
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
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77 Chs

[1.16] 3 Hours of Tragedy that Destroyed Planet Terra and its Satellites

They began to relax and talk to each other, it was already 9:00 PM. The Mini Hologram TV brought by Steven had been turned on, one by one the TV channels were checked.

10 minutes passed.

All the TV channels were reporting on the boulder. They began to look at the boulder in the night sky, clearly visible to the naked eye and very large, even though it was still far from the moon. The whole world saw a phenomenon that could only be witnessed in their lifetime.

20 minutes passed.

"I'm bored just looking at it, they say the big rock sometimes glows?" said Fauzan.

"According to the information circulating, the large rock or asteroid should sometimes emit light. But twenty minutes almost passed, there was no light at all." Steven said.

"Out of light? Comet maybe, not asteroid," said Radit.

"If it explodes, it will be fun," said Gilbert.

"That... watch what you say." Britta said.

30 minutes passed.

Radit continued to stare at the boulder, not even seeming to blink at all. Hana saw Radit as if he seemed worried about her, wanted to talk to him but felt reluctant because it was not necessary.

Forty minutes passed.

Radit began to feel a headache and felt dizzy. He occasionally held his head.

Raka saw Radit like that and started to approach him. "Radit, are you okay? If you're sick, just sleep in the tent first." said a worried Raka.

"It's okay, I don't want to sleep yet." Radit said.

50 minutes passed.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special about this rare phenomenon." Amelia said.

"Yeah I guess so, I'm starting to feel bored too." said Gilbert.

"Ah, I'll just cook satay and barbecue so I won't get bored," said Britta. "I'll help!" said Fauzan.

Steven reads every news article on the internet. In each article, there was one local website that caught Steven's attention. The headline, which had just been released ten minutes ago, read 'One of the islands in the country of Kaendah experiences mass blackouts and signal interference'.

Steven wanted to start the discussion on something else, but felt it was unnecessary because he was worried that it was just a hoax that was deliberately written because of the phenomenon.

60 minutes passed.

The clock was already 10:00 PM.

One TV station began reporting that there had been electromagnetic wave interference around the world.

65 minutes passed.

One of the leading TV stations in Tritan reported that there had been a power outage in almost every district in Tritan.

Security authorities on the Tritan moon began to impose a level 3 emergency out of 5 levels. Tritan's power utility has turned on emergency power backup to all affected areas.

70 minutes passed.

"Wow, what happened? Power outages everywhere? Is this the effect of the boulder passing through the planet?" said Lucia as she looked at the mini hologram TV.

75 minutes passed.

"Hey, look, one of the spots on the boulder is glowing." said Jiyan. "Wow, right!" said Leonardo.

"Wow, crazy, look at this! The comments on this online live stream are going crazy. The comments don't stop running. There are already more than 500 million people watching and counting!" said Steven. "This is getting interesting." said Raka.

Radit felt himself getting dizzy and felt pain in his head. However, he did not show his pain so that his friends would not worry about him. Hana, who saw Radit as if he was forcing himself, looked worried.

80 minutes passed.

One of the TV news stations reported, 'All militaries around the world are on alert, but against whom? Is World War 4 about to happen?'

One of the famous TV stations on the moon called Tritan reported, 'A number of universe expedition teams, namely the Agency for the Exploration of the Universe (BES), are approaching the asteroid.'

85 minutes passed.

Suddenly, the boulder gave off a blindingly bright light. Steven's mini hologram TV instantly shut down and shorted out.

Those at the campsite were all shocked.

Steven saw that his mini hologram TV was broken; he immediately looked at his laptop and checked. After checking, nothing seemed to be broken.

Radit felt the headache could not be endured, he held his head with both hands and pressed his head with his hands. Others saw Radit in pain and immediately approached him.

"Radit, are you okay?" said Raka in a panic. Radit looked around him that his friends were watching him. But his gaze was a little strange, like he was mixed up.

At Hana's back, she saw a mysterious girl looking at her with concern.

As a result of his strange look, he was a little dry. "Hey, Radit, are you okay?" Leonardo said.

Radit looked at Leonardo who was sitting in front of him, but immediately he realized something was strange and Radit focused on looking behind Leonardo.

Radit looked at the mysterious girl standing at the edge of the cliff. The mysterious girl was staring at the big rock.

Leonardo, who knew that Radit was looking behind him, immediately looked back.

Raka, who saw Leonardo, spontaneously looked at the place Radit was looking at. But the place was empty, there was no one or anything at the end of the cliff.

The mysterious girl standing at the edge of the cliff could only be seen by Radit. The person wearing what looked like a cloak uncovered her head, it was long-haired.

When the person started to turn his head towards Radit but had not yet fully arrived, Leonardo suddenly said something while shaking his body. "Radit! What are you looking at! Radit!" Leonardo said.

