
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[3.16] Recruitment Match Part 3

The training match continues and has entered its 6th session. "Ok, Fauzan and Ratna are next. Let's get to the center," Luna said.

"Oh, it's my turn now," Ratna said.

"I hope you lose!" Citra shouted. Ratna was a little annoyed at that.

The two had stood in the center and were facing each other. "I won't give in, you know..." said Fauzan.

"You underestimate me. I'm not soft like that girl over there," Ratna said.

Citra who heard this immediately shouted, "That's right! Ratna, a strong, muscular and very manly girl, will never lose to you!" she said. Hearing that, Ratna was a little annoyed at being insinuated.

"Are you teasing him or encouraging him?" said Radit.

Then innocently, Citra said, "Both!" she said.

"Huh?" responded Radit who was confused by Citra's words.

"Okay, now we begin. Are you two ready?" said Luna.

Fauzan and Ratna nodded, which meant they were both ready to fight.

"Ok... Start!" said Luna, and the match began.

In the first few seconds, neither attacked immediately; both observed each other.

After a while, Ratna attacked first with her fire element.

Bursts of hot fire were directed at Fauzan. However, he always avoided every burst of fire.

Fauzan avoided the fire as he approached Ratna.

In no time, Fauzan managed to get close to Ratna and a close martial arts battle ensued.

Fauzan attacked with such force that if the blow had been struck by someone less skilled in martial arts, it would have felt immense pain.

Ratna continued to dodge the attacks while attacking with fire power up close.

Not long after that, Fauzan managed to hit Ratna in the face, though only to scratch her cheek.

Ratna held her cheek that was dripping a little blood. "Hey, you know what? It's not good to hurt and ruin a girl's face," Ratna said.

Ratna then attacked Fauzan more intensively and used her water element.

While dodging, Fauzan said, "Fire and water? What a strange combination of elements!" he said.

On the outside of the match, "Look, Fauzan seems to be losing," said Raka.

For a few minutes, Ratna kept attacking until there was an opening.

Fauzan moved quickly towards Ratna and prepared to hit her with full force.

However, Ratna smiled. It seems to be Ratna's plan to provoke Fauzan into attacking her.

With just a slight movement, Ratna avoids Fauzan by tilting her body and then with the palm of her hand, she hits him by pushing his back.

After the attack, Fauzan was pushed and momentarily lost his balance.

And Ratna attacked with the water element continuously until the surrounding water was stagnant. Then they fell silent, and Fauzan straightened his position with his body wet and his surroundings waterlogged.

"Luckily it's just the water element, fiuh..." said Fauzan.

"Weak?" said Ratna.

"Sure. See? There are no wounds, just soaked," Fauzan said.

"Oh really? What if I had the lightning element? You'd get electrocuted, you know," she said.

"Eh, you have three elements?" said a panicked Fauzan.

"Of course not, I only have fire and water. Look at this," she said, showing the two elements.

"Phew... thank goodness," Fauzan said.

"But can you avoid this trick?" Ratna said.

Ratna started moving the stagnant water around Fauzan and it quickly covered his entire body.

The entire audience was stunned to see Fauzan trapped in the water.

Fauzan rebelled to get out of there, but somehow he couldn't get out of the watery confinement that made him seem to be drowning.

Fauzan continued to squirm and hold his breath, then he glanced at Luna as if to say 'I give up'.

Luna didn't understand what he meant because he didn't make a sound. However, Luna saw that Fauzan could no longer move and she ended the match.

"Ratna, that's it, let her go," Luna said.

Hearing this, Ratna immediately let go of the drowning Fauzan.

"The match is over, the winner is Ratna," Luna said.

Fauzan, after being released from the water that drowned him, immediately coughed and breathed deeply.

Radit and Raka approached Fauzan who was sitting listlessly on the ground.

"Hahaha... drowning on land is very funny," said Raka.

"That's not funny at all, bang. It was a horrible experience. I thought I was going to die," Fauzan said, still panting from holding his breath for more than a minute.

"Are you okay?" said Radit.

"Relax, bang, no one was hurt," Fauzan said, still a little shaken.

Ratna then approached Fauzan. "How's the water?" she said.

"It's disgusting," Fauzan said.

"Huh? What did you say? Do you want to drown again?" Ratna said.

"Oh, no-no, I'm wrong, forgive me," said a scared Fauzan.

"Okay, I forgive you," Ratna said.

Citra then approached them as well. "Yey, right? Ratna won! Muscle girl to fight, ehe..." Citra said.

"Do you want to drown too?" Ratna said, showing the ball of water floating in her palm.

"Oh, no-no, I don't want to do that, I'll lose all the makeup on my face," Citra said.

"You coquettish girl, then I'll pinch your cheeks again," Ratna said.

"Enough of you all, now go to the side first. Now the next match is Raka and Daniel, those of you who are not interested go to the side first," Luna said.

Everyone went to the sidelines except Raka, who would be fighting next.

