
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[1.17] After the Great Stone Tragedy

The planet Terra in the era of 2117 has been devastated by a mysterious boulder of unknown origin since time immemorial.

The whole world was plunged into the worst chaos ever seen after the Third World War, with future histories saying that half of the world's population died as a result of the tragedy and the largest number of people injured in history.

But does the phenomenon stop there? Of course not, yes. It still continues.

Radit was in his sleep. He heard a voice and saw in front of him a white mist, but behind the mist there was a man standing.

Almost his entire body was covered by the white mist, but his mouth was visible and he said, "It's near, we'll finally meet again. Don't forget who you are. I'm waiting for you there." Said the mysterious figure who smiled. However, Radit assured that she was the mysterious girl who was on the cliff before.

After the mysterious figure stopped talking, the fog began to completely cover him, then a sudden gust of wind headed towards Radit.

In the morning at 08.00 AM, Radit woke up from his sleep after the incident last night in the previous chapter. Radit slowly opened his eyes, beside his bed were Raka and also Hana.

"Hey, you're awake." Raka said.

"Is anyone sick?" Hana asked.

Radit looked at Hana and was still in a daze, and tried to see around her what was happening at the moment.

It turned out that he was the one lying on the floor mattress, but there were many other people lying down and some of them were covered in bandages.

"Where am I?" asked Radit as he woke himself up.

"We are already in one of Leonardo's houses." Raka replied.

"Where are the others?" asked Radit.

"The others are helping other refugees." Hana replied.

Radit, who heard this, stood up from his bed. "Can I go out?" asked Radit.

"Come on, follow me." Raka replied with a not-so-happy face.

Radit and Hana followed Raka from behind.

On his way out of the large house, he saw that many people were very busy. One of the rooms even looked like an emergency surgery center.

As we walked down the hallway, many people sat limp and confused. Even the sound of crying could be heard throughout the hallway.

They had arrived at the vestibule of the main hall. Radit saw a lot of people sleeping there and full of wounds.

Several people stood beside them in white clothes that were covered in a lot of blood, it seemed like they were doctors helping the wounded.

They began to make their way out of the house through the main hall, which was filled with many wounded.

They had come out of Leonardo's mansion.

Radit looked around, the conditions were worse than inside the house. There were so many wounded people lying on the ground covered only by a thin cloth.

The sound of sirens can still be heard everywhere.

Medical teams and volunteers rushed here and there to treat the wounded victims who kept coming.

Even one of the medical team ran into the house, accidentally nudging Radit because he was in such a hurry, it seemed that the person running was a medical team of general surgeons running towards the operating room.

Then Radit began to look up, he saw the destroyed buildings. In fact, one of the buildings he saw was completely destroyed until it collapsed and was flattened to the ground.

"Come on, follow me, to meet the others." Raka said and walked towards a tent. Radit looked around the tent where Raka was heading.

"That's the emergency cafeteria, let's go there to eat." Hana said while holding Radit's hand and pulling him.

Once there, Radit looked around the makeshift cafeteria, then suddenly heard a small shout. "Hey, Radit, come here!" called the voice. Radit turned his head in the direction of the voice, it turned out to be Steven's voice.

Radit approached Steven who was playing with his laptop. There were also Jiyan and Britta who were sitting eating. Radit and Hana immediately greeted them, while Raka took some food.

After Radit sat down, Jiyan said, "You're awake! Did you sleep well?" he asked.

"Haha... it was good," Radit replied with a small smile.

"Are you all okay?" asked Radit.

"Yeah, we're fine. In fact, just look at Steven, his laptop is fine," Britta said, as if she was being sarcastic.

"Hey, this laptop is precious. I can't do anything without it," Steven argued.

"What have you done with your laptop?" asked Raka, who came with food in both hands and placed it on the table. He then sat down and said, "Eat this bread, Radit. The right one is chocolate flavored and the left one is crimson flavored," Raka suggested.

"You're just waking up. You should have given water first," Hana said, getting up from her seat and taking a water bottle to give it to Radit. "Thank you," Radit said. Hana only returned it with a smile.

"Thanks to this super-sophisticated laptop that I built myself, we can get in touch with people when communication networks are busy and internet connections are slow. Even the people in Leonardo's house are very grateful to me," Steven says proudly.

