

hello , my name is kashiwaba ken . well , it's really hard to remember so well will go with simple Ken. I'm a huge baseball fan and just love the game . well , you can say that my passion for the game is really more than normal people. it's because I cannot play the game like others due to my disease .

I have severe liver problems so my body cant handle the stress . I live in Japan where the high school baseball tournament is the best event the summer koshien . I'm a fan from childhood due to the influence of my parents who just love the game . but now I cant even go to the ballpark to watch the game as my disease caused my body really vulnerable to infections etc well it just means that I can get sick very quick and my body's immunity is deteriorating ver quickly . but my life is just fun than ever because of anime and manga culture in Japan.

I watched anime all year since childhood like one piece , naruto etc. but the most I love are sports anime . my personal favourite is MAJOR anime and I just love it . I can enjoy the thrill of game just by watching the anime but inwardly I really wish to play like them every time .

today , I was relaxing on the roof of hospital, when I saw a doctor jumping off the edge . I saved him but used all my strength in the process and couldn't save myself from falling . it was really quick and I fell down furiously. well , I just wished one last time that next life I can enjoy baseball more and more and then everything went blank .

when i woke up , i was in a traditional Japanese room and opposite me a man was sitting reading a thick book . he told me that he was God and was in charge of my reincarnation . i took my time to calm down and realised the fact that i was dead . well , i had no regrets as my parents were dead in a car accident when i was ten and i didn't have anybody to take care of .

God- Ken, you see , the man you saved later developed a cure for the coronavirus that plagued the world when you died . so , your karma points are somewhat high. not that high because you yourself didn't develop it or anything. but it cannot be denied that you played a huge part in it . I'm a God of reincarnation who gives a chance to souls with higher karma points like you to reincarnate in a different world with your memories. you also have some extra points for a small wish too . so choose the world and wish wisely . ah.. ye yes, the anime worlds are real too but your points are not high enough for the ones that are more different from the earth where you lived before .

Ken- sir , can I reincatnate in the world of MAJOR anime .

God- huh ... I see in your records that you loved baseball . yes you can as it is not that much different from the earth in your previous life . ok . let's do this . I give give you a status function that can show your body stats and various skills whenever you request in your mind for free .this is because you will have some extra karma points if you choose this world.

Ken- ok . thank you sir .. I really appreciate your kindness. yes I will choose MAJOR world to reincarnate . as for my wish , I just wish for a body that will never get sick and injuries can heal really fast . let's see , if I fracture my hand, then it will heal after a night etc . I will appreciate if my wish can come true .

God- hmm.. it's fine. this wish can do . ok now , for one last time are you sure about your choices . you see , the timeline will be random too and I cant do anything about it if you don't use your wish for it .

after hearing that , I hesitated for a while as I really wanted to meet the main characters from anime . but after a lot of thinking, I decided that my wish for a good body was more important.

God- ok , now dear Ken. I will now send you on your way . dont worry , you will be born all over again from a baby but the location will be random . just have a fun life this time playing the game .

Ken- thank you sir .

after that God told me to enter in a circle . I entered it and waved at him and then everything went blank again .

when I woke up again , I found that I was a newborn baby as I was crying like it . after crying for a while I got tired and went to sleep thinking about the excitement for future .

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