
New Era: Earth Transformation

Earth! Was Once a peaceful planet for human. But Now It's Full of Monster and Dungeon. Evil and chaos were everywhere, But when there is Darkness, There will be lightness Too. Our Hero. A Low Rank Warrior, Who is Living his life and just want to have peaceful family. Was Abandoned by his loved one. His wife Left Him for Other Guy. His Father left him and his brother to live alone. One day he was was searching is old things and something happened which change his life ....

Rex_shed · Juegos
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Year 2125, Dec 21 .

Christmas is near and I am starting to clean my house.

My name is RET, and I am low rank adventure in the Adventure Guild.

My Rank is Bronze 5, just a stage down from silver.

Still it's not like I am some big shot.

I only go to guild to take quest for my brother studies and for our daily meals supplies money.

I Used to have a Wife But She left me for we were poor, And she found a more good-looking and good rank Human to lich off.

Although it's pain me to see the girl I love leave me.

But I thought it was better for me and my brother.

As She used to have too much demands and even said that I should leave my brother for his own to live.

That's not the kind of Thing you wanna hear from someone.

Well, Now us two brothers life is going easy and smooth for now.

Without any problem for food, Clothes and shelter.

But we are still poor.

As we don't even have Net connection for us to used in this high tech generation.

We have to steal our neighbors Wi-Fi secretly with them knowing.

We don't even have Phones In this generation, When everything happens in phone of this generation.

Too Buy a Phone I have to save money for atleast 9 months but that not possible.

As my rank is low and I am unable to get high pay quest plus I accept pay my brother Studies fee.

Well never mind that all.

Today I am cleaning my house Storeroom. which store some antics or old era.

Which my Grandpa used to say they are our ancestors. Who is known as God.

Which I am unable to believe, Cause who will believe that.

But still sometime it's feel more like SOme novel store.

Cause Grandpa used to say that out ancestors was God of not only one world or two.

But God of Highest Kind.

Now..... Do God's even have rank system.?

Whatever, As I was arranging the things in order.

I found Found this Old BlackBox.

Which brings back memories.

When. grandpa was alive he used to say " Only the chosen one from our ancestors God can open this box. And if someone tries to force it open then only dead awaits them " .

Which was little corny but still fun to hear as a child.

I never tried to open the box.

as grandpa warns me to not untill I am adult.

But I forgot about it.

As after his dead. No one ever mentioned about it again in the house.

But Today, I will try to open it.

" Yoshi! Here we go! 1! 2! 3!!"

After a swipe.

the box opened it's upper lid.

I was Shock but still anticipate that. as how can the story can be true.

And when I look in the box I found a....