
The Careful Wins.

13 hours later

A man sleeping on his bed has started to show signs of waking up, and that man is no other than Gin.

Slowly, his eyes started to open and he began to rub them after. For real, Gin wanted to sleep more after hunting one monster. Clearly just one!

He felt his whole body aching. With an average build, it was natural but as far as he can remember, he only used his eyes when hunting and a bow. Heck, all of those isn't even enough to get him at this state.

He let out those things first in his mind as he stretches his body before he goes up from his bed. Getting up, he gets a portion of food from his bag and decided to eat first.

While eating, Gin called O if the god is there and thought that it was a great time to start the training immediately.

"O! Are you there? Let's start our training."


No response was seen. Since it was the case, Gin continued to eat and decided to ask later.

After eating which takes minutes, he cleans his room. Does doing it, he began to sit on his bed again, calling O one more time.

"O! Are you here now? Let's start. I don't have all day."

Seeing that there was still no response, Gin had decided to go hunting with Nash and others when at the same time, a screen had appeared in front of him.

] Forced Task Applied [

[Yeah, I'm here. Let's start.]

Seeing the screen, Gin wore an excited expression on his face as he waited for O to continue.

As he waited, he keep waiting...


Of course, waiting has limits.

His excited expression turned into disappointment that turned into annoyance.

He then annoyingly said, "You must be shitting with me. What do you mean let's start, huh? Why are you not saying anything?"

] Forced Task Applied [

[I just tease you a little, geez. Ok… Let's start our training.]

] Forced Task Applied [

[First, you have to find yourself a mirror. Second, don't come to your hunting this day because you'll have to listen to me carefully.]

Reading the screen, Gin formed a questioning look while seeing what O wanted. Still, he decided to follow the god as he knew that this is the only source of information he had on his attribute, Truth Eyes.

But still, he asked himself inwardly, 'Why would I need a mirror?'

Then, he gets up from his bed and gets out of the room. He goes first to where Grey is staying as he knew the guy is good enough to be fooled.

After walking for a few minutes, Gin was now in front of Grey's place and he was now currently standing on Grey's door.

He knocked on the door twice.

After waiting for a few seconds, Gin saw Grey opening it and saw the big guy standing in front, looking at him with strange eyes.

Seeing Grey, Gin quickly tells his reason for coming by and told him he will not join on the hunt today, spatting some lies on his mouth that he doesn't feel well and needs a little bit of rest.

As Gin acts, he waited to see Grey's supposed to be reaction, but to his surprise, Grey had a happy and relieved expression on his face.

For some reason and seeing Grey's reaction, Gin felt weirded out.

"Good Hyung! I was about to come to you, but you came to me instead. Well, you should really take a break. I'll tell Nash later that the job is done. Oh! And Kisha said that she'll join our hunt! That's all, bye!"


After saying those words, Grey shuts the door leaving the baffled Gin.

'What do you mean the 'job is done'? I only said today… why do you sound like I will need to rest forever? Is there something you are not telling Grey?' Gin questionably said inwardly while looking at the door.

He decided to leave but as soon as he thought of it, he remembered another thing as to why he was outside and he goes back to where Grey's residence is.

Knocking twice again, Gin asked. "Grey do you have a mirror on you or someone you know has?"

After waiting for only a few seconds, Grey answered, "I don't have a mirror on me, Hyung. Look around the village and ask some ladies, maybe they have it."

Hearing Grey's suggest which made sense, Gin decided to do it. He thought it was the most efficient way to find a mirror from everyone.

"Ok, thank you."

After, Gin decided to roam around the village, asking anyone, whether a woman or a man, a mirror.

One hour later.

Gin comes back from his room, exhausted.

Getting water from his bag and drinking it after, he thought that he wasted that one hour of his time.

During that exhausting hour, he roams around the village, asking everyone if they have a mirror. He asked respectfully but with no luck, he just doesn't get a mirror.

'How unlucky.' Gin said inwardly and decided first not to give up.

Almost an hour passed, finally, Gin saw and hear a woman, who needs food, in exchange for a mirror. He quickly goes near the woman but he quickly wore a disappointed expression as he sees the thing.

'Broken, huh. Really unlucky. Fuck.' Gin inwardly cursed himself.

Seeing it, Gin decided to quickly leave because he can't just take garbage with him, when at the same time, a screen appeared, saying the mirror is good because only its edges are broken.

It's O, of course.

Sighing, Gin goes in front of the woman and asked her how many foods she needs. He was expecting one day's worth of food but the woman said to give her two weeks.

'Pft, as if I'll be giving that much food!' Gin scoffed inwardly and really was leaving when I really insisted to have this mirror.

O told if Gin lost grasp of this precious mirror, the proficiency training will become slow, adding the things that O will be explaining his attribute.

For some reason, Gin felt he was being played at O but he decided not to ask it.

He goes back to the woman and made her look at his face by loudly saying his statement.

"One day's worth of food for your garbage mirror." Gin said with a stern voice.

Hearing how rude his voice his, the woman looked at Gin with a frown and said, "Heh, from the way you are saying, I know you need this mirror. Two weeks for the mirror is what I want. Do you even have one day worth of food?"

"Hah! Don't lie to me, uncle. We all here are trying to survive here so I understand what you're getting at. But please, if I saw your face again, don't ever lie to me. Wait, think for a moment, would I be begging here if I have plenty of food at my side? No, right?"

