
New Level"er

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What is New Level"er

Lee la novela New Level"er escrita por el autor GodkingYukkifox publicada en WebNovel. Yuuki who went by an in-game alias 'Yukkifox' finds herself in a strange place after the night her game's new update came. Later she finds that the world was like a game and as a gamer unconcerned abo...


Yuuki who went by an in-game alias 'Yukkifox' finds herself in a strange place after the night her game's new update came. Later she finds that the world was like a game and as a gamer unconcerned about life she plays the new game of life.

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Castles and the Beasts that live in them.

Touching the tender skin of her thighs thus making her squirm, Arthur lifted his eyes up to her and suddenly asked, “Are you a virgin?” Winifred's thighs shook at the intimacy of his question, she was so shocked to be asked such a thing right in the middle of such intimacy going on between them. At the expanse of his broad chest that was filling up her entire vision, she said “What?” “Your virginity. Do you still have it?” Arthur asked again without a hitch in his breath. Winifred felt she should push him away. She felt like she had to put an end the confusing situation. She needed to set the boundaries between them and not give in to whatever game it was that he was playing. It wasn't supposed to be that hard, all she wanted was to be away from him, his kingdom, the so called beasts, this world. All she wanted was to be away from the 1700s she was in and back in the 2022 she was supposed to be in. She didn't want to feel this way; heavy, panting and all that, so lazy yet so awake and throbbing. But her mouth opened up and she found herself answering his question instead. “No," she said, without missing a beat even though it was a lie. She was lying because she didn't want to make him think he had something to take from her, if what they were thought in history classes was true then it meant that these people prioritized virginity in girls and women. So maybe, saying she was not one would make Arthur reduce whatever hold he had on her, maybe he would start to see her in a different light and just decide to let her go. But then, his thumb moved in circles, hot and rough against her soft skin, as he says, “You’re lying.” _______________ Meet Winifred. A spoilt brat whose life has always been full of ease until things suddenly changed in a span of hours, she found out that she wasn't her father's daughter, fainted and then woke up only to find out that she wasn’t in the time zone she knew anymore, worst was she went way back in time when things were done in the traditional way and the law was especially unfavorable to women. A time when superstitions as she called them was the height of the day and the people believed in some beasts. And even before she could settle or understand what was happening to her, things she never imagined started to happen to her. Meet Arthur. He's known as the icy prince. He hates humans, he hates slave auctions but then he found himself buying one to please his father. What he didn't know was that he had bought one that had come from the future, one that didn't understand what submission or obedience was. And in the course of their back and forth, things started to happen. Things that are forbidden and would never be accepted in their world.

theauthormary · Fantasía
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82 Chs

You can run but.....

I was in the dressing room and the hairstyles was doing my hair. I looked to the side and my sister was screaming over some ribbons and hairpins which made me chuckle. She is like this. Always goes crazy when things are not according to her and I use to fix the things for her. Just thinking about how things use to and now they will change made me little sad. She tuned and froze in her place,"oh my god.....OH MY GOD YOU ARE LOOKING SO PRETTY!" "Ohh thankyou but you don't have to scream for that " "I mean really ", she said in excitement "You are done miss", hairstylist said. "Thankyou ma'am", I replied and she nod in acknowledgement. I stand in front of mirror and I saw myself in front of mirror and I was never never so pretty before. "This weeding dress really look nice on you" I smiled and replied,"thankyou Mia" Mia is my cousin sister which is older then me and is happily married. She is the one who is handling my anxiety and calming me. Mom entered the room and when she saw me there were tears in her eyes and just seeing this I got emotional too but I controlled myself as I can't ruin my makeup. '' Oh my baby, you are looking so pretty, your dad will be really happy after seeing you", I nod in acknowledgement. "Is Arwen ready?", Dad came inside and when I saw me he smiled. "Come my princess it's time to go" Finally the time has come. I came down aisle with my dad. I look up through my lashes and my soon to be husband was waiting for me patiently. John is very humble and polite person and handsom too. He never fails to impress me whenever we met. He loves me and I love him. My father gave my hand in his "Please take care of my princess", dad said. "Sure I will", John replied to my dad. We both stand infront of prist and ceremony began. It felt like dream, everything looks like dream and yes I am ready to start my new life, new chapter and so happy that I got to marry the person I love. The priest looked at John and,"Now Mr.John I would like t--" Suddenly the sound of clap came from back. *CLAP CLAP* Both me and John and everyone tuned back to see and the last person I wanted to see was there. TORA All the pain, suffering flash in front of my eyes. I was confused to see why he is here and why now? He came to halt infront of steps. "You are looking beautiful Mon Amour(My love)" But I just ignore it and looked at my dad like why he is here? And my dad was same confused like me but more angry seeing him. Dad stand from his seat and asked,"Why are you here?", In dangerous voice. Tora tuned to my dad,"For the weeding" "But I didn't invite you and you are not invited" "Really?!" "But how it can possible", he was looked straight in my eyes,"that I am not invited in my own weeding" What! What he is saying. "What the hell are you saying?" He tuned to my dad,"That I am the one who will be going to marry your daughter" What! I was shocked. "What are you saying I am her groom. I am the one who is going to marry her", John said. He gave dirty look to John,"You were going to before but now I am the one who is going to marry her" "She is mine" ______________________

sophina · Ciudad
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1 Chs


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Revela spoiler


The story is nice. U forgot a rdm atk skill in the 1st chap. Awesome just the updates are slow ? Or is it dropped .............................................................................................................................................................


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