
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[2.19] Unconscious

The match over, the simulation was won by the blue team leaving only Leonardo alone. Moments before the victory, in the scanning room.

"Huh..." Steven woke up panting.

"Look, Steven is awake." said Jiyan.

Steven showed a strange behavior, he stroked his own body, especially his chest and stomach. Jiyan, Fauzan, Gilbert and Raka were a little worried to see Steven.

The two staff guarding her body looked a little panicked, and took an injection to calm her down.

Before the injection could be administered, Steven woke up, vomited, and was hysterical and panicked while feeling his chest and stomach like he was in heat. The staff immediately injected the tranquilizer.

At the same time, the door to the room opened, and Laras and the others appeared to see how the men were doing.

At that moment, the two staff held Steven who was rebelling, Raka and others helped hold Steven's body.

"Steven, calm down, what's wrong with you?" said Raka.

"Akh...hot, hot, that hurts." whimpered Steven.

Seeing that Steven could not calm down, the staff decided to inject more sedatives and Steven fell asleep.

Laras immediately approached Steven, after which Britta came up behind Laras.

"What's wrong with her, Raka?" asked Laras, looking worried.

"No idea, I don't know at all," Raka replied.

"Relax, it's the after-effects of dying in a homonculus body. He's just hallucinating. It's just that it's a bit out of the ordinary, this is the first time we've seen such an exaggerated effect reaction," explained one of the staff who examined Steven's body.

Shortly after, Amelia, Hana, Lucia, Luna, Lampart, Bilgard, and Johan arrived in the room.

"What's going on?" asked Johan, another newcomer to the scanning room who was a little confused as Laras looked worried.

"It's normal sir, the hallucinatory symptoms of his body receiving the effects of death in the homonculus body. But, this child is showing an overreaction," one of the staff replied.

"Then, check his body condition and also check his mental state when he regains consciousness," Johan ordered. "Yes, sir," the two staff replied simultaneously.

Johan then approached Radit's body, and he felt strange looking at Radit's body.

"Hey! How long has this kid been dead in the simulation?" Johan asked the staff.

One of the staff looked at his tablet and made a surprised face. "It's already 3 minutes past, sir!" one of the staff replied.

"Oi-oi, seriously, that's the only kid who hasn't woken up yet? Now focus on this kid, quickly!" ordered Johan who was starting to stiffen.

"Hey, what's up?" Raka asked one of the staff. "Ah, hmm..." the staff was at a loss to explain.

"What are you doing? Scan his body condition now," Johan ordered the staff who were trying to explain the situation to Raka.

"Bang Johan, what's wrong?" asked Hana, a little worried about Radit's condition.

"Hm....this is bad. Supposedly after he died in the homonculus, within a few seconds he woke up normally until the next 60 seconds and at most 3 minutes if he was too shocked. But he's already more than that, this means there are problems with his soul," Johan explained.

"His soul?" asked a confused Laras, the others were also a little confused.

"It's hard to explain now. I'll take care of him first," said Johan as he checked Radit's heart and pulse directly.

At that very moment, Leonardo woke up, but he did not show any pain reaction because he was not seriously injured and did not die in the simulation, but he was a little confused because the surroundings looked panicked.

Lucia, who was beside him looking around, also looked a little panicked.

"Hey, Lucia, what's up?" asked Leonardo.

"Oh, sir, you're awake," Lucia replied.

"Lucia, why all the panic?" asked Leonardo.

"Ah, yes, this is serious, sir. Your friend, Radit, has been unconscious for three minutes after dying in the simulation," Lucia replied.

"Uh, seriously?" said Leonardo, trying to stand up. However, he was unsteady when he got up, his vision shook slightly and he almost fell over.

"Sir, don't move yet. Your condition is not yet stable and no examination has been carried out," Lucia said, holding Leonardo who was about to fall. In that tense moment, Leonardo could only look at Radit.

"Hey, how's the scan going?" Kohan said to the staff who were looking at the status of the scan screen.

"The heart, lungs, brain, temperature and other conditions are normal," said the staff who was looking at the status of the scanner.

Johan held Radit's body directly, checking the veins and heart sounds. "There's nothing wrong with the scanner, but why isn't he awake?" said Johan, continuing to rack his brain.

"Try focusing the full scan on the brain," Johan said. The staff then immediately scanned the area.

The other staff then went to Leonardo, and a physical and mental examination was conducted after the simulation was completed.

After a few minutes the scan was complete. "What's the result?" said Johan. The staff was still looking at the status screen.

"The condition of the blood flow to his brain decreased and his brain did not receive enough oxygen. He may have been traumatized or in severe shock," the staff said.

"Huh, how come? You didn't check his blood pressure," said Johan.

"I checked, during the simulation his condition did not exceed the danger limit and his heart was also normal," said the staff who also looked confused.

Johan felt very confused, his brain lacked blood flow and oxygen but there was no problem before and no sign of dehydration either.

"Then let's treat this child like someone in shock and trauma," Johan said. The staff nodded in understanding.

"Is Radit okay?" said Hana, who began to panic as Radit looked in danger.

"Yes, I don't really know but his current condition lacks blood flow to his brain. I don't know the basis of the problem, but this must be dealt with immediately," Johan said.

"What about Steven then?" said Laras.

"He was just in severe shock after dying in the homonculus body, but normal. Only this child is a little abnormal," said Johan.

"What will Radit do now?" said Gilbert.

"In the meantime, we will give him an injection of blood-boosting medicine. After that, let him rest, we will monitor him. Then Steven and the rest of you should also rest just in case. Gosh, how did it come to this?" said Johan.

Bilgard, Lampart and Luna looked at each other. "Okay, today's training is over, you guys just rest until tomorrow," Bilgard said.

"Uh, but we women haven't tried this simulation yet," said Britta.

"Already seeing this, do you still want to?" said Luna.

Amelia, Britta, Hana and Laras looked seriously at Luna.

"Yes...yes...ok we'll think about it. Now you go back to the hotel. It's also noon now, you can have lunch at the hotel," Luna said.

"What about Radit and Steven?" said Jiyan.

"He's here first, then we'll take them both to the hotel room. He was examined here first," Johan said.

They all left the room along with Bilgard, Lampart and Luna.

The other 2 staff were still checking Radit and Steven's body condition, Johan returned to the control room.

"Hey, have you checked the prosthetic body?" said Johan.

"Already sir," said one of the staff.

"How is the body damaged?" said Johan.

"The body that was attacked by this kid named Radit was severely injured. The digestive system was destroyed by the burn, and the lungs and heart were also severely damaged. It's around the vicinity of the attack that is very severe," said one of the staff.

"What about the head?" said Johan.

"The head is safe, there are no serious injuries," said the staff.

"I see," said Johan, who thought there was something strange about the power of the fire. Normal elemental power only damaged the outer parts but this could penetrate the body and damage it.

Johan was also interested because he had seen the teleportation ability.

"Hehehe....hahaha....interesting! Interesting! This kid is weird and he's talented too," Johan muttered to himself.

The rest of the staff just looked at it flatly and in their hearts they all said, "Relapse again."

We've reached the end of the volume, so have you voted yet?

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