
NEON district chapter 1

I walked along the rainy streets, my suit soaking from the rain as thunder rumbled.it was going to be one of Those Days. I hated them. It was a task to get to work on a normal day but as rainy as it was it was gonna be impossible. I shook myself out of my thoughts as I passed by the plaza square into an area I ducked into the gun store to my right before ducking out again and going to the left before taking the stairs up to the other plaza and walking calmly into the biotech industries check-in area and nodding to the guard on duty and pushing the door open. I walked to the scanning chamber in front of me before sliding it in and showing my clearance to the other guy as I was scanned and allowed access to the office proper. I took out my work pad and hazmat suit before settling down on my desk and sliding over to my computer and logging in noting that I needed to do my daily check-up before putting my suit in and entering the area. Did I walk over to X 

"you okay?"

"Yeah, Just some bad memories."

You wanna talk about it? 

"No not right now" she replied. 

"Whenever you are ready, okay?"

 She just nodded before curling up on the floor. I walk over to R 

"how are you?" 

"Good. you?" He rasped. 

"Fine thanks" I replied. I rolled my eyes mentally. I walked over to Z how are you. "Good, I guess" Z replied instantly.

 "what's bothering you. Nothing much, look it's just I don't want to bother you but I am afraid" Z said. "Of what?"

I asked. it's nothing just something silly Z said. I nodded before checking on E. 

"How are you holding up?"

"Good, it's been a rough bit adjusting but I'm fine." 

"It always is", I said, my eyes narrowing but a smile was on my face. I went back outside and got to work recording what had happened.subject x has trouble sleeping will stay overnight for observation. I typed into the Computer. Subject R appears normal and subject E appears to be settling in. Subjects X and Z also appear to have troubled pasts. Will stay overnight for Both.I checked on my progress for access for food intake data up the chain It had been denied by the higher-ups. 

"This is gonna be a long day" I muttered before settling down for a long wait. I went in for the evening check a couple of hours later. 

"X, how are you holding up?"

"Better thanks"x replied.

"R what's up?"

 "Same as last time" he rasped. "Z how are you feeling?"

"Fine Z" said smiled.

"E you okay?" "Still having a hard time but doing better." 

"That's all I need to hear,'' I said clasping my hands around both of them before heading over to R "hello". 

"I'm good thanks," he muttered instantly. 

"Yeah, right I snorted what's bothering you." 

"Nothing," R replied. 

"Tell me," I said. 

"I said nothing" R hissed. 

"Fine" I muttered, backing up and going back out.I reached my desk and pulled out the pad and my phone. An unknown number with the following message the boss needs you at the undercity tonight.I frowned and walked over to my boss's desk. "sir the subject's need to be monitored and I have to be somewhere tonight."

He nodded "I will get an intern to do it." he said calmly "They aren't worth much any way" he grumbled under his breath just loud enough for me to hear it. I went back to my desk and packed my stuff, my hand resting on the pistol under my jacket.I walked out and into the rain before heading down and going back the way I came making sure I wasn't followed before going to a closed parking garage and going beside it and removing the manhole cover and sliding down the ladder with practiced ease. I walked over to the staircase  before crossing the walkway to the makeshift medical facility and sitting down on a chair as shadow popped in his arm in a sling. I raised an eyebrow. "What happened to you?" 

"thought it was a good idea to brawl with some watch" 

I rolled my eyes "y'know shad you shouldn't go looking for trouble." 

"I know I just can't help it," he replied. I sighed 

"what did you want to talk about?" "The experiments."

He replied Swifty "what about them?"

"they don't belong in test tubes and containment areas" 

"but that's just the problem" I hissed "they can't be let out legally they belong to biotech witch creates a legal problem I'll be frank shadow there is no way we can get them out legally and if we could it would be a logistical nightmare" 

"what about illegally." 

"Shadow not again" 

"it's simple we break the glass and the other doors holding them in and grab them and get out" shadow replied. I grabbed my bag and stood up, walked across the catwalk and down back into the undercity apartments and got climbed the ladder carefully closing the manhole cover before heading towards the Bar and quickly taking a left at the entrance before heading into my apartments across the street nodding at the various passerbers with their umbrellas before entering the place and changing into my bed clothes before heading into bed as the lights turned off and thermostat set to a comfortable temperature as sleepy music played from the wall.nothing but the best for their only psychologist i chuckled darkly before closing my eyes and going to sleep.