
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[2.3] Get Together Part 2

In the previous chapter, we talked about Radit and his friends relaxing their bodies after the tragedy one month ago, now they will gather together with their closest people.

In the dining room before everyone met, the door to the large dining room opened.

"Father, all of Leo's friends' parents have gathered at the hotel building downstairs," someone said.

"Good, Lais, now tell them to come here," said Lais's father, moments later the guests from Radit's family members and friends arrived in the dining room.

Then all of Leonardo's family stood up, "Welcome everyone, please sit anywhere," said Lais' father.

"Wow... what a big room," said Adena.

"Hey, look at Kak Ven, there are so many tables and this one in the middle is really long," said an amazed Fany.

"Yes, there are many, be careful, if something breaks you have to compensate!" Ven teased Fany.

"Eh...! Fany will be careful," Fany said, afraid to touch something.

"You, don't keep teasing him," Xania said.

"Yes, I'm sorry ma'am, because Fany makes a funny face when teased," Ven said.

"Hahaha... take it easy little brother, if something here is damaged, just buy it again," said Lais.

"Umhm... all right, since we've all gathered and before our children come, let's introduce ourselves first to get to know each other better," said Lais' father.

"First from my family," said Lais's father and all his family members stood up.

"I am Erza Amarta," said Erza.

"I am Veena Amarta," said Veena.

"I'm Liam Amarta," Liam said.

"I am Lais Amarta," said Lais.

"I'm Citra Amarta," Citra said.

"I am Deolinda Amarta," said Deolinda. After they all sat down.

"Okay, we're next. My name is Enzo Levante," Enzo said.

"I'm Olivia Levante," Olivia said.

"I'm Gerald Levante," Gerald said.

"I am Uriana Levante," said Uriana.

"Okay, what about you guys next," Erza said.

"Okay, let's all stand up, introduce yourselves. My name is Ivan Hamirad," Ivan said.

"I am Fawnia Hamirad," said Fawnia.

"I am Mika Hamirad," said Mika.

"I'm Jett Hamirad," Jett said.

"I am Yania Hamirad," said Yania.

"Furthermore, we are just a small family. I'm Aciel Dilgard, Radit's father," said Aciel.

"I'm Azka Aqila, Radit's mom," said Azka.

"Actually we have an adopted child, he is very shy. He doesn't know many people for events. So she's not here. Her name is Sabine Nabia," said Aciel.

"Okay, now we are. Laras is our child. My name is Hart Hendy," Hart said.

"I am Laras' mother, my name is Nesya Ola," said Nesya.

"Okay, then from Amelia's family," Erza said.

"First of all, as a father, I am very grateful to your family for helping our family," said Amelia's father.

"Ah... there is no need to be shy and formal. You are my son's friend, so you are also my friend," Erza said.

"Then, I am also very grateful. If I could, I would give anything to Aciel's family, because his son Radit cured our son. We are very grateful," Amelia's father said sincerely.

"There's no need to be like that. It's a natural thing, my son must also think so," said Radit's father.

"Thank you, I say thank you again. We will introduce ourselves, my name is Kyler Taksa," said Kyler.

"I am Amelia's mother, my name is Melinda Mifta," Melinda said.

"I'm Adena Citra, Amelia's older sister," said Adena.

"I'm Lifa Lenifa, thank you for saving me, Bang Radit," Lifa said.

"Okay, next." said Erza.

"We are from the Shinohara family. My name is Hikaru Shinohara." Hikaru said.

"I'm Youko Shinohara." Youko said.

"I am her daughter, Mayumi Shinohara." Mayumi said.

"Next we are. Our daughter is named Britta. I am the father. My name is Benito Taya." said Benito.

"I am her mother, my name is Maya Taya." Maya said.

"Now it's us. I'm Rey Mirad, Fauzan's father." Rey said.

"I am Fauzan's mother, my name is Indah Permasari." Indah said.

"Next we are. My son is named Jiyan. My name is Hedy Jett." said Hedy.

"I'm her mother, my name is Xania Marnia." Xania said.

"I'm Jiyan's sister, my name is Ven Wren." Ven said.

"Ok, that's all now, just you, little brother." Erza said.

"Come on Feny, introduce yourself to everyone." said Xania.

"Pe... meet me, my name is Fany Atasia. I'm the younger brother of Gilbert Atasia!" said an embarrassed and excited Fany.

After Fany's final introduction, everyone there applauded, which made Fany embarrassed and sat down immediately.