Daniel from the sidelines entered the arena and stood at his post.

Raka was a little irritated by her sharp, cool-headed gaze. She followed his style and stared at him.

They both stared at each other in silence, and instantly it was silent as if they were the only two there.

On the audience side,

"What is this atmosphere?" said Radit.

"Why are they both being so cool?" Ratna said.

Then Citra shouted, "Hey, why are you guys so quiet? You don't fit in like that!" she shouted.

Daniel and Raka were shocked to hear it and felt embarrassed.

"Who's being cool? I've always been cool! And why are you silent, huh? By the way! Your face is really annoying! Want to be cool, huh?" said Raka.

Daniel flinched slightly at Raka's annoyance.

"Hm... it's not that, I'm just embarrassed," Daniel said in a quiet voice.

"Huh?" said a confused and annoyed Raka.

Luna from a distance with the increasingly chaotic behavior of her students.

"Enough chatter, now prepare to fight. Prepare your positions," Luna said.

Daniel and Raka took their positions.

"Ok, you two, ready... go!" said Luna to start the match.

Without further ado, Raka immediately attacked quickly using his lightning element.

Daniel immediately parried with his lightning element as well.

Raka was a little surprised by the elements that Daniel released.

"Hey, you have the lightning element too," said Raka. Hearing that, Daniel did not reply. "Then, feel the water element and get shocked by yourself!" said Raka.

However, Daniel released water as well to deflect it. Apparently, Daniel also has the water element.

Seeing that, Raka was shocked.

"Hoi-hoi... do we have the same element?" said Raka.

However, Daniel was silent without saying a word, which annoyed Raka.

"Woi, speak up!" said an annoyed Raka, much to Daniel's surprise.

"I... sorry, I just didn't know what to answer. But it's true, I have the same elements as you," Daniel said.

"Oho... this is interesting," Luna said.

"Why is it interesting?" said Radit.

"Of course. It's rare to see someone fight who has the same element. Who do you think would win?" Luna said.

"I don't know. What do you think?" said Radit.

"It looks like Raka will win," Luna said.

"How come?" said Radit.

"That's because she has a unique skill: intuition. Whereas his opponent doesn't have a unique skill and doesn't know the advantage of his opponent's ability," Luna said.

"Uh, what does he have? I just found out," said Radit.

"It's an intuitive skill," Luna said.

"Intuition? What does that mean?" said a slightly confused Radit.

"As the name suggests, intuition. So her sensitivity to the existence of a situation, including threats, is higher than the average human," Luna said.

"Oh, I see. That looks cool," said Radit.

"But this Raka doesn't know that he has that unique power," Luna said. Hearing that, Radit did not respond and just looked back at the game.

In the arena,

"You have the same elements as me. It sucks, but now we're fighting over who's the best," Raka said.

Raka then immediately attacked him continuously, as well as Daniel.

They both continued to attack. However, there was a slight difference in their attack patterns.

Daniel often attacks from a distance, while Raka gets in close with his martial arts.

Daniel continued to avoid close combat and kept moving away, while Raka kept approaching him.

Since both of them have the element of lightning, they don't use the element of water at all, because if they do, it can hurt themselves.

They continued to attack each other for about 3 minutes. However, the longer it went on, the better Raka looked at attacking him.

Shortly after that, Daniel stopped moving and held his hand up, saying, "Stop," he said.

"What's wrong?" said Raka.

Daniel looked at Luna and said, "Sister Luna, I give up and admit defeat," Daniel said.

"Huh?" said Raka, confused as to why he gave up.

"Are you serious?" said Luna.

"Yes," Daniel said.

"Ok, then... The winner is Raka," Luna said, announcing the winner.

Raka heard that a little confused.

"Hey... hey, how come? Why did you give up anyway? What the hell, it's not clear, it's not very cool. I'm having fun," said Raka.

"Sorry, I must have lost. I ran out of stamina and breath," Daniel said.

"Hah, you don't look like you're tired," Raka said.

Daniel didn't seem too out of breath, but he was already exhausted.

"No, bang, I'm really tired. I rarely exercise," Daniel said.

"Huh?" said a confused Raka.

"Hey, guys, when you're done, we're on to the next match. Hurry up and take turns," Luna said.

"Huh... never mind, it's not that cool," Raka said a little disappointed, and he went to the edge of the arena.

"Hahaha, congratulations, you won, bang," Fauzan said in a teasing tone.

"Hais... not very cool," said Raka.

"Never mind, the important thing is that you won, Raka," said Radit.

"Hey, there you are," Raka said.

"My name is Daniel, bang," Daniel said.

"Next time we fight, don't be like this again!" said Raka.

"Ready! I will now exercise more," said a happy Daniel.

"They are so excited," Luna said to herself.

"Ok, now the last game," Luna said.

The fight is Radit against Nira. Which of them will win?

Radit time, curious? Read the next chapter.

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