
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[1.2] Beginning of a New Story

In 2117, Radit returned to that time, where the young blood of adolescence was still very hot. Radit lay limp in a hospital in the city center.

Radit fainted because he was experiencing the effects of the time machine and its power that made his consciousness disappear and maybe Radit also fainted because he was experiencing a very painful trauma because he had been left by his friends, his lover, and or other traumas that went even further.

Radit woke up from his sleep. "Huh... where is this? I have an IV in my hand? What's wrong with me?" Radit looked confused and then the door to the room opened and a man entered the room. The man approached Radit.

"Hey... Radit, you're awake. How are you, is something hurting?" the man said to Radit.

"No, I'm fine. Raka, where am I? And why me?" said Radit.

"Now you're in the hospital, you fainted when we wanted to go to the mall. You made me and others shocked all of a sudden.

You were in a daze and your face at that moment was very anxious and you were sweating profusely. After you opened the camera on your phone, you suddenly fainted. What a pain in the ass," said Raka.

"Really? Sorry, I don't remember anything at all. I just feel like I've been dreaming for too long," said Radit.

"What are you dreaming about?" asked Raka.

"I don't know, I don't remember it at all, it was just a sad dream." Radit said. The atmosphere became quiet, suddenly the door opened.

"Hello... Hello... here is Amelia, a beautiful and sexy woman!" Amelia said in a loud tone.

"Keep your voice down, idiot! This is a hospital." said Laras.

"Come on, the people here if they hear my voice, they'll float away because of the beauty of my voice." Amelia said confidently.

"Hey... slut, you're noisy! It burns my ears when I hear you roar." Leonardo said sarcastically.

"What! I'm not a prostitute, you bad man." Amelia said back to Leonardo in annoyance.

"You two are noisy, always fighting. It's better for you to date, you're very compatible like this." Hana said to Amelia and Leonardo.

"What, dating him! No way!" replied Amelia and Leonardo together.

"You see, you guys are very compatible." Hana replied with a flat face after speaking to Radit.

"Radit, you're awake, just in time. I made a new dish, would you like to taste it?" Hana asked.

Radit saw the food and he just smiled. Then Raka also saw it and Raka laughed. Hana became confused.

"How are you, Hana? Radit still can't eat greasy food like this." said Raka.

"Ah... sorry, I didn't know. Radit, I'm so sorry, I didn't know." Hana lowered her head and felt embarrassed.

"Wow... it's the 21st century and she still doesn't know about hospitals, how great is this woman?" said Amelia.

"Haha... it's okay, in that basket, you brought sandwiches, right?" asked Radit looking at the basket Hana was carrying in her right hand.

"Oh, this. How did you know that I also brought a sandwich, Radit?" Hana asked with confusion and curiosity.

"Ah, just a hunch. After all, how could you bring greasy food to me. You're not a careless person, surely you prepared this food for others, right?" Radit said with a smile to Hana. Hana was silent and blushed at Radit's words.

"Wow... Hana's face turned red. Radit, I didn't know you were so good at flirting." said Laras.

"Ah no really, haha... how could I possibly be flirting. I'm just telling the truth." said Radit. Hearing Radit's spontaneous words from Radit made Hana even more embarrassed and she sat next to Raka.

Raka stood up and went to Radit's bed, then grabbed Radit's shoulders. "Hey, buddy, you better shut up. If you keep going, this guy will die of shame," Raka said.

"Owh... ok, I'll be quiet." Radit obeyed Raka's words with a confused face.

"Hey Radit, you look excited. When are you going to get out of here?" Leonardo said to Radit.

"I don't know, I just woke up, so I don't really know," said Radit.

"I see. Raka, do you know when he will get out of here?" Leonardo said to Raka.

"Hm... I don't know. I don't know, I'm not a doctor here. But when I was going to this room, the nurse downstairs said that the doctor treating Radit would come later. It looks like it's coming soon," said Raka.

Suddenly, someone walked into the room wearing a white coat. "Wow, it's crowded in here too." He was Doctor George who was treating Radit.

"Mr. George!" shouted Amelia.

"Hey, kid, don't yell, this is a hospital. You don't know hospital etiquette, and one more thing, don't call me by that name. Call me Doctor Azel, got it!" said Doctor George with annoyance.

"Heh... why, George is a cool name, like a western royalty, isn't it?" said Amelia.