After saying all of those in a span of a few seconds, the woman crossed her arms as she nodded her head repeatedly. She looks like she had just won an argument with Gin as she looks at him.

'This woman is unshakeable as hell. Why don't you just accept it? Pretty please?' Gin begged inwardly.

He waited for a few seconds to see if the lady will change her mind but that thought of his didn't happen.

With the lady being occupied by the won he acquire on Gin, he uses this chance to check her stats as he quickly activated his eyes.

[Truth Eyes-See Through- has been activated]

Her status window is good and her disposition which is Persisting Quick Thinker is also good. Her attribute is [Processing] with proficiency of 2%.

'interesting. Did she say all of those because of this ability? That's good.' Gin inwardly said as he smiled faintly, 'Why didn't I see you earlier, lady? You're a treasure, you know.'

Although he saw something good, he set it aside in the back of his mind first as the goal right now is to acquire the mirror.

Thinking for a couple of seconds, Gin began to form a simple plan inside his head to convince the woman on his front.

'Quick Thinker, huh. The same as me but also different...' Gin mused inwardly.

Then, he formed a slight smile, 'Heh.'

His smile was still there as he began to face the woman again.

He said with an enticed tone, "Well, lady you see…"

Gin paused, "I have a whole month's worth of food inside my room. I can eat all of it by myself. It is good too because all of it is fresh."

Them, he saw the lady froze as the lady also didn't expect to hear those words from Gin's mouth. Although she didn't believe it, the doubt was already placed inside her head.

She refused to admit it on her mind as she quickly said, "You… you're lying, I know—"

But, she was stopped midway.

"Bye kid, if you think I'm lying then don't believe me. There are many mirrors in the village and I'm good enough to buy your trash, worth of a day of food. I've only wanted to buy it because it is a waste of time to roam again everywhere." Gin said.

"And now you're telling me that it's worth 2 weeks? Just starve to death then. Starve, okay?"Gin said as he turned around to the woman.

Slowly, Gin is sure seeds of doubt he planted right now are growing. He will just need to wait and make that seed grow.

Smiling, Gin knew that the lady will quickly think about her options.

'Maybe she is using her processing now, hehe, yes, you're a quick thinker, right? Then think quickly, hahaha.' Gin laughed inwardly as he slowly walks away from the woman.

] Forced Task Applied [

[That poor woman. Do you think she will listen to you? She will avoid you instead.]

'No, she is a special case in this situation. The more you shoo them away, the more they will come to you, and she desperately looking for food now. It's like a hungry lion and her delicious meal escaping from her eyes. She will run towards me, just wait.'

Gin inwardly said with confidence.

] Forced Task Applied [

[Sigh, anyway, what you say to her just now is a lie. One month my ass! You didn't even have a day left already. You gave it all to Nash, didn't you?]

'Then make it the truth! O, if you're in my position. You will also do the same thing. How do I make it a truth? I'm going to steal of course! Or should I say 'giving?' yes… it's giving… That's my food anyway. And I think Nash will think that the food will deplete for a day or two. He's going to say later 'While we hunt, we'll also find food'. Or similar to that.'

] Forced Task Applied [

[Yeah Yeah. Mr. smart. I'll just watch you from now on. Oh, Look! You're right… She really is coming to you.]

Seeing the screen, Gin turned around and saw a running woman towards earlier. It was the same lady earlier.


Seeing her standing up and in full now, Gin couldn't help but take a mouthful of saliva.

'She's also a damn beauty! Not s beautiful as Kisha but above Laura. Yeah, I think those melons are—"

While Gin was still inside his wild thoughts, the lady with shoulder shoulder-length hair and small yet charming blue eyes started to say her statement. She also had a nice figure when she stands up.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry for the things I said earlier. I-if what you said is true then… can you…Eh…give me a twelve days food?"

Hearing the lady stuttering, Gin stopped thinking for a moment before he smiled faintly.

'Not beating around the bush, huh. I like that, but I have whole control of the situation now.' Gin mused inwardly before he said, "Two days."

Hearing this, the lady bit his lips and knows what Gin is implying.


"Three days."



"S-Six days, please, I can't make it lower anymore."

Gin wanted to make it lower but since he is such a considerate person, he thought it is good."That's a deal then."

Gin gives his hand to the lady with a smile and said, "My name is Gin. Gin Frest. A pleasure to meet you."

The lady then formed a frown on her face but she still decided to take the handshake, "Likewise. And my name Jasmin, Jasmin Foler."

Gin still maintained his smile and said. "Then Ms. Foler You should wait here and I will get your food right away."

Inside his room again, Gin sits down on it in a lotus position. The only thing he is doing now is to wait on O to give instruction

"Ok O, it's time for training. What's the first thing I should do?" Gin asked

] Forced Task Applied [

[Ok first, l want you to hold the mirror near your eyes and look at it.]

Just like what the god said, Gin put the mirror near of his face as he watched his eyes with an intense focus.

'What now?'

] Forced Task Applied [

[Now activate your attribute, but still look at the mirror.]

Seeing the screen at the side, Gin nodded and began to mutter under his breath, resulting in him activating his eyes.

[Truth Eyes had been activated]

As he blinked and in an instant, his eyes had turned yellow with a little bit of green in them. It also had five black dots. One at the middle and four are rotating clockwise.

He looked at it with amazement.

'T-this—' Gin couldn't continue as the screen interrupted him on saying the word.

] Forced Task Applied [

[Yes, I know. Beautiful, Isn't it?]

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