
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs

[2.18] Review

The real battle simulation over, the game was won by the blue team with only Leonardo left.

Let's take a look at the viewers' comments back to the previous 2 chapters:

"Well...Jiyan is so careless, he's been sneaking around and got caught in a trap." said Bilgard.

"Huawah.... certainly hurts that." said Lampart.

"Isn't that too extreme?" Hana said.

"I was warned earlier, so don't blame me." Johan said.

"But I didn't think it would be that real." said Hana, afraid to see Jiyan whose leg was badly injured.

"Wow!!! I didn't see it! I didn't see it!" said Amelia, covering her eyes with her hands but also peeking a little because she was curious about the continuation of the battle.

While Britta did not comment at all, she did break out in a cold sweat.

"Oh look! Radit won!" said Luna, watching Hana's battle broadcast a little pleased that Radit had managed to defeat Jiyan unharmed.

"Look over here, Fauzan managed to beat Gilbert." Bilgard said, after a while.

"Akh...Fauzan immediately lost his stabbing to the young master." said Bilgard.

"hehmmm...you are good at attacking enemies when they are off guard, as expected." said Lucia.

"Look Radit is fighting Steven." said Lampart.

"Wow...it's the end for Radit to meet in person, let alone a fast-moving electric element user, very unlucky." Luna said.

"OH... Radit managed to escape. Ah...no Steven approached quickly, there was no chance of winning." said Lampart.

"Ah Radit!" said Hana as she closed her eyes because she couldn't bear to see Radit get shot in the head.

At that moment Radit dodged Steven's shot right in front of Steven with his strength. All the spectators were stunned to see Raka who suddenly changed places.

"Uh...what is it?" said Luna.

"Radit dodged the bullet right in front of him." said Lampart.

"Yeah I know that, but how come!?" said Luna, then looked at Johan for clarity.

"Well...even though you're looking at me like that, I can't answer that either." Johan said, then spoke again "Well let's see rewind and slow down." Johan said.

They were all the ones who saw the replay of the moment Steven shot Radit right in front of his eyes.

They were all confused, because Radit suddenly changed places.

"Johan try to slow down." said Lampart, hearing that Johan slowed down the video in the seconds of shooting.

"What is teleportation?" said Lucia.

"I don't know." said Johan, who was also confused.

"So what is acceleration capability?" said Bilagard.

"I don't think so, Bilgard. Take a good look." said Lampart, who was focused on the moment Radit disappeared from the position of being shot.

"If it's the ability to move so fast that it can't be seen with normal eyes like that person, then in the video it will look like a moving black line. Because basically the person is just moving faster than normal people, but if this is not there," said Lampart.

"So it was teleportation?" said Lucia. "Maybe." said Lampart.

Hearing this, everyone there was pensive and shocked, not expecting to see anything unusual.

Then, Johan broke the ice by watching Leonardo and Raka battle.

"Hey look Raka and Leo are having a fierce fight." said Johan.

Then everything began to shift to another monitor screen showing Raka and Leonardo's battle.

"Look, Raka is trying to get Leo into his trap." Britta said.

"What kind of master would fall for that cheap trick, especially with the element of darkness." Lucia said.

At that time, Leonardo shot all the booby traps.

"Let's see." said Lucia.

"Is Raka stupid? Did he forget that Leo has the dark element or did he not read the book?" said Amelia.

They continued to observe the battle between Leonardo and Raka until they reached the dark room.

"It seems to be true, Raka didn't read the manual," said Laras.

"Oh, it seems Raka isn't too stupid, she's already wet the room," Bilgard said.

"Eh...? Since when has he been able to bring out the water element?" said Laras.

"Oh no, young master got stunned," Luna said.

"Ouch, how does it feel to be stunned?" said Britta.

"Is Leo going to lose?" said Amelia.

"No, look, Leo's a little weird," Laras said.

"What is that black aura surrounding her?" said Britta.

"Oh no, Leo will maximize his dark power," said Johan.

"Maximize? What does that mean?" said Britta.

"You know in the guidebook, it's written that the power of darkness can increase strength twice. In fact, this power is still quite mysterious, it is written in the book that it is only doubled but in fact the user of the power of darkness increases the power more than that," Lampart explained.

"But wouldn't that drain his stamina?" said Laras.

"Yes, that's right. The side effect of that power is that it drains the stamina. Even under certain conditions, if an untrained user pushes themselves to increase their strength, they can faint," Lampart said.

"If I'm not mistaken, there is a recent hypothesis about this element. If the user continues to exert their power, they could experience temporary paralysis or a stroke," Johan said, continuing to explain the side effects of using the dark element.

"Isn't that dangerous?" said Amelia, a little worried.

"There's no need to worry, it's just a hypothesis and Leo wouldn't be so stupid as to use that power to excess," Johan said.

"Look, Leonardo's movements are so fast," Britta said.

