
New World, New Life: I Became A Bigshot In The Ancient World

Excerpt "What do you mean this is where I belong?!!!" She asked incredulously. "It is the truth. It might sound extremely absurd and unbelievable, but it is the truth." He said, his voice tinged with helplessness. "Hell, it is absurd." She threw her hands up in the air exasperatedly. The seriousness in his eyes told her he wasn't at all joking or messing with her. He was damn serious. "Ugh. What shit am I involved in?" She asked frustratingly to no one in particular at the news she was still trying to wrap her head around. *** Aristia Andrews had just come back home from work and prepared to go to sleep, when she was given a novel. Nothing strange about that though, huh? But just after she had completed the novel, she was tossed into a whole new world. Taken from her world and the life she deemed perfect, and tossed into a not-so-ideal world. Now part of royalty, she has to get accustomed to living in a backward world of Kings and Queens, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscounts and Barons. Just the titles and hierarchy were enough to make her smart head spin. With beautiful and loving parents and relatives, a cute younger brother, loyal servants and a smart brain, join Aristia as she enjoys eating and making new and delicious cuisines, forms unique friendships, and create successful businesses. But... she also has a lot of mysteries surrounding her to uncover and secrets to unfold, and perhaps she'll find a dash of love along the way.

Gray_Queen19 · Fantasía
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23 Chs


[Heavens, could this lady just stop yapping? But, she's just so pretty.]

Aristia thought in frustration.

Right now, she was in the drawing room designated for some of her classes with her teachers. A young female tutor was sitting on a chair in front of her with a desk in between them.

Beautiful, has straight dark blue hair, azure eyes and a strict expression even though her eyes were currently shining for reasons known only to her; the young woman in front of her was none other than Viscountess Vasily Hemsworth, the youngest female tutor or governess in the Kingdom of Amberale at the age of seventeen, now she was nineteen.

[Vasily Hemsworth, known to be the best tutor in the Kingdom and the first choice of every noble household, but she only accepted a limited amount of children to tutor. Being able to be chosen as her pupil was considered honorary and was something her pupils flaunted. She was also Aristia's tutor in the book but aside from their student-teacher relationship, they weren't at all close. She seems weird to me though. She was staring at me earlier with eyes sparkling like an anime character.]

"There are two continents; Yosanda and Altunia. Our kingdom is located in the continent Yosanda. The Capital of our Kingdom, Amberale, is Belonmusk. The Father King Melvin Amberale was a brave King who always led our Kingdom to victory in order to become the great kingdom it is today, even more powerful than in previous centuries, conquering many lands and defeating our enemies. His wife, the Mother Queen Melissa Amberale was a smart queen who cared very much for the welfare of her people. Thanks to them, our Kingdom has not experienced any wars in the recent years."

Vasily continued, "His son, our beloved King Fedor Amberale has also contributed greatly in making our Kingdom the best in the continent of Yosanda ever since he ascended the throne eight years ago with his wife, Her Majesty Queen Rowaine, due to the policies he has set up. King Fedor is a good King who cares for the people and who has caused Amberale to prosper and flourish, and Queen Rowaine is a kind Queen who cares about the well-being of her people." Vasily spoke about the King and Queen with deep respect in her blue eyes.

[Oh, that means King Melvin was a great king and warrior who brought peace to the people and conquered many lands, while his son is also a good king who set up beneficial policies and caused the Kingdom to flourish.] Aristia thought uninterestedly, holding back a yawn.


Vasily stared at the child who was listening half-heartedly with a bored expression as she spoke about their Kingdom— an attitude she had never witnessed before ever since she began to tutor the children of nobility who were eager to have her as their tutor. She had introduced herself to this new pupil of hers when she came in earlier.

She had heard rumours about the child. The first was that Aristia Amberale was bratty and arrogant. But her husband had said otherwise. Another rumour was that she was extremely adorable and pretty. She had thought it was an exaggeration but today, she found out that those two words were not even enough to describe how adorable the child was.