"Hahaha... good introduction spirit, little brother." said Erza.

Shortly after, the dining room door opened again and Radit and his friends had arrived. "Oh... looks like our guest star has arrived." Erza said seeing the door open.

"Oh, it's already crowded here." said Raka.

"Brother!" said Fany.

"Come on everyone, fill the empty seats at the long table in the center." Leonardo said. Hearing that, they filled the empty seats.

"Ok, waiters, bring the food." said Veena. The door to the other dining room opened, and out came the servants carrying many dishes of food. One by one, the servants placed the food on the table.

"Hm... it's good, taste a little ah." Fauzan said, trying to poke the food with his finger, but his mother happened to be next to him.

"Its... you, don't you know your manners?" said Indah hitting Fauzan's hand.

Meanwhile, Raka also tried to poke at the food that had been placed on the table, but suddenly stopped after seeing his mother's face from afar. 'You poke, mom will punish you.' Fawnia said silently.

"Oops... not so." Raka said in a low voice.

"What's wrong?" asked Radit beside him who was confused, but Raka just kept quiet.

They then begin to eat the dishes that have been set out on the dining table. After some time, the main meal is finished, followed by dessert.

As time passed, after they finished eating, they talked to each other to get closer and strengthen the relationship.

After that, they all went back to their places. Radit and his friends returned to the apartment provided by the Amarta family, while the Amarta family returned to their hotel floor.

Radit and his friends headed to the hotel room. They all gathered in Radit and Raka's room. "Hey, why are you guys gathered here?" asked Raka.

"Well, I can't sleep anyway." said Steven. "Ah, you guys are a nuisance." said Raka.

"For this free time, let's play poker," said Radit.

While they were playing around in Radit and Raka's room, an important conversation took place.

"Tomorrow we'll practice on the lower floor of this building," Leonardo said.

"Huh? What exercise?" asked Steven.

"Of course our superpowers," said Leonardo. "Oh, just like the news, the emergence of superpowers in humans," said Jiyan.

"Yes, that's right. It was informed that all humans now have superpowers after the tragedy," Leonardo explained.

"Oho...interesting," said Raka.

"I'm serious, look at this," Leonardo said, then showed his palm. Everyone looked at his palm.

"What are you doing?" asked Amelia.

"Look at this, I'm going to unleash my power, but I'm not used to it yet because I just got the method.

After some time, a circle of purple mist appeared in Leonardo's twirling hands. Everyone seeing Leonardo do such an extraordinary thing left others in awe, curiosity, shock, and other feelings that cannot be expressed. Shortly after, the mist disappeared from Leonardo's palm.

"Yes, that's enough," Leonardo said, clenching his hands into fists.

"Uh, how did you do it!" asked Raka.

"Oi oi oi.... that's so cool," Steven said.

"Leo, how!" asked Amelia, looking closely at Leonardo.

"Yes, I'll tell you tomorrow at practice," Leonardo said, slightly moving away from Amelia in embarrassment.

"Okay, I better sleep early for tomorrow's practice," Fauzan said and left Radit and Raka's room. Everyone saw Fauzan coming out and followed him.

Only Leonardo, Radit, and Raka were in the room.

"Very excited about this," Leonardo said.

"Of course, Leo. That's a cool thing," said Radit.

"I look forward to tomorrow," said Raka.

"Hm...I'm more curious about your strength, Radit," Leonardo said.

"What do you mean?" asked Radit.

"Think about it, you could previously see future events. If that power is displayed, how great is your power," Leonardo said.

"Oh...right. I can't wait to see your strength, Radit," Raka said.

"Ok, I'd better get some sleep too. Good night," Leonardo said, leaving the room.

"Come on, Radit, get some sleep. I want to brush my teeth first, you too?" asked Raka, heading for the bathroom.

"Yes, first," said Radit, pensively.

'Bringing out my strength, I guess what I've heard and seen so far will be revealed tomorrow,' Radit thought to himself.

"Radit, I have," said Raka, "What were you thinking?" asked Raka, heading towards the bed.

"Yeah, not much, just wondering what my power is," Radit said, walking towards the bathroom.

"I can't wait either," said Raka, who was starting to sleep.

"WOI! How come I ran out of toothpaste!" Radit shouted. "Sorry, just use the rest!" replied Raka.

The long day of relaxing and gathering together was over, tomorrow they would begin training and continue to train to perfect their strength.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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