"Yes, yes, your contribution was great," said Raka, who didn't really care.

"Oh yeah, you guys are talking about Leonardo? By the way, where is he?" asked Radit.

"What's wrong? Did you miss me?" asked Leonardo, who came with Lucia.

"Oh, you! Uh... what's wrong with your hand?" asked Radit, surprised to see Leonardo's right hand covered in bandages.

"Ah, it's... just a cut from when we bounced last night," Leonardo lied.

"Eh, seriously? I don't think it's that bad," said Radit.

Lucia, who was upset by Radit's words, said, "You are! Sir got hurt protecting you, you know!" Lucia said angrily.

Leonardo who heard Lucia speak like that was shocked, as well as Radit.

"Sir told you to be quiet, but you moved away from the minibus, and as a result, you saw what happened. Sir was injured trying to protect you from a wolf attack," said Lucia, who was angry with Radit.

"Lucia, shut up," Leonardo ordered.

"But, sir, you must be honest so that this fool is not reckless," Lucia said.

"Lucia... I told you to be quiet," Leonardo said looking at Lucia.

"Yes, sir, I'm sorry. Just got carried away seeing this fool," Lucia said as she bowed her head.

"Is that true, Leo?" asked Radit feeling guilty.

"Hah... basic... never mind, let bygones be bygones. If you feel guilty, just keep remembering that you owe me your life," Leonardo said.

Radit heard him nod. "Yes, thank you for helping me," he said. They all sat together except Amelia, Gilbert, and Laras who were still helping others.

"Oh yeah, Steven, is your hand okay?" Leonardo asked.

"Hm... oh, this? It's okay. The doctor said not to lift heavy weights and not to force things with your left hand only. Otherwise, the bone cracks will get worse. But this is cool, it's like I have a robot hand," Steven said, looking at his hand that was wrapped in a mechanical hand support machine.

"Hey, don't play around, the crack in your hand will get worse," said Gilbert, who came and joined the conversation.

"Oh Gilbert, are you done?" said Britta.

"Yes, it's done, I was told to rest and take turns with the others." said Gilbert.

"What about Fauzan, Amelia and Laras?" said Steven.

"They were washing the dirty dishes, maybe they came here afterwards," said Gilbert.

They talked to each other, Radit opened his smartphone and saw many incoming messages. After checking, it turned out that there were many incoming messages from his adopted sister. He immediately realized how his family was doing.

"Hey I have to meet my family." Radit said standing up suddenly.

"Radit calm down, I've taken care of it. Everyone has evacuated to my place and everything is fine, except for Amel's younger brother." Leonardo said with a gloomy face when mentioning his sister Amel.

"What about, Amel's sister?" said Radit.

"Their residential area was hit by falling debris. Then the debris fell next to their house, which caused a huge explosion. As a result of the explosion, a blast of heat came out. His sister was not in the house at the time and was hit by the blast, causing serious burns," Amelia said.

Radit was surprised to hear the news. "Where is he now?" said Radit.

"Now he's in the city center hospital, with his family." Leonardo said.

"Leo, let's go there." said Amelia, who had just arrived with Laras.

"Amel, Laras you're done." said Britta.

Amelia and Laras sat down and joined the conversation. "Are you ready to see it?" Leonardo said.

"Yes, let's say it." said Amelia.

"Okay, who wants to come?" said Leonardo. Everyone raised their hands.

"You guys really like to walk around. Come follow me." Leonardo said moving from his seat.

Everyone followed Leonardo. They went to the garage of the house which was on the ground floor. To enter the garage, a password must be used.

Then they entered and saw many vehicles. "Woah Leo, your taste is good too." said Raka who was looking at the modern luxury cars.

"No it's not mine, it belongs to one of my relatives who has a hobby of collecting big and powerful luxury cars." Leonardo said.

"Lucia drove the SUV. Jiyan, Raka, Steven, Britta and Laras rode in that vehicle too. While I ride this SUV with Radit, Fauzan, Amelia, Hana and Gilbert." Leonardo said.

"Wait, can you ride a car? And do you have a car license?" said Laras.

"Of course we can and who would ticket us when the world is in chaos? After all, we are going to the hospital, not the police station." Leonardo said.

They all got into their respective cars and headed to the hospital where Amelia's sister was being treated.

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