"So this is the power of the elements of darkness," said Laras.

"Attack power and speed have increased. Are the movement speeds of electricity and light users comparable, Om Johan?" Hana said.

"Yes, its power is almost equivalent to electricity and can rival the speed of light users as well when in darkness or shadows," said Johan, who no longer cares about being called 'Om'.

"That means he is now in the most favorable position," Britta said.

"Yes, it's very beneficial. But Raka is also quite good. How can he survive in these conditions?" said Johan, who was curious about how Raka could survive.

"Oh, Radit once told me that Raka has an extraordinary survival instinct," Hana said.

"Survival instinct?" said Johan, and others were also curious.

"Yes, Radit said that during his childhood, he and Raka were trained by Raka's uncle in the forest. At that time, Radit was always helped by Raka, and Raka could do anything in a critical situation," Hana said.

"What kind of training did they go through as children?" says Amelia.

"I don't know, Radit never talked about that part," Hana said.

"If so, ask later," Amelia said.

After the conversation, they all returned to watch the fight.

Then, the moment came when Leonardo defeated Raka. Everyone watching was very tense when Raka bounced out of the building and after that Leonardo executed Raka by shooting her.

"In the end, Raka also lost the fight. It was very tense," Bilgard says.

"Hey, look here, there's Radit and Steven having a fierce fight," said Britta.

Then, everyone refocused on the monitor showing the fight between Radit and Steven.

"I think Radit must be panicking right now," said Britta.

"Of course, see he keeps running away," Amelia said.

"Hey, your man is being cornered," Luna whispered into Hana's ear, and Hana was immediately surprised.

"Kak Luna, don't do that," Hana said.

"You're too serious to even blink." Luna said.

"Usually if the man is in trouble, he gets worried," said Amelia.

"I don't belong to Radit now!" Hana said.

"Oh, now isn't it?" Amelia said with a big smile, hearing that Hana became embarrassed.

"You're bad Mel, I hate you." Hana said.

"Don't get mad, I was just joking." Amelia said while hugging Hana from behind.

While joking around, things started to change, as Radit showed his strength again.

"Look! Na-Mel, Radit managed to attack Steven." said Laras.

"That's what he's capable of." Lucia said.

"She disappears and suddenly appears in front of him, a dangerous teleportation ability." Johan said.

"Look, your man is struggling right now. Encourage him," Amelia said, teasing Laras.

"Amel, when Leo won against Raka, you became even more so." Laras said irritably to Amelia.

"Ah, no." said Amelia.

"I think she's really happy because her boy won against Raka." Hana said, helping Laras.

"Huh? How did you bring up Leo!" said Amelia.

"Ah, never mind, just admit it." Hana said.

"Yes, just admit that you're really happy. I saw you smiling when Leo won." said Laras.

"How come I'm the one being bullied?" said Amelia.

"Hey, you guys shut up, look Steven's already counter-attacking again." Britta said.

"How come?" said Laras.

"It looks like Steven has been able to read Radit's attack patterns and teleportation weaknesses." said Lampart.

"See, now it's Radit who is getting cornered. It's getting interesting." Bilgard said.

"Oh no! Steven managed to stab Radit." said Johan.

"Steven pressed deeply into the knife," Lampart said.

"Wait, why didn't Steven let go of the knife." said Lucia.

"Look, Radit is holding Steven's hand." Bilgard said.

Amelia, Britta, Laras and Hana guessed with worry what would happen.

"It looks like Steven is having trouble letting go of Radit's hand and seems to be in pain?" said Johan.

"Bang Johan, please stop the fight." Hana said.

"Eh, you didn't call me Om?" said Johan.

"Bang Johan, hurry up and get serious!" said Amelia.

Laras and Britta were staring at Johan.

"What happened to you guys?" said Johan.

"You can't just, all of a sudden, forcefully stop a battle simulation." said Lampart.

"But..." Before Hana could finish her sentence, Radit unleashed a new power and knocked Steven out cold.

The audience was mesmerized by Radit's power. But before long, Laras ran out of the room.

"Laras, where are you going?" asked Amelia, but Laras didn't answer.

"Let me go after her." Britta said and chased after Laras who came out suddenly.

"No need to worry, probably to the scanning room." Luna said.

"What the hell is this?" said Johan.

"The attack power of the fire element is too strong." Bilgard said.

"Look at Steven's body, his stomach is distorted and his burns are very severe, especially his eyes, ears and mouth are bleeding." Lucia said.

"It looks like the attack also damaged vital organs in the body as well." Johan said.

"Ah...no..." said Luna, hearing that everyone refocused on the monitor screen and saw Radit being stabbed by Leonardo's sword.

"Yes, I knew Radit would lose." said Lampart.

"The winner is the blue team, then let's go to the scanning room." Johan said.

After hearing Johan's words, everyone went to the scanning room to check the player's original body condition.

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