered the elevator. Until the elevator closed, Steven and Laras didn't speak at all, and there was silence until the elevator to the top opened.

In the elevator, Hana said, "Steven just asked to hold his hand."

"Where is it!" Laras said, with a quick response.

"If for example he asks to hold his hand, what will it be like? Then you don't want to?" Hana said teasing Laras.

"I want to..." replied Laras in a tone so small that Hana, who was right next to her, couldn't hear her clearly.

"Huh, what, I don't want to." Hana said in a teasing manner, because she could actually hear Laras' embarrassed voice.

Annoyed at being teased, Laras looked at Hana's face and then Laras pinched Hana's cheek and also tried to pinch Hana's mouth.

"This mouth of yours is babbling a lot! It looks like your mouth needs to be fixed." Laras said.

"Stop it, Laras, it hurts. You pinched my cheek too hard." Hana said in a rather tight voice.

Then shortly the elevator doors opened and in front of them was Amelia staring at the two of them.

"What were you two doing in the elevator? Joking in an elevator is dangerous, you know." Amelia said, looking at Hana and Laras in surprise.

Immediately, Hana and Laras behaved normally again, as if it had never happened, and then Hana and Laras got out of the elevator, and Amelia kept holding the elevator button open.

"Amel, where are you going? You went up first, why are you going down again?" Hana said while rubbing her reddened cheeks.

"I forgot I was going to buy snacks." Amelia said, while getting into the elevator but still holding the elevator open.

"Then I'm coming too." Said Hana who went back into the elevator again.

"Laras, want to come too?" Amelia said.

Laras, who was still cranky because Hana was teasing her, just nodded her head which meant yes, she wanted to come.

Then the three of them went to the minimarket on the ground floor.

On the other hand, Steven was already at the exit of the building. Steven stared randomly at his surroundings.

"Huh... where did I go... because of seeing the news about the concert earlier, I'm feeling bad. Akh... that sucks too. Anyway, just take a walk to the park first." Said Steven, who muttered alone because he was upset that he couldn't watch the concert in the article earlier.

Steven wandered around the garden of the Amarta building aimlessly, just going around in circles while watching other people's activities.

In the outer corner of the garden was someone who had seen Steven.

"Captain, I know we have the day off, but that doesn't mean we're walking around without direction." Said someone next to him.

"Captain... captain? Did you hear what I said? Captain, what did you see?" Said the person then tried to find what the captain saw.

"Look at that kid with the headphones." Said the captain.

"Which one? Many people wear headphones." Said someone next to him.

"That, stupid, headphone-wearing kid with the lethargic look on his face. You've seen him, haven't you?" Said the captain.

"Oh, that blue-haired kid. Yeah right, I think I've seen him before." Said someone beside the captain.

"You feel bored right we walk without direction, then we meet the boy." Said the captain who immediately walked towards Steven.

"Hey, captain, wait for me." Said the captain's friend.

This is an extra story taken from chapter 20 and chapter 21.

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