
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
77 Chs

[1.1] [Plolog Terra] Future World on Planet Terra

The time in the era of civilization was 2128. It was the year of the end of the destruction of the organization that fought against evil and was the protector of the earth. The secret headquarters of the organization had been discovered and was under siege.

"To the troop leaders in the front and center defense sections, I order you to retreat and enter the last defense section of the building." Spoken over the telecommunication radio in a loud and firm voice.

"What, retreat!? Hey, you think we're going to lose against these crazy humans!" The leader of the vanguard said to the voice on the telecommunications loudly.

"Yes, why should we retreat? What about our friends who have died honorably fighting these damn humans!" The center squad leader said to the voice on the telecommunications in a confused tone.

"Even though we have better technological equipment, we've lost the number of troops and lost the supernatural power as well. We need to strategize from the start, so you should retreat first in order to attack back later!" Said the telecommunications voice to the front and center troop leaders in a calm voice over the radio.

"Ah, damn it, I won't back down! I will avenge the deaths of our friends." Said the front squad leader to the voice on the telecommunication and the line was switched off.

"Hey, hello? Hello! Damn, he's disconnected. He's been very reckless since his sister's death." Said a voice in telecommunications over the radio.

"He's right, sir, we must avenge the deaths of our friends who were inhumanely killed. I will send back some of my troops to help our last stand. Myself and the rest will help the front troops to fight that damn human. After all, we can't let him fight at the front with his vengeance getting the best of him, it would make his sister sad in the beyond, right? I'll help him! Give him my last regards." The center squad leader said to the communicator and the line was turned off.

"What... Hello? Damn, the connection is turned off too. How's this, Radit? It is certain that the front troops will not retreat and the center troops will only partially retreat." Said the communicator to Radit.

Suddenly there was the sound of a huge explosion outside the headquarters. At the telecommunications site and inside the headquarters, the building witnessed the light of the powerful explosion like a huge bomb exploding.

"What else, it's what they want. Maybe it's destiny to fight them, maybe this will also be the last battle for us." Radit said in a calm tone, a little disappointed.

Soldier 1 immediately replied loudly, "What do you mean by the last battle! If this is the last one, what will the world be like without us!" he said in an irritated tone.

Soldier 2 said, "Hopefully when the center troops return, we can defend against them. If not, we'll likely have to do that." Said in a calm voice to everyone inside the command room.

"Doing that? Doing what?" Said soldier 4 in confusion.

"Recently, we of the research team have found a way to go back in time with this latest technology, aided by hidden superpowers." Soldier 3 said to everyone in the command room.

"To the past!?" Several people shouted together. "What do you mean back in time?" Radit said in a serious tone.

"Yes, back to the past. Hey, you explain about this device briefly." Said soldier 3 while pointing at soldier 5.

"Ahem... this is a side project that we created in secret, even only a few of our research team knew and worked on it. It was kept secret to avoid any misuse when the project was completed, and it was the right decision as it turned out, because of the urgency caused by that traitor. If he knew about this tool, it might be very dangerous for us." Said soldier 5.

The situation inside the command room instantly became very tense and serious.

"So, to get to the point, what does the device you've created do? Is it like in movies or science fiction stories: going back in time to change history?" Radit said in a questioning and serious tone.

"Yes, it's more or less like that, going back in time and changing history. But this is different; it's not like you're going back in time with your body. It's just returning your soul and mind to the past and entrusting them with your soul and mind at that time." said Warrior 3.

"So at a time like this there must be those who go back in time and change history, so which one of us should go back in time?" said Soldier 6 in a serious tone.

"Of course the founder of this organization, Radit! He's the only one who can make this journey. That's because he has a strange soul and unknown superpowers." said Warrior 5 in a low tone.

Everyone in the command room looked at Radit.

The room was tense and everyone was thinking about the plan. After 2 hours had passed, the center troops had arrived at the base.

"Hey, how are things going in the central front defense field?" said Soldier 8.

"It's really bad. Back here, we were so overwhelmed because we were dealing with a group of strange supernatural owners and had area effects. He broke straight through to the center defense through the air. It threw the formation of the front center troops into chaos. Look, there are very few troops returning due to their actions." said one of the surviving center troop soldiers.

A few minutes later, there was a loud noise on top of the building which turned out to be an explosion shot from the direction of the forest in the center of the defense and all the troops began their final defense operation.

Two hours passed, the troops on the outside of the building had been defeated, the battle at the finish line began. Some of the enemy managed to get inside, the enemy had entered the building and began to invade the building. Gunfire and fighting was intense.

"Hey, what do we do? We're backed into a corner." said Soldier 1.

"Get in here all of you, quickly." said Soldier 3.

"Are we heading down again? Isn't this building only up to 5 floors down?" said Soldier 1 in a confused tone.