"It's a strange name, very unpleasant to hear and hard to pronounce. So, don't call me that again. If not, I will experiment on you again," Doctor George told Amelia in a threatening tone.

"You're sneaky, how dare you threaten a woman, you're a weak man," Amelia said with a smirk on her face.

"What did you say?" said Doctor George with an annoyed look on his face.

"Ah... no, Doctor Azel, you heard wrong, hehehe..." said Amelia.

"Well, it's a good thing I only heard wrong..." said Doctor George.

"Amelia, I'm curious, how did you get to know Doctor Azel?" said Laras. Then the people in the room immediately showed curious faces.

"Oh... he took care of me when I was sick two years ago because I fell down the stairs and fractured my leg. During the rehabilitation period, she was the one who took care of me for the next year. Well, that's pretty bad. I had already graduated from junior high school and was enjoying my vacation, but instead I was lying in the hospital, it was so gloomy," Amelia said.

"Oh I see, that's too bad. So you've known Doctor George for a while and it seems like you guys are pretty close. It seems that there is someone here who feels rivaled," said Laras, saying while glancing at Leonardo with an evil laugh.

"Hey, nerd, are you looking around!" Leonardo said to Laras in an annoyed tone and his body seemed to emit a black aura.

"Ah no... I was just talking to myself," Laras said to Leonardo while pretending to continue reading the book she was holding.

Doctor George approached Radit and sat beside him. "Hey Radit, you seem to be looking better and healthier. Is something wrong?" Doctor George said to Radit.

"I feel better already, Doc," said Radit.

"That's good then. When you've been asleep for the past three days, sometimes I've seen you in pain," said Doctor George. Hana joined in talking about what Doctor George saw when Radit was asleep.

"Hah... yes, I've seen you like that too. Your face is in pain and you have tears too. I got shocked and you also sometimes talk, apologize?" Hana said to Radit with a sad face.

"Ah, I don't really remember that dream, but it was a very sad dream, and it didn't feel like a dream, but like reality," said Radit while showing a sad face. The room fell silent, taking in the stories of Radit, Hana, and Doctor George.

"It looks like it was just a nightmare that you had because you fainted while walking too far with your friend that time, so take it easy," Doctor George told Radit. "I hope so," said Radit.

"Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, you can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow," said Doctor George.

"It's getting dark, let's go home, before it gets dark," Leonardo said, looking at the glass.

"Ah, yes it's late afternoon. Time goes so fast, it doesn't feel like it's already afternoon, let's go back," Amelia said.

Radit's friends came out of the room and said goodbye to Radit.

"Hm, it looks like I have to go too because I have a seminar tonight, maybe I won't be able to see you out of here tomorrow. I apologize," Doctor George said.

"Ah, it's okay. Thank you for taking care of me for the past 3 days, if I've inconvenienced you I apologize," said Radit.

"No need to be so formal, just call me Doctor Azel, it's not that troublesome anyway. It's my job to treat patients, so see you soon. Maybe we'll meet again someday," said Doctor George with a smile while shaking hands with Radit, then he left.

The room was quiet at the moment. Radit looked at the window of the room that looked at the setting sun between the buildings of the high-rise building. Radit continued to think about the nightmare.


Radit went home with his family. Then, for the next 2 days, Radit was still at home. He did not go to school because his parents advised him to rest more.

2 days passed, Radit came early to school on Monday at 6:15 AM, he was the first to arrive in his class. Suddenly the door opened, then a girl with brown hair in a ponytail appeared.

"Hey Hana, good morning," Radit said to Hana with a smile.

"Good morning too, Radit. You're at school again," Hana said to Radit shyly.

Hana put down her bag and went to her seat in the center on the left next to the glass.

"Ah, yes. Five days off, including Saturday and Sunday, it's been a long time," said Radit.

"Hahaha, a whole week of not coming in. Don't forget to do last week's assignments," Hana said with a laugh.

"Ah, shit! It's bad. I just got in and I've already got a lot of work to do. Hana, will you tell me the answers to last week's assignments," Radit said with a pleading face.

"I don't want to, you're good. Just write it down, try to do it yourself," Hana said to Radit. Radit's face looked disappointed.

Suddenly the classroom door opened again and two men entered. "Hey, hey! You're already alone in the morning. Don't think you guys have done that, huh," Leonardo said with an evil face.