Radit came to his senses and spoke, "I see someone over there," he said pointing to the edge of the cliff where the person was standing. Others immediately looked in the direction Radit pointed, but in the eyes of others there was no one. Radit who looked back at the place turned out that the person was gone.

It made things awkward and confused at the same time.

90 minutes passed.

While others were preoccupied with Radit, the boulder suddenly emitted another blinding light, along with a loud noise that was unpleasant to hear for about a minute.

Steven looked at his laptop again, and saw that the online live stream was already dead.

The administrator of the online live stream gave an announcement message through a chat balloon that the cameras for viewing the boulder had all broken after the second blinding light shone.

Lucia's sharp instincts suddenly sensed that she was in grave danger.

95 minutes passed.

"Radit, are you okay?" said a panicked Raka.

"I'm fine," said Radit.

"Is it because of the light? The strange thing about Radit reactivating?" Amelia said.

"I don't know, maybe yes," said Raka.

Lucia immediately made a formal gesture to Leonardo. "Sir and your friends, please leave this place," Lucia said with a very serious look on her face.

"What's wrong, Lucia?" said Leonardo.

"I feel a very strong sense of danger right now," Lucia said.

100 minutes passed.

Leonardo, who had not yet had time to reply to Lucia's words, suddenly heard a strange sound that he did not know where it came from. The sound was like a bang but very loud.

Lucia stared at the boulder, the others had focused on Lucia, looked back at it and after seeing Lucia staring at the boulder, the others also looked.

105 minutes passed.

At that very moment, a third glare of light appeared, but now it was accompanied by an extremely loud bang.

After that there was a sudden earthquake, all those who were on the edge of the cliff immediately went swiftly to the tent which was far from the cliff. Everyone then looked at the large rock, and it turned out that the large rock was split into four parts but unevenly.

110 minutes passed.

At that point they started to panic, and packed up their belongings to take down to the hut.

Steven continued to look at his laptop, then said, "Friends, it seems that the boulder is very dangerous, as a result of the third light there has been a magnetic disturbance on this planet. Then, the movement of the boulder changes direction, it is heading towards..." Steven said. The others who heard Steven's words but did not finish, were curious.

"Towards what!?" said a panicked and curious Amelia. "It's heading towards this planet! And it's getting faster!" said Steven. The others who heard this were shocked.

115 minutes passed.

Still surprised by what Steven had told him, suddenly, the boulder exploded into rubble.

The debris is pointed in various directions towards the moon Tritan and the planet Terra.

When the explosion happened, Lucia reflexively shouted loudly, "Quick everyone, back to the car!" she said.

The others heard the panic and began to follow Lucia's lead. But despite the panic, Steven did not forget to bring his sophisticated equipment such as a laptop.

120 minutes passed.

It was 11:00 PM.

The debris began to enter Tritan's atmosphere and began to hit some of the moon's surfaces.

Those who were in the forest were still running towards the parking lot. They had already passed the hut and were heading towards the parking lot.

125 minutes passed.

Everyone ran so fast that they were gasping for air. Debris from the massive rock explosion began to enter the planet Terra.

130 minutes passed.

Everyone had almost arrived at the parking lot, and many people were starting their vehicles.

Leave the place and head for the safety of the bunker on the outskirts of the city.

At that moment, the debris fell in the forest. As a result of the falling debris, a powerful explosion occurred and caused strong vibrations that made people standing in the parking lot fall down.

135 minutes passed.

Debris began to hit the planet Terra, vibrations or earthquakes were felt continuously.

Radit and his friends were in the vicinity of the minibus and climbed into the vehicle. Lucia had started the minibus' engine but it didn't run because it was too dangerous. She waited on her instincts, even though several vehicles had left first.

"Lucia, hurry up! Why are you thinking?" Leonardo said.

"Wait, sir. I sense the atmosphere is still quite dangerous." Lucia said.

145 minutes passed.

The dark color of the sky is now filled with stars, probably because the lights have gone out all over the world which makes it less light to see the stars. Today the sky looks more beautiful than ever and also very scary.

At that very moment, a powerful earthquake occurred and an extremely loud boom was heard several times.

150 minutes passed.

Those who were in the parking lot and preparing to leave, some looked out at the city filled with red light.

160 minutes passed.

Suddenly there was a very loud roaring sound from various directions. It was like the sound of an animal roaring.

170 minutes passed.

Lucia looked around and at the sky. Feeling that the situation was stable enough, she told the others to get into the minibus and leave for the city.

The main destination was Leonardo's estate near the suburban bunker. Once everyone was in, Lucia hit the gas.

Steven, who didn't get a seat, was forced to sit between Laras and Amelia. They both ignored him because they were in a state of panic.

The people there who saw Radit and his friends' bus also hurriedly left and headed for the suburbs.

175 minutes passed.

On the way to safety, it turned out that the debris fall was not yet over.