"This leads to the secret experiment room, which is the time machine-like device we talked about earlier, and now it's time for us to activate the device." said Soldier 5.

Instantly the group of people there who were heading for the deepest floor fell silent. A moment later, they had reached the deepest floor of this building.

They activated high-level security, the thickest of the three-layer gates was sealed, the troops standing guard in front of the gates were ready to fight, and the researchers began to operate the device.

15 minutes later, an explosion was heard in the direction of the gate. After checking, it turned out that Gate 1 had been breached. The researchers began to quickly operate the device. A few minutes later, the last gate was successfully breached, the soldiers in front of the gate made armed contact.

One of the researchers approached Radit and pulled his arm towards the center of the glass-lined room. Then, several other researchers and Soldier 5 approached Radit.

One of the researchers said to Radit, "Remember, this is the first time this tool has been used. There have been no previous trials, so the chances of this tool being successful are only 50:50. And since it will entrust or practically merge your soul and mind of the past with the present, it will have the possibility of making the soul and mind damaged. The bet is around 80% that it will fail during unification and make you experience damage in your soul and mind." said one of the researchers.

"It's okay, all the trials and paths we face are not always 100% successful, I'm ready to do it. After all, this is the only way, right?" said Radit.

The researcher smiled bitterly at Radit.

Then a girl came up to Radit. "You said you were ready, but from what I see, your face looks like you're anxious," the girl said.

"Of course, even though I said that, I'm still worried. I'm the first test material for this tool, anyone would be afraid. Besides, it's not really known how severe the effects are," Radit said with a bitter smile.

"This time travel will lead to the year 2117, don't forget to meet me and make future plans to defeat them, and also get acquainted with the girl, then protect her, don't let her fall into the hands of the enemy." the girl said with a smile.

"Oh, that's great, now you're telling me to date that girl, ah... or maybe I'll date the two of you, maybe history will change because of this." Radit said with a laugh.

"Haha... you! Want this... well... hopefully my past self will hit you if you do that." said the girl while smiling at Radit. Radit's anxiety was gone.

"Hey... if I lose my memory, how will I remember you? Maybe we'll never meet again? What if the memory in this time is just a dream that might make my future self very hurt." Radit said to the girl.

"Take it easy, you'll be fine. You have extraordinary and strange powers. I remember back then, you introduced yourself like a freak, it was so funny." the girl said with a chuckle.

"Hahaha... indeed when you said that and remembered it again, it was very embarrassing." Radit said with a smile.

The researcher in the room shouted. "Preparations are complete, it's time to run this device." said one of the researchers.

The machine turned on and six people with supernatural abilities released their energy. Instantly, a small star-like light appeared around Radit's body, and the light gradually covered his body from his feet to his head.

Then at that moment, there were gunshots in the room, the enemy had defeated the guardian soldiers at the last gate.

The enemy blindly shot and unleashed his supernatural powers on the remaining soldiers. All of Radit's friends created a fortress around Radit.

Then Radit immediately wanted to say, while trying to move but couldn't move because of the mystical energy.

"Uh... wait, if I come back, how will you all be?" Radit said in a panicked tone.

The researchers smiled and one of them said. "There are two possibilities, one, those of us in this time will disappear, and two, maybe we will continue to live and keep fighting against them until the end. However, the first possibility makes more sense, it's like rewinding time rather than going back in time." said one of the researchers.

Radit started to panic upon hearing that and rebelled, but couldn't move because all of his body was enveloped in light, except for his head.

The girl headed towards Radit, speaking in a low tone while shedding a few tears and smiling.

"Change the past and create a peaceful life. I hope that in that world, you will propose to me, not just be my girlfriend. I would be very happy."

The girl then kissed Radit. After that, she said.

"Radit, I love you. See you in the world of the past."

The girl kept smiling, then turned her face toward the enemy while holding a pistol.

Radit could only scream his name, then cry and couldn't do anything, even though his emotions felt almost gone. Then, he said to himself.

"Yes, I will definitely change history and create an ideal world. Then, I will promise to propose to you and her! I promise! With a man's oath."

After that, a bright light enveloped the room. The research room, which was currently in chaos with gunshots everywhere, suddenly came to a halt as a result of the bright light.

Time spins, everything repeats itself.

Radit has arrived in the past.

Radit saw that his surroundings were full of people. It seemed like he was in the city center, and then he saw his small hand.

Radit felt a cell phone in his pocket, so he took it and opened the front camera. Apparently, he had managed to return to his high school days. Suddenly he lost his balance and fainted.

Everyone around him was very shocked to see Radit faint, even a very beautiful woman who was nearby immediately called the hospital emergency service.

After this, we will enter the main story. At the beginning, in the title [1.1], I mentioned the volume or part of a conflict. You can ignore it, but it might also help you if you want to reread a certain part later.

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