
Asura realm- the beginning of hell

My name is N. I was born in Asura Realm, the Asura Realm possess 3 city, the Hell City, the Devil City, Bloodstorm City. I was born in Hell City, and I born was a slave, my parents were sold after I was born, because the they don't have power, the essence of their power is weak so the are nothing. After 2 year I decided the essence of my power, I want to be free and don't want be a slave so i decided build my power based in possess, I start with my will, my essence of power is: "no one can take what is my, because just i have the authority to decided", so I decided to start with my will. The essence of power obeying set laws: 1- the more simple is the power, the fastest he can cultivate;2- If you choose strengthen your power after you have 0 of essence, the power will be doubled when you cultivate again;3-If you decided choose another essence of power after you get to 0 of essence, you first essence of power can stay with you, and you can start cultivate the other essence;4- You can create your essence of power think about what you want to became or what you want to have most in this world.

The Hell City possess more than 10000 families, and I was a slave in Darkstone family, the Darkstone have a strong background, the Darkstone family possess one expert of 5 essence of power, this expert is called Zircon Yuuto, their business are trade weapons, cereals, maps, and stones of essence. The Darkstone family possess 1 of 200 mines of stone of essence, the mines are divide in 3 grades the low-grade, the mid-grade and the high-grade, the Darkstone have 1 high-grade mine, they possess to 200 mid-grade mine and 1000 low-grade mine. The Darkstone need a lot of people to mine, but the main family have their pride so they use slaves to mine, the miners are slaves like me. After the age of two, all slaves have to work or the going to have a serious punishment, some times the punishment are cut of a member of your body then they throw you in the Asura river( the Asura pound is a place where can heal everything but in exchange you feel a pain out of ordinary, a pain that makes you want to be dead), sometimes the electrocute you, but because Asura Realm law no one can die, and this became a eternal circle. The Darkstone family make test in all the slaves to see how much strong they've became, some slaves have potencial and after they start with 1000 of essence if they can cultivate to 950 essence their are remove of low-grade mines and are replace in mid-grade mines and they receive 10 low-grade of stone of essence for them cultivate, this test are made every year, the slaves in mid-grade mines who have cultivate their essence to 950 to 850 are replace in high-grade mines and they receive now 50 mid-grade of stone of essence, if someone can cultivate to 1000 to 850 in the low-grade mines, they receive a special treatment and because low-level of guards, some of them became guards in other mines and they receive 100 mid-grade of stone of essence, if someone in mid-grade mine cultivate their essence above 750 they replace to high-grade and they became mid-grade guards in the mines, if someone in high-grade mine cultivate their essence above 650 that slave became a chief in mines and receive 200 mid-grade of stone of essence

I'm working in one of low-grade mines, this mine is dark and scared but I don't have choice if I don't work I gonna recived the punishment and I will not receive food, I work 20 hour per day, the rest 4 hour in the day the slaves can eat and sleep. Because of my power I don't need meditate for cultivate I just need to focus my will. In this moment I have 1000 of essence of power, some people of main family like to torture the slaves, the orphans is the most affect in the group, because no one care about them neither the others slaves, Zircon Ray is one of people who like torture the slaves and he is come torture me every day sometimes I get beaten so much that I can not work the other day, because I can't work in another day I receive the punishment. After 1 year, I'm working without know my will start to grow up and my essence became 0, and my will have became something extraordinary but i don't want another power so I decided to restart cultivate my will again, my essence os power became 1000 again, tomorrow the test of power in slaves will be perform.

I woke up and go to make the test. The test are realized in diferentes parts according to the grade of the mine, my test will be realized in low-level square, the person in charge of the test was Zircon Izuna, she's possess a power of 800 essence. She start to talk:

― Hurry up slaves and get in line.

All the slaves start to form a line to make a test, to measure the essence are used a level-stone, the level stone show how much of essence the person possess, like every year the old slaves are the first to make the test, the first person to put the hand in the stone is the old-han, the old-han have 600 years and he don't possess talent, the level-stone show how much old-han possess of essence, the number show up is : 991, like always old-han is treat like trash and Zircon Izuna make the guards taked old-han back to the mines, so the next slave came to the stage, and he essence is: 988, so he send back to the mines, the time had passed and all the old slaves have make the test and like always no one have made a single advance, now is the time of the mid-ages make the test.

The person who was in the stage now have name like mine he called G, G have 250 years when G touch the level-stone a incredible number show up: 920 . When Zircon Izuna see the number in the stone she said to the guards replace the slave G and he receive 10 low-grade stone of essence, so the next person in going to stage, that person is called Shinshin, she is a girl and have a age of 150 years, so the girl put her hand in the stone and the essence show up is: 949 , so the girl was take to the mid-grade mines and receive 10 low-level stones. The time passed quick and soon is my time, and a enter in the stage e put my hand in the level-stone the number show up: 1000, Zircon Izuna look at me and said:

―Trash slave take him to the mines again and given him punishment, trash you don't make any advance. Take this Trash to lighting-chamber to be punishment for 4 hours every days after he finish his work in the mines, this punishment have a duration of 1 month.

When a heard what that bitch have said my heart became dark and the hate became strong, I thought one day I shall destroy every one of you and make you fall in despair like me.

The guards take me to the mines and I started to work, the more I hit the walls of the mines with the pickaxe, the more my hatred and will grew together, my essence of power became strong again, my essence evolved to 1000 to 990 and still grow 989, 988, 987...900.....800.....700...600.....500....400.

The time passed in the guards come and take me to the lighting-chamber, the lighting-chamber is a place where the thunder and lightning strock the slaves causing the extreme pain, the guards threw me there and starting laugh, and the chamber is close the thunder and lighting start to descend in my skin and the suffering start and my essence of power start grow again 400, 399, 398...300.....250.....200...150....100....50....10....0, so when my essence became 0 again I decide to the same thing I do last time, I start to cultivate my will again, my essence became 1000 again and everything start again, but this time I can feel my will have became strong, if a slave tries to command me he will not succeed because my will surpasses his orders and my will is greater than his. After 4 hour in the lighting-chamber the guards come to take me out, the take to the Asura river, they threw me into the river and I started screaming because of the pain, but my will became strong again, the more pain I felt, the stronger I became, my essence became stronger, went from 1000 to 500, the guards picked me up and took me to the mines.

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