"Damn it, you. I was just asking about last week's assignments," Radit said.

"Doing that? What does that mean?" said Hana in confusion.

"Uh, if you avoid it with a panicked face, it's even more suspicious, you know," Leonardo said with an evil face. Hana thought for a moment and suddenly blushed and looked down.

"Damn it! I'm going to beat you up, bitch!" Radit said with annoyance and immediately stood up. When Leonardo wanted to reply to Radit's words, suddenly Raka hit Leonardo's head using paper. "Already, stop it. It's already hot in the morning," Raka said to Leonardo.

"Sorry, it's a habit. Besides, it's fun to tease the two of them," Leonardo said with an innocent face.

"This kid," said Raka.

Raka and Leonardo put down their bags and went to Radit's seat. Raka saw Hana still blushing. Raka uttered a sentence in his heart, 'This child is too deep into the meaning of the word "it".'

"So, what's with the task, Radit?" Raka asked Radit.

"Oh, this. Hana didn't want to answer last week's assignment," Radit said while looking at Hana, then back at Raka.

"So, do you want to give me the results of yesterday's assignment?" Radit said to Raka with a pleading face.

"I'm willing, but not for free. There are conditions!" said Raka.

"What are the requirements?" Radit said seriously.

"For these two days, Hana's food given to you will be mine!" said Raka with an evil face.

"What!!! Come on, Hana's food is really good. One day should be enough." said Radit.

"Alright, three days." said Raka.

"Uh, wait. How come there's more?" said Radit in confusion.

"Four days." said Raka.

"Uh, wait. Okay, three days." Radit said.

"Five days." said Raka.

"Ready, ready, ok. Alright, four days. Don't add more." Radit said in a panicked tone.

"Ok, deal. Five days." said Raka.

"What!!! Five days!" said Radit.

"Want more?" said Raka.

"Ah...no-no. Okay, five days." Radit said with an annoyed face.

"It's good that you understand." Raka said with a wicked smile.

"He's more ruthless than I am." Leonardo said in surprise.

"Hey, Hana. What's wrong with you?" Leonardo said to Hana.

Hana, who saw Radit and Raka fighting over her homemade food, felt embarrassed. Plus Radit said that the food was very good, making her feel even more unbearably embarrassed.

As the conversation progresses, other students enter the class one by one until finally the class becomes crowded and the class bell rings. At 11pm, during break time, Raka, Radit, Leonardo and Hana went to their club room, the Helper Club. Where the club's activities are to help other clubs that are in trouble and sometimes also receive private consultations. Laras and Amelia, who were in different classes, also went to the club room.

"Hey, is there no activity today?" Amelia said to the others as she lay limply on the mat.

"I don't think so." said Laras as she looked at the club activity paper.

Raka who saw the TV news suddenly said, "Lately there are so many people who commit corruption, suicide, yes and especially murder. Almost every day I see news like this."

"Huh... yes, it seems like it's almost every day. If this continues, what will the future hold for this world?" said Amelia.

"There might be a war later, hahaha..." said Leonardo.

"Hey, don't talk like that. Dong, if there is a war, my beauty cannot be seen by the whole world." Amelia said.

Radit who saw the minutes suddenly seemed to see pieces of the picture. Radit held his head with a lot of sweat.

"Hey, Radit. What's wrong with you?" said Laras. The others immediately looked at Radit.

Suddenly Radit spoke, "I'm sorry." Then, Radit stood up and approached Leonardo, then held Leonardo's shirt collar. Hana, Laras, and Amelia saw Radit looking scared and confused about what to do.

"Please forgive me." Radit said in a low voice.

"Hey, Radit. What's wrong with you?" Leonardo tried to release Radit's strong grip on his collar.

Raka held Radit's hand and helped release Radit's hand grip on Leonardo.

"Hey, Radit. What's wrong with you?" Suddenly, Radit spontaneously pushed Raka hard and Raka bounced off the table behind him.

Leonardo felt Radit's hand grip begin to weaken and Leonardo looked into Radit's eyes. Leonardo felt an empty gaze, like a person who has no purpose in life. Then, Radit closed his eyes and passed out.

Maybe this article looks like a translation, but it's like that. Because this is translated from the Indonesian version that I made. But the writing and delivery of the story I think can be understood easily.

Hope you like.

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