
Book 1 chapter 2

10 years passed since Luna left her universe.

She has been drifting through deep space, waiting to fall upon some far flung rock or planet.

[Earth, Philadelphia. Random warehouse]

???: Where is this asshole?

???: It's too dark. I can't see!!

Hunter: Good, means this'll hurt more.

Hunter leaps from the shadows and incompacitates the 2 thugs.

Owl(comms): Good job. Drugs should be in the next room.

Hunter: Notify the police. I'll be gone before they arrive.

Owl(comms): Can do. Oh, and Captain Ramsey asked for you.

Hunter walks into the next room.

Hunter: Of course he did.

Owl(comms): Should've known he'd be up your ass after that Santini job.

Hunter: That wasn't my fault, if...

Hunter hears walking from the front room.

2 men in black army gear walk into the room along with a man with a mask that has a smile on it and a suit.

Man in hat : Collect the weapons.

Hunter: Weapons? owl scan the area for weapons and anything with a charge.

Owl(comms): on...

Hunter: Owl? hello?

Man in hat: I know you're here. My guys outside shot down your little drone. Come out, and you won't get hurt.

Hunter casts density shifting spell.

Hunter: 3d shift.

Hunter shifts from the third dimension to the fourth.

Man in hat: His scent is gone. Strange.

But I know you are still here.

Hunter walks past the man in the hat and climbs the scaffolding, getting to the second floor.

Man in the hat casts an all sight spell.

Man in the hat: All seeing eyes...

Man in the hat looks around the warehouse and spots hunter running along the second floor.

Man in hat: There you are.

The man in hat jumps to the second floor and kicks Hunter in the chest, bringing him back to the 3d.

Hunter is flung back.

Hunter: How?

Man in hat: Don't worry. Blood first. Questions later.






The NSPB is a board that consists of 9 members.

These members are decendants of the founders of the NSPB.

NSPB was founded just before the crusades ended. Beginning with King Arthur Pendragon and the knights of the round table. Currently run by Jameson Pendragon and decendants of the knights.

Their job is to immobilize and detain "Metas."

Hunter: Shit.

Hunter pulls out a grapple gun and tries to zip line away.

The man in hat catches Hunter and slams him to the ground.

Man in hat: Where do you think you're going?

Owl(comms): INCOMING!!!!

Owl crashes the drone through the window and hits man in hat. The drone explodes, sending man in hat across the warehouse.

Hunter: Thanks, Owl.

Owl(comms): You're very welcome. Now GO!

Hunter grapples through a window and to the roof.

Hunter spots something in the sky.

Hunter: Owl, you got any birds in the sky?

Owl(comms): No, why?

Hunter: There's something falling from the sky. Looks like a meteor.

The object flies by Hunter.

Hunter: WOAH!

The object lands near love park.

Hunter: Huh? It's near Love Park. I'll check it out.

Hunter leaves for Love Park.

[Love Park]

Helicopters and police vehicles surround the object.

Civilians start to crowd the area.

Hunter arrives at Love Park.