
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[2.0] New Era 2118

On that night, Radit had awakened his true power that was beyond his control. The boulder, which was one of the objects affected by the remnants of Radit's absorbed power, finally activated.

Shards of rock scattered all over the place on the planet Terra as well as Tritan, emitting light and releasing remnants of power into the wild.

It was all triggered by Radit that night. The light circled the globe and activated an unknown force field, surrounding the planet Terra and its satellite, Tritan.

As a result of the field releasing that unknown force, the common sense system in that world was changed.

All legends and myths appear in that world, all creatures have various superpowers, new islands appear, new ruins appear, new types of animals appear, and many more phenomena that are beyond common sense.

Did you know? As a result of the stone tragedy, 11 billion of the world's 15 billion people have died in the bloody tragedy throughout history after the fourth world war ended which killed half of the world's population.

Some islands were erased from the map, new craters appeared thanks to the impact, many of the world's coastlines were changed, which in essence changed the world map drastically. In fact, as a result of this tragedy many small countries were erased from the world map, and countries that were not so big in size and whose economies were easily shaken, collapsed in less than 1 month.

Strong and stable countries are now faltering as a result of the tragedy. The crime rate in less than 1 month increased dramatically, as people were starving, needing medicine and other basic necessities. It is also because of the chaotic and unstable government system caused by the tragedy.

However, the smartest creatures in that world, humans, did not give up and despair. They began to rebuild civilization on top of the chaos that had passed. Large and powerful nations took over the collapsed countries and territories that were wiped off the map, and divided them up peacefully.

However, even though the remaining countries are powerful, they are still afraid of this new world condition.

They have to fight animals that are becoming more savage and have superpowers, as well as new types of animals that appear. Even animals that look cute and cuddly can be categorized as monsters.

Not only that, they also have to deal with very dangerous mythical animals. Among the most famous mythical animals is the dragon as it has many variants.

The dragons started appearing after 1 week after the tragedy. Shortly after their appearance, some of the dragons attacked a city in one of the countries.

One of the countries attacked by the dragon was unable to fight back and enlisted the help of other countries to eradicate the beast, which still required extra manpower.

In those short days, mankind first used a weapon of mass destruction, the nuke, to kill one of the most powerful dragons.

This weapon was last used during the 4th world war and since that era the use of nuclear weapons has been banned. However, to ensure that certain countries make weapons of mass destruction in secret, a union organization of all countries called the Terra World Union (PDT) makes it for the defense of the world if any country uses weapons of mass destruction as a threat of war to other countries.

Since then, the manufacture of the weapon has been closely guarded and monitored by all citizens of the world. If any country or organization is caught making it, then they will be fought to the end by all countries.

The outcome of the battle against the dragon's appearance was a shock to the humans of that world. The first major battle of the new era had killed around five million combined soldiers worldwide. They were not only fighting dragons, but also invasions from other monsters.

In fact, of the six dragons that attacked, only four died. One of them died from being nuked, another died from being surrounded in a valley, but in the attack, 60% of the military forces died. The remaining two died in head-to-head combat.

As a result of the dragon attack, many cities in the country were destroyed. The country suffered severe mental distress, making half of its territory forced to relinquish due to the battle and also to keep a distance from the extremely dangerous territory.

However, it is not only dragons that are called the most dangerous beasts in the world. There is also another dangerous mythical animal, the Hydra. The dragon is said to be one of the rulers of the sky, and the Hydra is one of the rulers of the sea.

Hydra also appeared one week after the tragedy of the rock. Its appearance was seen when a group of military ships crossed the sea near the island nation of Kaendah, wanting to go to the site of the dragon's first appearance and attack.

Unintentionally stumbling upon a Hydra that appeared above the surface of the sea, they confronted the mythical creature. At first the military did not want to make contact with the mythical creature. They changed course and immediately moved away from the place where the Hydra was.

However, the Hydra was aware of the presence of the military ship and did not seem pleased. In the end, the mythical creature named Hydra attacked a fleet of military warships.

All the ships were destroyed and thousands of soldiers died as a result of the battle at sea. However, only one cruiser remained in a heavily damaged state. It headed to the country of Kaendah to dock and ask for help.

After they arrived at an island that was one of the military headquarters and wanted to dock, it turned out that the Hydra was following them. The Hydra seemed to deliberately leave one ship so that the ship would go to a safe location.

The Hydra attacked the military base and leveled the island with a tsunami. The entire military force on the island was wiped out, but the Hydra was repelled by a squadron of fighter planes from other islands.

As a result of the tragedy of the Hydra attack, the country was forced to relinquish four of its small island territories for safety to avoid the danger of the mythical creature called Hydra.

So far, we've only discussed conditions on the planet Terra. What about its satellite, Tritan?

This civilization has been able to transform natural satellites with extreme conditions for living beings into safe and habitable ones. Their first test example is Tritan, a natural satellite of the planet Terra, which has been made habitable.

The population of Tritan numbered one billion people, but after the great stone tragedy, more than 300 million people died. In the aftermath of the great stone tragedy, Tritan suffered a series of catastrophes. Access to Terra was limited and natural conditions in Tritan continued to deteriorate. On top of that, the population was faced with the threat of the mythical creature, Cerberus.

The mythical creature Cerberus also appeared after one week of the great stone tragedy. This monster was seen on Terra as well as Tritan, but its appearance was seen more on Tritan. Many Cerberus were seen in Tritan and one of them attacked the cities. The remnants of the military as well as the residents of Tritan banded together and fought desperately to kill just one Cerberus.

They managed to kill Cerberus who attacked one of the cities, but due to lack of weaponry, 100 million inhabitants, including the remnants of the military, died in the fight.

The stories above are three of the many mythical creatures that have appeared and destroyed human cities. Humans are no longer at the top of the food chain, they now have to be careful because they will be hunted.

In a state of despair, two weeks later, humanity got a glimmer of hope. They, humans, had awakened their superpowers. They quickly put that power to the test. After identifying different types of power, the old military era of weapons was replaced by a new military era that combined technology and superpowers.

In that regard, organizations that are members of the superpower pool slowly began to emerge. In fact, they are almost on par with the country's military.

Hey the tragedy of the boulder is a bit strange, did they really mention it like that?

No, it was only a temporary designation in the next disaster they mentioned "Asteria Disaster" taken from the language of their old civilization which means the ancient belief of the goddess Asteria who is the goddess of shooting stars and dreams. The name reflects the disaster's origin from the stars and the effects of dreams or fantasies coming true.

So, with the emergence of the phenomenon, will humans be able to return to the top of the food chain and successfully survive?

Oops... sorry, that's the wrong question. The correct one is, will humans be able to live peacefully with that power?

Let's see the story, it looks like it's going to be interesting. I, ÑàŔãþœš 12, will tell the story of this part. Are you all ready to listen?

Yes! Hurry up and read!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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