
Did it hurt when you fell from the heaven?

Darius was enchanted by her humming. It soft and melodic, he was standing near the dining table with eyes closed and listening to her smiling slightly.

Slowly, opening his eyes he gazed at her frame. She wore a full-sleeved gown, colored green, her dark hair in a bun. He could not help but stare at her big fat butt.

Whenever he tried to divert his gaze, they would automatically move back there. As Newton once said; the greater the mass, the greater the attraction.

These words could not be any truer. As much as he controlled himself, he had a really intense urge to slap that big fat booty.

The woman turned around holding a wooden plate decorated with slices of fruits and a wooden cup for water.

She placed them on the dining table and said, "You should eat something or you won't recover."

"Truly an angel." Starry-eyed, he said.

He sat down on the chair. "Thank you for the food."

He was hungry, which he realized only a while ago. He picked up a slice of a maroonish fruit and placed it in his mouth. It was slightly sweet and a little dry.

"By the way," he said, "what's your name?"

She was sitting across from him, looking at him eat. "Fiona." She replied, "What is yours?"

"Darius." He introduced.

There was a small silence when he noticed a 10-second countdown in his peripheral, he understood immediately what it was.

This was the countdown for the quest failure. Seeing that only 5 seconds remained, he asked quickly, "Can you tell me where am I? And how did I get here? I can't remember much."

Not a lie since he did not have access to memories of this body. So, he went with the protagonist who has amnesia trope.

Fiona looked at him curiously before replying, "We found you in the forest, a little far from here."

She looked at his wounded abdomen, "You were injured, maybe by some monsters. When we found you, you were barely breathing. At that time, you asked for our help. So we brought you home and did our best to heal you."

He noted that there are monsters in this world. He would think about it later.

"However," she continued, "You were badly hurt, so it has been 3 days since we brought you here. All this time you were unconscious."

"I'm glad that you did not die." She said in relief.

She looked genuinely happy that he survived. 'Indeed, an angel. She even helped a stranger like me.' He thought, touched by her kindness, 'Although, the previous owner of the body did die. It's better not to tell her that.'

While talking to her, he realized something, "You said we, who's the other person?"

"My daughter. She will be back soon." She replied, smiling gently.

"A daughter!? You don't look like a mother." Abruptly, he said.

She frowned. 'Do I look too old to be a mother?'

Darius noticed the frown. He quickly tried to salvage the situation. He didn't want to lose brownie points with her.

"I mean, you look really young to be a mother. How old are you?" He smacked his face. 'Really? Out of the frying pan into the fire.'

Her frown turned into a warm smile when he complimented her, but the next part made her smile turn colder. "You shouldn't ask a woman her age, you know."

He flinched a little and apologized, "I-I'm sorry."

She let it go this time, "Anyways, you are currently in Honeybrew village." Her head turned a bit, "Why were you alone in a forest as dangerous as Silent Woods? There are many dangerous monsters there."

Darius looked down at the fruits, "Pardon me, I do not remember anything other than my name and that I am an adventurer."

He tried his best to act sad. Can't let her get suspicious.

"Oh, don't apologize. It's not your fault." She put her hand on his, "Tell you what, you can stay here as long as you like, okay? We will help you gain your memories back."

He couldn't believe what he heard. After meeting so many people who showed no care for the well-being of someone else, selfish and unkind people. She looked like an alien to him.

She was kindness personified. If kindness was a person, it would be her. He fell for her even harder, even afraid that he might break his legs from a fall this hard.

"Can you tell me something?" He asked, grinning happily.

"Yes?" Perplexed, she replied looking at him grinning like an idiot.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

"Wha?" She blushed a little, he looked very genuine with his question. Like an innocent child believing something to be true, and questioning about it curiously.

This sudden compliment caught her off guard and couldn't form a reply. While she was thinking of what to say, the door to the house opened, and in came her daughter.

"Mom! I'm hungry~" she announced, loudly.

Darius' attention was pulled from her, fortunately. She was thankful for her daughter to save her from this situation.

Fiona got up and said, "Tia. Dear, don't go around yelling. Our guest just woke up."

Tia looked at Darius, analyzing him slowly before and dashing to him saying, "You're awake! I thought that you would die."

She hugged him suddenly. Her arms wrapped tightly, smothering his face into her bountiful breasts. He truly felt embarrassed.

He thought that Fiona was beautiful but her daughter was equally gorgeous. Her breasts were very soft, so soft that he could sleep right now.

He almost reached the dreamland when the softness left him. Fiona had pulled her daughter away, scolding her to be careful not to hurt him.

A realization came unto him, he was not going to sleep but die from asphyxiation. The sudden pleasure of having big breasts around his face made him forget to struggle.

While Fiona was giving her daughter an earful, he checked the pair out. Both were very beautiful. Fiona was mature, voluptuous, and looked comfortable to embrace, with a face that matched the body.

Tia, as far as he knows, seems to be a cheerful kind; judging from the sudden hug. She had an hourglass body, her shirt and pants accentuating her figure. Her DD cup breasts matched her body perfectly. Her dark-tanned skin was smooth, her cute face was glistening from sweat.

Tia turned towards him, suddenly replacing the joyous countenance with a shy one. Her hand was squeezing and rubbing the other, as her eyes darted everywhere.

"I-I-I'm sorry for what h-happened, you're n-not hurt r-right?" She began to stutter, making him wonder where all her previous confidence went.

"No, no, I don't mind it. It's alright." He did not mind it. He was even thankful.

"O-okay." She said, "Um... C-can I know your name, please?"

"I'm T-Tiara." She added, hastily.

Darius seeing her demeanor change so drastically, chuckled. "I'm Darius." He warmly replied, "Nice to meet you, Tiara."

Tiara was blushing in embarrassment, "Again, I'm sorry for what I did before. I was really happy to see you awake and I then hugged you without thinking that I might end up hurting you. You had just recovered and I made such a mistake. I'm sorry. I did not mean to bother you and--"

Her voice gradually turned into a mosquito. He could barely hear her words but getting her point, he interrupted, "As I said it's alright. Don't worry yourself about it. No harm done."

He again chuckled, intensifying her blush. She wanted to just die and end her misery here.

Fiona had quickly served herself and her daughter some breakfast and they ate while talking about things.

To him, it felt normal and peaceful. Even though he had only known them for less than half an hour. But their kindness had made their way into his heart.

So, how is it?

The first two members of Darius' harem.

RipplingLakecreators' thoughts
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