
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

Immortal1 · Fantasía
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: The Skeleton Warrior Coming Out Of The Garbage Dump

Suddenly a classmate shouted, "Look, there's movement in the dark clouds!"

Everyone looked up.

A small fire rose from the dark clouds.

The flames floated in the air, rising and falling.

There seemed to be something else besides the firelight.

Moreover, there was a rattling, rubbing sound coming from the dark clouds that made people's teeth ache.

Finally, a sharp-eyed classmate saw clearly what was in the dark cloud and was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

"It's skeletons, everything in those dark clouds is skeletons!"

With his shout, the picture in the clouds was fully revealed.

Thousands of skeletons were densely packed, and the flames were clearly soul fires burning in their skulls.

The skeletons glowed with a pale white light, ferocious and terrifying.

Although they knew this was just a vision, many students still backed away in fright.

One of the soul fires fell from the sky and landed on Lin Moyu.

Then all the visions disappeared instantly, and everything returned to normal.

[Unique Hidden Occupation: Necromancer]

Not a rare job.

Instead, a hidden occupation.

And it was the only one of its kind.

This meant there was only one such profession in the world.

Unless Lin Moyu died, there wouldn't be a second identical job.

Hidden jobs were rarer than rare jobs, even rarer than legendary jobs.

It was unclear whether it was powerful or not, but it was certainly unique.

Lin Moyu's necromancer was the only one in the world.

"Lin Moyu is so powerful, he's become a hidden profession - the only one!"

"How could the boy's luck be so good? Could the magic circle have made a mistake?"

"Hidden occupations aren't necessarily powerful. There have been many hidden occupations in history that weren't very impressive."

"Yes, the rarity of hidden occupations doesn't mean they're strong."

"But that vision just now was so scary, and his job is necromancer, so does he have to deal with the dead all the time?"

"He never spoke much in the first place. It's fitting he has to deal with the dead now, no need to talk."

Lin Moyu came down from the magic circle after fully awakening his profession.

He was a little excited about the unique hidden occupation, but his face didn't show it.

Emotions and anger were not visible, just shock and excitement in his heart - no need to display it outwardly.

"Wait a minute." As he passed by Zhang Qian, the formation master suddenly stopped him.

Lin Moyu turned around and saluted Zhang Qian, "What is your instruction, senior?"

It wasn't that he couldn't speak, just that he spoke very little.

But he would not lack proper etiquette.

Zhang Qian asked, "Your occupation is a hidden one that I've never seen before. Would you like to demonstrate a skill?"

Faced with Zhang Qian's request, Lin Moyu did not refuse.

"Senior, please wait a moment."

Having just changed jobs, he was not fully familiar with his new abilities yet.

He checked his status properties.

[Name: Lin Moyu]

[Occupation: Necromancer (unique)]

[Level: 1 (0.00%)]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Spirit: 20]

[Physique: 10]

[Equipment: None]

[Summon Space: 0/10]

[Skills: Soul Flame (Level 1), Summon Skeleton Warrior (Level 1)]

[Soul Flame (Level 1): Burns the target's soul, causing burning damage. The power depends on one's own spirit power and skill level.]

[Summon Skeleton Warrior (Level 1): Summon a black iron-level skeleton warrior (skeletons can be divided into black iron, bronze, silver, gold, diamond, legendary, and god-level).]

In terms of attributes, his spirit power was better than the other two.

This also represented the necromancer's positioning as a mage-type profession.

The soul flame skill illustrated this point.

But the summoning skeleton warrior skill was somewhat similar to a summoner profession.

Soul flames were definitely not suitable for display, so Lin Moyu chose to summon a skeleton warrior.

When the skill activated, a black vortex appeared around Lin Moyu.

Then a skeleton warrior burning with soul fire emerged from the vortex.

His spirit dropped from 20 points to 10 instantly, consuming half his power.

The bones of this black iron-level skeleton warrior were all gray.

There were many cracks all over its body, and even the knife in its hand was old and worn, picked up from some junk pile.

Not just the knife, the entire skeleton warrior looked like it came from a garbage dump.

Such a low-level black iron skeleton didn't look very powerful, as if it could fall apart at any moment.

Lin Moyu took this chance to check the skeleton's attributes.

[Black Iron Skeleton Warrior]

[Strength: 15]

[Agility: 15]

[Spirit: 15]

[Physique: 15]

[Skill: None]

The four attributes were quite balanced.

No particular strengths or weaknesses.

Temporarily no skills, only normal attacks.

It wasn't very impressive.

When the skeleton warrior appeared, the students exclaimed in surprise and unconsciously took a few steps back.

People are always afraid of scary things.

There were only a few bold ones who didn't move, like Gao Yang, who instead showed a trace of curiosity.

Zhang Qian's fingertips glowed, and like a gust of wind fell on the skeleton warrior.

There was a red light in the skeleton's eyes as it looked towards Zhang Qian, its soul fire flickering violently.

[Skeleton warrior is attacked, whether to fight back. (If no choice is made within ten seconds, it will automatically counterattack.)]

A message suddenly popped up in Lin Moyu's mind, and he quickly ordered the skeleton not to move.

Zhang Qian said with a smile, "You are very vigilant."

Zhang Qian was a level 52 professional with a high level of detection ability.

Lin Moyu was only level 1, and his summons were actually perceived as hostile by Zhang Qian.

