
Allow Me to Tell You Some Unfortunate News…

Editor: vb24

After the group finished chatting, Seiji checked his email but didn't see any new emails from Editor Yoshizawa.

'Maybe it'll arrive tomorrow.'

At this moment, he received a message from Yukari. It was a drawing.

When Seiji downloaded and opened the picture, he saw a beautiful girl wearing a pretty one-piece dress. She was trying to hold back her silky brown hair, which was blowing in the breeze. The girl's light blue eyes were gazing into the distance, and her red lips were arced upwards in an alluring smile. The wind blew her dress upwards, revealing a mesmerizing absolute territory that accentuated her seductive charm.

"How is it? I just finished drawing it! Although it's not very detailed yet, I think it's quite good already. If I spend some more time polishing up the details and adding some background scenery, it'll be a great drawing!" Yukari said in her message.

"It's quite good indeed… is this going to be the male main character?"