
The world outside of the mines (part 1)

After leaving the mine I look at the sky, the sky was red with black clouds, that is something beautiful, some guards are staying in their post, the total of 10 guards, all guards are low-grade guards, they're ant before me now, one of the guards look at me and say:

―Slave, What are you doing out here?

I look at the guard and answer him:

― I'm came here to make everyone suffer and have some fun, I'm going to take some parts of your body, don't worry, Bahahaha.

The guard look at me and thought, this slave hit the head, maybe he was torturing a lot and start have some mental problems. The guard start to laugh and say:

―Slave what you're talking about, you're going to massacre us. Bahahaha. This is fun. Maybe you need some help for remember your place.

The guard said this and come close to me and his right hand strike my face, the some thing happen again, the guard's hand was broken and his start to screaming because of the pain, the other guards hearing the scream of the guard look at the scene and find some surprise the guard's hand was broken and the face of the slave was without the skin but the meat and muscles was intact, they see something more in that slave, a terrified smile at the face of the slave, that smile make the guard without reaction, it's like they're look at madman.

After the guard hit my face, I start to smile and see the reaction of the other guars, a few seconds later I kick the balls of that guard who hit me, his scream more, the pain he feel now was bigger than never, this sensation was incredible, the sensation of pain, yes, that sensation I feel for more years, but see the guards who made me suffer was incredible, with my left hand a take off the guard right ear, the guard scream again and fall on the floor, soon the other guards react too, the rest of guard start to use the whip to strike me, all the guard start to strike me, my skin start to fall in the floor, but no blood fallen down, after a few minutes the guards stop and look at me and they thought, how this is possible all of us are strike him for few minutes but there is no blood, his skin was destroy, but this slave stand there like this is nothing.

After the guards strike me a few minutes a feel my essence of power increase now my essence of power is 900, after a few hits my essence of power increase quickly, this is incredible, but now is my time let's make some exercising. I start to walk and start to laugh, I come close of the first guard, this is the guard who have hit me, I look at him and with my right leg I strike hard his head, that head start to fly in direction of one guard, that head have hit the chest of another guard , this is really interesting, I've kill two birds with one stone, the head of the guard was destroy and the bones of the other guard start to break, that sound of pain and despair was music for my ears, the other guards start to fall in panic, then I don't miss this opportunity and advance, I start to hit the next guard, the guard try to defend himself but the difference between us is like the heaven and the earth, his bones start to break and his arms now don't have utility, I continue to strike the guard in front of me, with my right leg, I kick his ribs, the sound of the ribs break was listened to by the others guards, but my leg don't stop and my leg crossed his body, my leg was like a sword or a blade, and the guard was divide in two by me, the other guards now have see there is no hope in fight against me, some guards start to run away, but I was faster than they, I start to break the legs of the guards, after break all the legs of all the guards I say:

―Trash, I need information and you're going to answer all my quests, if you try to trick me, or try to buy time for the other guards coming, I'll make you suffer. You understand, right.

The guard was in shock and he waved with the head. This make the things simple. Then I ask:

― Where is the Asura river?

The guard say:

― The Asura river a few minutes of here, you just need to go to the south.

This make the things simple, now I can heal myself and get hell out here. But I need some more information, so I continue with my quests:

― Where can I find some clothes?

The guard say:

― I don't know, the clothes were a present of the main family, after I became a guard some mid-grade guard give the clothes and say this is the merit a gain.

After listening his answer, I became disappoint, now I need some clothes and the direction of the city, but this low-grade guard don't possess knowledge about this thing, then I say to him:

― You really disappoint me, maybe you need some stimulation for tell the true.

Then with one of my fingers I start to make some holes in his body and the guard start to scream again, he continues talk the same thing during sometime, then the guard have an idea, he thinks maybe a high-grade guard, or a mid-grade can defeat me, so he says:

― OK, I'll talk, please stop. There a house in the north of here, you can find some clothes there.

After listen the guard I became surprise, this trash is trying to deceive me, but this is interesting, maybe in that house I can find my answers. Then I start to walk in the direction of the Asura river, after a few minutes a found the river and I see some guards and a slave the slave was throw at the river, the slave start to scream because the pain and the guard start to laugh like always, then I decide do approach quietly and my luck was really good, the guards and with my hands I cut off their heads, but I need to be quickly and catch their head, because if their heads enter in the Asura river the healing process is going to start, I catch the heads and put then put the heads on the floor the guards was surprise they'll say something but I start to take off their tongue with my hands then I take their eyes too, after this I start to enter in the river, the pain start again and the healing process start too, my essence of power start to increase again 900…800, after cultivate some more essences of power the speed of my cultivate have decreased. My skin now was restored, and I start to leave the river the slave who was in the river still outside, his is looking at the heads of the guards, then I look at him and say:

― Don't you dare to say anything.

The slave looks at me and waved with his head. But I don't trust in anyone not anymore, after Grann betrayed me, then with my hand a broke the legs of the slave and his arms than I take off his tongue and eyes, because of this my skin was dandified again, then I enter in the river again, the healing process start again, my essence of power increase more 900…890, after this I leave the river and take the clothes of one of the guards and I dress up, after dress up I start to walk back to the location of the mine. A few minutes I found the guards again. One of the guards say:

―Help, please help us. A slave is trying to escape.

Then I ask:

― Where is the slave?

The guard respond:

―He is in the Asura river.

Then I say:

―This is impossible, I came back from the Asura river now.

So, the guard say:

―Maybe he is in the high-grade house. That idiot is trying to find some clothes, so I say to him the location of the house, in that place really have some nice clothes but one high-grade is living there. That idiot is going to catch quickly now.

After hear everything the guard have said I start to laugh, and I take off the helmet, the guard look at me and start to shake in panic, after seeing the person in front of him was that slave and no his comrade. So, I start to talk:

―Impressive, you're an idiot, now I'm going to teach a lesson for you never forget.

So, I start to dismember him and then I start to do the same thing with the other guards. After I finish this process I start to walk in the direction of the high-grade house, I need clothes and maybe the high-grade guard have the information I need.

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