Through his detection technique, Zhang Qian saw the skeleton warrior's ordinary attributes.

After all, Lin Moyu was just level 1 now, so it was hard to gauge the full strength of his profession from these base attributes.

Perhaps the skeleton warrior would become more powerful after leveling up.

Zhang Qian waved his hand, "Thank you, work hard, maybe there will be something special in the future."

Lin Moyu saluted Zhang Qian again.

The skeleton warrior walked behind Lin Moyu, making a clicking sound accompanied by gusts of cold wind, adding a bit of creepiness.

As he went back, many students unconsciously stayed away from him.

Skeletons were just scary.

Gao Yang came over.

"Can I touch it?"

Lin Moyu nodded yes.

Gao Yang boldly reached out and touched the skeleton warrior.

The steel bones felt a little cold to the touch.

The flame on its head had no heat, and the closer he got, the colder it felt.

Gao Yang asked, "Is this skeleton powerful?"

Lin Moyu shook his head, "It should be stronger than you."

"Really? I don't believe it, it looks a bit tattered."

At this time, Lu Yun called Gao Yang's name, and he responded, "I'll go change jobs first, we can talk more later."

Lin Moyu looked at the skeleton and thought silently, "Recycle."

A vortex appeared in front of him again, and the skeleton disappeared into it.

His summoning space attribute bar changed accordingly.

It was originally [Summoning Space: 0/10].

Now it became [Summoning Space: 1/10, Skeleton Warrior (Quantity: 1)]

Lin Moyu carefully checked the introduction of the summoning space.

The summoning space was where summoned beings were housed. Objects not currently needed could be placed there and summoned again when required.

Summoned objects called from the space did not consume spirit power.

In other words, he could summon skeleton warriors normally, then store them in the space, recalling them freely without cost later.

Currently, the space had a 10-slot capacity to accommodate 10 skeletons.

If a summoned being was injured, it could also recover quickly inside the space.

As his level increased, the summoning space capacity would expand too.

Lin Moyu thought back to the vision he saw during the job change.

It was completely different from what others witnessed.

He saw a dragon, an immense dragon.

The dragon soared in the air, screaming in pain from time to time.

In an instant, it fell back to the ground, thrashing wildly.

Lin Moyu saw that the dragon was covered with skeleton warriors, at least thousands of them.

The skeletons waved their sharp blades, continually striking the dragon.

Each blow inflicted ghastly wounds.

No matter how the dragon struggled, it was useless.

There was nothing it could do except scream.

In less than a minute, the giant dragon fell with a mournful cry.

Its luster faded completely.

This scene let Lin Moyu understand the skeleton warriors' true strength.

If he amassed enough of them, even giant dragons could be slaughtered like livestock.

Lin Moyu believed he could reach that level one day, killing dragons effortlessly.

The job transfer circle erupted with brilliant light again.

Gao Yang's transfer was complete.

[Advanced Main Battle Class Occupation: Sword and Shield Knight]

He really became a knight, as Gao Yang had wished.

And not just any knight, but an advanced sword and shield knight profession.

Though both were knights, there was an essential difference between the two.

Hence the "advanced" distinction in Gao Yang's new occupation.

Gao Yang ran back excitedly, "Well, let me just say I can be a knight now!"

Lin Moyu showed a rare smile and gave Gao Yang a thumbs up.

Gao Yang laughed loudly and patted Lin Moyu's shoulder, "We'll go dungeon delving together in the future, and I'll stand in front protecting you."

"How does that line go again, let me think..."

He patted his head, "If you want to get killed, just walk over my corpse."

Lin Moyu was a bit speechless at his friend, and finally said, "You got that saying wrong."

Gao Yang looked surprised, "You're finally willing to speak! I deliberately flipped that phrase, didn't you notice?"

He pretended innocence after being called out.

What is this about deliberately contradicting? That's just contradicting itself. Well, I still refuse to admit it.

What a joke.

Lin Moyu gave Gao Yang a disdainful look.

All the job transfers were finally over.

Lu Yun took them back to the main classroom.

This time, 106 students from No. 1 Middle School had changed jobs, among which Lin Moyu was the sole hidden occupation recipient.

12 transferred to main battle class, 18 to auxiliary class, and the rest to life class.

This ratio was considered good, and Lu Yun was very satisfied.

"Students, the job transfers are complete."

"No matter what profession you've changed to, you must work hard to level up and improve your skill proficiency."

"Starting tomorrow, our city's novice upgrade dungeon will be open to all students."

"Students can enter the dungeon for actual combat training and leveling."

"For those with life-related occupations, the school has arranged a life skills hall where teachers will instruct you in mastering various skills."

"I hope that in the big exam a week later, all students can get good grades and enter the higher education institution of their choice."

The information about the novice upgrade dungeon was basically clear to everyone.

The monsters inside ranged between levels 1 and 8.

Their numbers were low, making the difficulty very manageable - much safer than just exploring the wilds around Xihai.

Of course, one could choose to level in the wild without first visiting the training dungeon.

The risk of death was up to each individual.

When school was over, Xia Xue stopped Lin Moyu.

Gao Yang said with a grin, "Miss Xia, why, have you taken a fancy to our silent prince?"

Xia Xue frowned, "Go away."

"Sheesh!" Gao Yang scoffed casually.