Only her lovely husband knew how she almost couldn't resist cute things so she tried her best to hold back from squeezing the child's cheeks. It would also be disrespectful and against laws of nobility and etiquette to do so. But she had a feeling she had made a good decision by accepting the Grand Duke's request to tutor his daughter, not that she could refuse anyway.

'Well, apart from accepting the marriage proposal of my lovely husband.' She blushed. Her eyes sparkled with glee as she looked at the child while still talking about the Kingdom.

"But it wasn't only the former King and the current king who contributed to the wellness of the Kingdom. The Grand Duke has also helped with his policies and advice to the King. He is also the King's personal Chief Advisor." While Aristia was wrapping her head around her words, the Viscountess continued.

"King Fedor Amberale and Queen Rowaine Amberale have three children, our beloved Prince Ivan and beloved Princesses Beatrix and Serina. Prince Ivan is seven years old while Princess Beatrix and Princess Serina, being twins, are both six years old." Vasily said even though she didn't see the need to say all these to the child in front of her.

"The Prince and the Princesses are all under my tutelage." Vasily informed. She was about to continue but was unintentionally interrupted by Aristia who yawned loudly.


Aristia who noticed that she had unknowingly interrupted the Viscountess paused slightly and blinked, her eyes turning watery in response. "I'm sorry Viscountess." She apologized for her rude behavior.

[I was just bored of hearing information I already know.]

She expected the Viscountess to reprimand her or something but the Viscountess had a completely different reaction from what she expected.

"Adorable!" Viscountess Vasily blurted out unintentionally, her strict expression finally melting. "Ahem." She coughed and looked away when she realized what she had just said. "Pardon me."

"It's okay." Aristia replied, chuckling when she realized what Vasily said. She continued narcissistically "I know I'm cute so it's okay. I like pretty things and people. You seem to like adorable things too. Let us be friends. What do you think?" She said with a stern expression. Her inner outspokenness and ability to make friends was surfacing.

[It's not like I befriend anyone I meet, it's just that I have a feeling that we're gonna get along well, so I asked to be friends. In my world, I was called the stoic beauty, reason being that I never showed any expression to the public.]

Aristia was outspoken and she was good at making friends when she was little. She was just like her name; a freedom-loving and free-spirited individual, but because she was from a super wealthy and influential family, she distanced herself from them and thus had no friends when she was growing up since most of them just wanted her friendship for the benefits.

Viscountess Vasily widened her eyes in surprise at the child's proposal of friendship, but nodded her head happily. She didn't feel like they couldn't be friends just because the other party was a five year old child, even though she didn't know that that five year old was actually an adult in her original world. Even though Aristia was arrogant, it didn't seem as bad as the rumours. And which noble child wasn't arrogant?

"Yes. Of course. I would be honoured to be friends with you. Now let's continue our lesson friend." The Viscountess replied with a wide smile spread on her face.

When she heard the Viscountess say lesson, Aristia's face scrunched up in annoyance. Seeing this, the Viscountess chuckled heartily.

"As I was saying, the Amberale Royal family is known for their physical trait of grey hair. The only people in the Kingdom to possess that hair colour."

[Wait a second. Grey hair? Who else possesses grey hair? How could I forget that Papa is also part of the Royal family? Must be because that stupid novel was too unclear.] She blamed the book for causing her to forget this detail. Just as she had that thought, the Viscountess' voice rang out.

"The former King, King Melvin Amberale had two sons; King Fedor his firstborn, the then Crown Prince and our current King, and your father, the second Prince, Grand Duke Wilson Amberale. Like I said before, King Melvin's wife, the former Queen is Queen Melissa, a princess from the neighbouring Kingdom. I've heard a lot about how sweet their love is."

Vasily had a smile on her face as she uttered the latter part of her sentence. Her smile widened even more when she thought of her own husband, Viscount Ross Hemsworth.

UwU, this chapter also sounds cheezy to me. U ´꓃ ` U

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