The remaining rock debris fell and some of the debris headed towards the minibus of Radit and his friends.

Dozens of debris fell around the minibus vehicle Radit was riding in. Some vehicles were directly hit by the debris. As a result of the incident, Lucia was forced to stop the car.

180 minutes passed.

It was already 00:00 AM. The big rock phenomenon had passed.

But is that really the case?

Leonardo who was beside Lucia looked up at the sky to the left of the minibus. He saw that there was debris heading towards them.

Leonardo immediately shouted, "Everyone, hold on tight to the seat belt!" he said!

The collision occurred. The minibus bounced off.

The minibus Radit was traveling in overturned on its right side.

Time passed very quickly, Radit came to his senses. He saw around him that the others were in a state of unconsciousness, except for Gilbert who seemed to have woken up first but was in a state full of wounds.

In a state of confusion, the back door of the minibus suddenly opened. Radit looked in that direction and saw the figure of Lucia standing, looking a lot injured. Then after that he saw Leonardo who appeared behind the side of the car.

Lucia rushed in, first unbuckling Hana's seat belt at the very back of the car and carrying the unconscious Hana out.

Gilbert unfastened his own seat belt.

Leo, who saw her, tried to help her. After that, Leonardo carried the unconscious Amelia out, Gilbert unfastened Raka's seat belt, then lifted him out.

As Lucia looked at Steven, she realized that Steven's right hand was having problems. Lucia carefully, with Leonardo's help, lifted Steven who was lying on Laras' chest out.

It looked like Steven had fractured his left bone, which was probably because he didn't have a seatbelt, so he just relied on Amelia and Laras for grip.

After that it was Laras' turn, then Jiyan, Britta and finally Radit.

Radit, who was carried by Leonardo when he got out of the minibus, looked around.

It was devastating, the ground was shattered and cars were on fire and people were lying on the ground and the sound of small children crying.

Radit stopped being carried by Leonardo and stood up on his own.

Then stared at the large boulder that hit them for the last time, but a little bit far from their vehicle. Radit saw it and, curious, began to approach it.

"Where are you going?" said Leonardo holding Radit's shoulder and trying to stop him.

"Ah, no, I'm just curious about the stone." said Radit.

"Don't act too much, we're all hurting." Leonardo said.

Radit looked at all of them and saw Raka who had woken up.

Radit returned to stare at the large stone, because of strong curiosity it felt like he was called by the stone and no one began to approach him.

Leonardo who saw it was speechless, he just followed her from behind to keep her company and out of curiosity.

Lucia saw her following them as well, as for her the main priority was to keep protecting her master.

They were already in front of the boulder. Radit began to hold his head feeling very painful again.

Leonardo who saw her started to approach her. Lucia who followed him just stood far away from where they were.

At that moment they saw the boulder glow slightly and suddenly emit a dazzling light.

Radit immediately fainted and Leonardo caught him.

Suddenly, three prairie wolves arrived. But there was something strange about their blood-red eyes and their fangs were longer and looked ferocious.

It doesn't look like the typical prairie wolf that usually has green eyes and invisible fangs, and is even known for its hospitality to humans.

One of the prairie wolves jumped towards Radit and Leonardo to pounce on him.

Leonardo parried it with his right hand, and was bitten. The bite was so strong that Leonardo felt the bones of his hand crumble and then at that moment a gunshot was heard.

The prairie wolf that bit Leonardo lay lifeless. Lucia then approached Leonardo to protect him.

Lucia took out the place once again to get rid of the prairie wolf. But the prairie wolf was so agile, Lucia had trouble hitting it.

Soon, one of the 2 remaining prairie wolves was shot but the other prairie wolf had started to jump to pounce on Lucia, but it was thwarted by Leonardo who threw a stone at the prairie wolf's head.

When the prairie wolf fell down Lucia fired several bullets at the prairie wolf.

"Your master is fine." said a panicked Lucia.

"It's fine, it's quite painful but manageable. Lucia take Radit and get out of here quickly. It seems dangerous here." Leonardo said.

They went to their mini bus. Leornardo and Lucia saw that everyone was awake. Those who saw Leonardo who was injured and bleeding and saw Radit who fainted being carried by Lucia, began to panic again.

Lucia put Radit to sleep on the ground, and told Gilbert, Jiyan, Raka and Steven to push their mini bus so it wouldn't tip over again. They heard Lucia's order and immediately obeyed without thinking.

After the mini bus had been turned around, Lucia tried to revive the mini bus and succeeded.

Then they all went to Leonardo's suburban estate on the outskirts of the city using the mini bus whose glass had been shattered and damaged slowly. Near the residence there is also a bunker.

They were all very tired, looking at the fires and smoke everywhere, the sound of sirens could also be heard in the distance. "Is everything going to be okay?" Hana said with a sigh.

By then it was 00:40 AM and debris was still falling.

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