In a fantasy world of magic, Oliver finds himself entangled in a web of fate that he cannot easily escape. The story revolves around the complicated relationship between Oliver his wife Sigrid and Jerome, childhood enemies turned team members, as they navigate a treacherous mission with life-altering consequences. Oliver, a compassionate and gentle soul, has always been at odds with Jerome, a brash and domineering character from the formidable Bigge family. Forced into cooperation due to a mission gone awry, they are bound by a shared goal: to uncover the mysterious plot that threatens their guild. Amid the perilous circumstances, Oliver's beloved wife, Sigrid, stands by their side as this team gets cursed by a mysterious power which will bring them both pleasure, pain and POWER. Warning: Cuckolding, Netorare, Blackmail, Netorase, Humiliation, BDSM and much more later on